it's not ready is it??


Active Member
Ok, so I have a gal that's bout 5 weeks into flower, I always thought I was supposed to go by the trichs on the sugar leaves, and now someone who I consider to be an experienced grower tells me that going by the "hairs" on the bud, and that they look cloudy/amber, and that I should be already onto my pics may not be good enough, I'm still learning how to try and use my loupe with my camera to get close ups. First time grower so still confused as hell bout everything.
Do yourself a favor and dont even check it for another 3-4 weeks!! It will continue to grow more resin and larger buds, some strains take more then ten weeks, but most take atleast 8 weeks of flowering time.

By the pics you have, it looks like it will be a nice plant and very potent if you be patient and let it ripen fully.


Active Member
ok thats what I thought! Just wanted to check since this guy grew for years before, and I always thought he was knowledgable....ya it looks good so far for some bag seed...found one and it turned into a fem yayyyy!


Well-Known Member
When the hairs start to look shorter and reddish/ brown, then you can start looking, but let me tell you, checking daily from the time you start seeing the trichs is depressing playing the waiting game.
If you're only at 5 weeks, I agree with Original......... not even worth looking yet.


Active Member
I agree, I wasn't checking until my buddy came over who just wanted to see the set-up (and then said it was only 2 weeks out, and I wanna flush for two), other wise the only reason I look is to make sure theres no deficiancies or toxcities

thanks for the help everyone!


Agree with everyone else so i wont bother with my 2cents worth ;-)

Looking very nice tho man, be happy with that atleast haha


Active Member

not sure if anyones watchin anymore, but heres a pic of the whole plant, and a couple of two of favorite buds....
and is there anyway of rotating your pics in forum screen rather than doing it in photoshop or something?