It's over

Bro, you’re naive or doing olympics level mental gymnastics. It’s not “a handful of creepy pictures”, it’s a ten minute long montage of a predator abusing women and girls in front of the world on national tv. He grabs little girls and sniff them, the grabs other guys wives and kisses them on the mouth, you can tell by their reactions that it’s not innocent or wanted. That’s seriously disgusting shit from the party that acts like trump having consensual intercourse with a slut was enough to bar him from office.
All politicians are cunts, regardless of side. No politicians give a rats ass about anyone that doesn’t personally benefit them.
Sure he does troll. How many kids do you think he has taken pictures with?

Never mind, you are a disingenuous troll.

And who is Trump? Oh! Yeah he is one of those ex-POTUS that got impeached twice and has about 30-ish lawsuits against him?

What does he actually matter outside of any new charges that will come out against him and the entertainment of his future trials now that he is no longer POTUS?

I don't really know the situation. I could know if I had indulged myself with the news but trump's been on my news for so long now I zone out from him. To be honest I was surprised when trump was voted in, I knew then he'd be America's worse president. The man was a known moron before he was voted in. So trump out is enough to celebrate for I agree.
You're from the UK right? How much do you know about Cambridge Analytica and Brexit?

Typical secular response, you disagree so you’re a bot, paid troll, etc. Grow up dude.
So which are you?

Im ok with cultist that think they know everything because they doom scrolled youtube and OANN for the last handful of years as long as they are honest about being trolls.
Sure he does troll. How many kids do you think he has taken pictures with?

Never mind, you are a disingenuous troll.

And who is Trump? Oh! Yeah he is one of those ex-POTUS that got impeached twice and has about 30-ish lawsuits against him?

What does he actually matter outside of any new charges that will come out against him and the entertainment of his future trials now that he is no longer POTUS?

You're from the UK right? How much do you know about Cambridge Analytica and Brexit?

So which are you?

Im ok with cultist that think they know everything because they doom scrolled youtube and OANN for the last handful of years as long as they are honest about being trolls.
If he’s in the UK, I’m in Zimbabwe.
Sure he does troll. How many kids do you think he has taken pictures with?

Never mind, you are a disingenuous troll.

And who is Trump? Oh! Yeah he is one of those ex-POTUS that got impeached twice and has about 30-ish lawsuits against him?

What does he actually matter outside of any new charges that will come out against him and the entertainment of his future trials now that he is no longer POTUS?

You're from the UK right? How much do you know about Cambridge Analytica and Brexit?

So which are you?

Im ok with cultist that think they know everything because they doom scrolled youtube and OANN for the last handful of years as long as they are honest about being trolls.
We had a good enough discussion the other day man, don’t slip back into the trap. What I am is a realist, one that’s not party affiliated. In fact, I only changed my registration from democrat a few cycles ago. I realized that no politicians really work for we the people.
FFS, you can’t really think a bot or paid shill would speak against both sides, would they. And a troll wouldn’t drop real knowledge and facts. America is my dog in the fight, and it’s plain being slaughtered in front of us by two political parties hellbent on topping or punishing the other for no other reason than believing something different. America is founded on difference, maybe we should get back to appreciating everyones viewpoints.
We had a good enough discussion the other day man, don’t slip back into the trap. What I am is a realist, one that’s not party affiliated. In fact, I only changed my registration from democrat a few cycles ago. I realized that no politicians really work for we the people.
FFS, you can’t really think a bot or paid shill would speak against both sides, would they. And a troll wouldn’t drop real knowledge and facts. America is my dog in the fight, and it’s plain being slaughtered in front of us by two political parties hellbent on topping or punishing the other for no other reason than believing something different. America is founded on difference, maybe we should get back to appreciating everyones viewpoints.
You sound like one of those Non-patriots who attacked our country?
We had a good enough discussion the other day man, don’t slip back into the trap. What I am is a realist, one that’s not party affiliated. In fact, I only changed my registration from democrat a few cycles ago. I realized that no politicians really work for we the people.
tbh until new accounts get over a couple thousand shit posts they all blend together for me anymore. If you don't get this, stick around, the trolling is endless.

