How so? The supremacy clause states that the federal government has authority over state laws. It's quite cut and dry, and precedent is on the side of the feds.

The only leg the Fed has is the Commerce clause and it is shaky to say the least. Was the Fed successful with gun-free school zones in 1990? If not why? Ill give you a hint.....United States v. Lopez to start.
OK, Mr. Tenth amendment, how did counties in california pass puplic nuisance ordinances on cultivation and sales, derp? Make it quick, I'm going to work soon.
it could begin with federal funding being cut off to states who do not prosecute recreational/medical marijuana sellers?

always about the money, got to protect precious pharma dividends.

take a look at your own retirement portfolios, stocks, investments, fidelity? vanguard?...yep, everyone deriving income from these sources will be hard pressed to lose cash on those investments by allowing medical recreational mj. those investors actually support marijuana prohibition even if they dont know/care/admit it. Do you invest in companies or support them by consuming their products? even if they use that money to jail you and your loved ones in the war on drugs? its euuuge man
More smoke from sessions. They only have a until 2018? What do they plan on doin? That article states nothing about taking away recreational, or anything definitive. Just more talk, I'll wait.

Deja vu? Werent they suppose to do something months back?

Let's wait another 4 months for his next speech and no action.

Fuck sessions. Hes all talk when it comes to Cannabis, mark my words.
