It's My Birthday Soon Mofo's


Well-Known Member
Happy impending birthday. And "Safe and Sane" fireworks are about as exciting as watching a candle burn. The bastards changed Piccolo Petes so that crimping them no longer does anything. For fuck's sake, they've even outlawed the real sparklers we all grew up with. Sparklers! Outlawed!

Welcome to California, where you can pay $55 for the right to legally grow sticky icky in your backyard, but you can and will go to jail for lighting firecrackers.


Active Member
haha happy early birthday, Johnblaze! Looks like there are lots of July-born folks here like myself.


Pickle Queen
WOW lots of birthdays, HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!!!!!!!
Sending u all cyber spanks, open handed, beware of poky fingers!!! lmfao