FFS, you can’t really think a bot or paid shill would speak against both sides, would they. And a troll wouldn’t drop real knowledge and facts. America is my dog in the fight, and it’s plain being slaughtered in front of us by two political parties hellbent on topping or punishing the other for no other reason than believing something different. America is founded on difference, maybe we should get back to appreciating everyones viewpoints.
Are you fucking kidding me?


That is basically half the attack that the Russian military has been conducting on our society. Convince people on whatever side they are that 'they' are crazy. Nudge people like yourself so far to one side or anti-'that side' that you don't vote.

You sound like a typical political zealot that baselessly accuses people of shit based on nothing but your own inability to add to any conversation outside an echo chamber.
This is either the type of shit you are trained to respond with or you are cat fishing us. People tend to just go with the latter, because it is very frustrating to have long conversations with people that end up with them just being one of the endless trolls attacking this site.
tbh until new accounts get over a couple thousand shit posts they all blend together for me anymore. If you don't get this, stick around, the trolling is endless.

Are you fucking kidding me?


That is basically half the attack that the Russian military has been conducting on our society. Convince people on whatever side they are that 'they' are crazy. Nudge people like yourself so far to one side or anti-'that side' that you don't vote.

This is either the type of shit you are trained to respond with or you are cat fishing us. People tend to just go with the latter, because it is very frustrating to have long conversations with people that end up with them just being one of the endless trolls attacking this site.
The guy accused me of supporting the incident at the capital, I’ve already posted here that I don’t agree with it. Any catfishing going on was from his direction toward me. I couldn’t give less of a fuck about twitter, Facebook, or really any other social media. I don’t partake in that idiotic distraction. It’s startling how quickly you jump to the “trained response” conclusion. I could definitely make judgements based on your posts too, but a short convo made it apparent you’re a person, misguided as it were, but a person nonetheless. My last sentence was let’s get back to acting like America and appreciating others viewpoints, how the hell did that come off as bot, shill, or troll based. It’s literally screaming for the political stupidity to stop, and for us to get back to being a decent union. All I can say is I tried to have a legit conversation and received nothing but rhetoric and baseless accusations.
The guy accused me of supporting the incident at the capital, I’ve already posted here that I don’t agree with it. Any catfishing going on was from his direction toward me.
If you are getting trolled, ignore the person trolling you. This is the internet, like I have said a couple times now, trolls are endless.

I couldn’t give less of a fuck about twitter, Facebook, or really any other social media. I don’t partake in that idiotic distraction.
Screen Shot 2021-01-20 at 2.27.18 PM.png

Posting in a political section on 'social media'.

It’s startling how quickly you jump to the “trained response” conclusion.
Why, you are the one that is making it. Do you really have such a (false) high sense of self that makes you think you are above this propaganda warfare being conducted on us?

I could definitely make judgements based on your posts too, but a short convo made it apparent you’re a person, misguided as it were, but a person nonetheless. My last sentence was let’s get back to acting like America and appreciating others viewpoints, how the hell did that come off as bot, shill, or troll based. It’s literally screaming for the political stupidity to stop, and for us to get back to being a decent union. All I can say is I tried to have a legit conversation and received nothing but rhetoric and baseless accusations.
'etc' leaves room for a whole lot of other things other than the shit that upsets you man.

Part of 'getting back to being a decent union' is going to include learning about the trolling attack on our nation. Which based on your saying that 'I don't pick a side' would mean you are not one, you don't really understand at all.
We had a good enough discussion the other day man, don’t slip back into the trap. What I am is a realist, one that’s not party affiliated. In fact, I only changed my registration from democrat a few cycles ago. I realized that no politicians really work for we the people.
FFS, you can’t really think a bot or paid shill would speak against both sides, would they. And a troll wouldn’t drop real knowledge and facts. America is my dog in the fight, and it’s plain being slaughtered in front of us by two political parties hellbent on topping or punishing the other for no other reason than believing something different. America is founded on difference, maybe we should get back to appreciating everyones viewpoints.
btw I just looked and now I do remember you. Any chance you talked with your dad with your kids on zoom/whatever ?

