its crispy when dry?


Active Member
I was drying my bud at 66F/50% for about 7 days.
Its crispy. I jarred it up. After 3 hours its still crispy.

I also used an auto trimmer and drying rack.

Did I dry to long?
I thought putting back in the jar would make it moist again.

Assuming because its pre trimmed that 7 days was to long.

The stem does not snap. It bends and splits.


Active Member
thanks. Also I squished one really hard and it shaped like where I pressed.
Assuming its got enough moisture?

Also over night with lid on and no mold risk?

Thanks first dry ever.


Well-Known Member
i cure mine for as long as possible opening the jar daily , also know people who do the lettuce trick , (or a tortilla lol) i think it makes the bud loose alot of stank and flavor


Well-Known Member
yea i wouldn't worry about the moisture yet. Leave it in the jar overnite with the lid on and burp the jar in the morning. The bud in the jar should be lightly placed in not packed so air is accessable to all the buds. leave the lid off for an hour or so and then put it back on tight. If you find that you get too much moisture back in the buds you can place the buds in a brown paper bag for a few hours as well. But it sounds like you still have enough moisture in the stems.


Well-Known Member
dont put any lettuce in there, it sounds like you have it at the right dryness. just dont open the jar for 12 hours and then check, if its moist leave it open till it feels dry again, then just open them 2ce a day for a couple weeks. your set!


Active Member
Its all looking great, I have learned what a "Dry flower" is.
A tip I learned is to put anything over dry in a fresh cola jar and let it take in the moisture.

Thanks, it all looks pretty good but as a noob seeing crispy buds at first can be confusing.


Well-Known Member
No, don´t put any lettuce or potato in. Let the moisture that will still be in the stem spread itself around. Cure for 30 days.


Well-Known Member
30 days? that would be ideal but after like 10 that shit is fine. ed rosenthal said the best cure would be over like 6 months but who has time for that? in like 3 or 4 days curing it usually already smells better than most shit out there for sale.

a 30 day cure would make it insanely smooth and tasty though. I started smoking it right when it goes in the cure jar. basically just open it twice a day to get nugs out to smoke. I probably would be more carefull with it if I only had like one plant or something though.


Well-Known Member
Really dry is better than storing it to green no worries you done fine
yeah if your just gonna jar it and leave it. if you put it in with still moisture in the stems and open it a few times every day so it SLOW dries that's what a cure is. really dry is not better than that. really dry is harsh and hits your lungs like TNT.

If you are just gonna jar it and leave it than yeah, but if you want the sticky-icky than you gotta slow dry/cure them or else you just wasted whole season growing mid-grade.

it's already cured though and you are gonna leave them in the jar without opening it for days than you definitely want to jar them up on the really dry side, better to have harsh bud than no bud!