'It's Not Societies Problem To Take Care Of Other Peoples Children'. -Senator Ron Johnson


did you know that 'field voles' are already socially adapt enough so other female voles will adopt young babies if their mother was killed by a predator.
and why?
it simply helps their population to survive...

wtf is wrong with the heads of some of these humans they dont get to have basic natural instincts..?!?

did you know that 'field voles' are already socially adapt enough so other female voles will adopt young babies if their mother was killed by a predator.
and why?
it simply helps their population to survive...

wtf is wrong with the heads of some of these humans they dont get to have basic natural instincts..?!?

they're from the before and can't handle the after (The Millenium) their batteries will soon die; no longer chargeable will end up on the political pile heap of history.
Says the asshole wiith a net worth at around 40 million dollars, smfh

the silent part has now been said out loud and will be a perfect sound byte for Child Tax Credit and Roe.

these fuckers need to admit that they wish to control everyone who's not a white man.

they even have their own special word that's and theirs alone.

White Man = Subsidies
Everyone Else = Welfare
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