Also you never mentioned if they supported Bernie/which candidate.
If you are getting trolled, ignore the person trolling you. This is the internet, like I have said a couple times now, trolls are endless.

View attachment 4802158

Posting in a political section on 'social media'.

Why, you are the one that is making it. Do you really have such a (false) high sense of self that makes you think you are above this propaganda warfare being conducted on us?

'etc' leaves room for a whole lot of other things other than the shit that upsets you man.

Part of 'getting back to being a decent union' is going to include learning about the trolling attack on our nation. Which based on your saying that 'I don't pick a side' would mean you are not one, you don't really understand at all.
In all honesty, you don’t have to be that damn bright to see through the bullshit propaganda, it’s not rocket science. My sense of self, as you say, is based on being raised to think for myself and not to go along with groupthink. The trolling attack pales in comparison to the partisan, identity, and intersectional politics going on right severely limits our ability to combat low key attacks on our sovereignty.
btw I just looked and now I do remember you. Any chance you talked with your dad with your kids on zoom/whatever ?

Also you never mentioned if they supported Bernie/which candidate.
No, the old man doesn’t zoom, he can’t even text. His wife may have felt the bern, that may be the issue. She’s a hard liner from Frisco. He’s showed signs of souring on some of it lately, we actually had a good talk the other day. I feel like I may have gotten through to him.
For some reason your news is our news, no idea why but most of our TV in UK is American. You guy's can't do nothing without us knowing about it :lol:

Our news is everybody's news because the United States of America is the standard that all Democracies across the world look to as the standard for free and fair Democratic elections. We had one and the winner was sworn in today. Joe Biden is the 46th President of the United States of America.

Despite what has been seen across the world and the shenanigans the trump people tied to pull. Our Democracy stood tall and the will of the voters prevailed.

America is still the greatest Democracy in the world. The will of the people prevailed.

Our news will always be your news because the United States of America is and always will be the greatest nation.

That will never change and the attempts by others to destroy our Democracy have failed and will always fail because We Are Americans and We Will Always Prevail.

We have Democracy. But you Brits are #1 with music. :bigjoint:

Our news is everybody's news because the United States of America is the standard that all Democracies across the world look to as the standard for free and fair Democratic elections. We had one and the winner was sworn in today. Joe Biden is the 46th President of the United States of America.

Despite what has been seen across the world and the shenanigans the trump people tied to pull. Our Democracy stood tall and the will of the voters prevailed.

America is still the greatest Democracy in the world. The will of the people prevailed.

Our news will always be your news because the United States of America is and always will be the greatest nation.

That will never change and the attempts by others to destroy our Democracy have failed and will always fail because We Are Americans and We Will Always Prevail.

We have Democracy. But you Brits are #1 with music. :bigjoint:

You do realize the Brits have had democracy much longer than you? That yours is built on theirs?
I never said he wasn’t, shortbus. What I am saying is he, and the last president, are pieces of shit politicians that don’t give a fuck about anyone but themselves. You’re extremely ignorant if you can’t see that.
You're treating politics as religion, and yet I’m magically the loser? I pity your small minded existence.

Lulz at the pussyfooting around. Your world view is that "both sides are bad". Is that right?

Also that we are idiots for thinking things will get better if we vote for one side or the other. Is that right?

I'll simply ignore the past four years where we've seen horrifically bad actions on the part of Trump that were never matched by what Obama did. Maybe you don't think that his orders to separate children from parents at the border when they lawfully applied for asylum was all that bad. Maybe you think he was justified in his actions that led to an attempted bloody coup. I don't know. I'll take as given that Trump, Obama and Biden are all the same bad actors. If true, then what do you propose we should do? What specific actions do you intend? Tell us oh mighty spirit.