It's over

Good. This way if they are charged and they try to slip away they can be grabbed easily.
Trump Extended Secret Service Protection to Family
Former President Donald Trump had directed the Secret Service to continue to protect his four adult children and two of their spouses as he left office.

According to The Washington Post, Trump wanted every family member who had been protected during his term in office to be covered for six more months. Under his directive, security will continue for daughter, Ivanka and her husband, Jared Kushner; son Donald Jr.; son Eric Trump and his wife, Lara; and daughter Tiffany. Protection will also continue for Trump’s grandchildren.

Trump also continued Secret Service protection for six additional months to former Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, former chief of staff Mark Meadows, and former National Security Adviser Robert O’Brien. A president is able to order Secret Service protection for any person he chooses. But the Post noted it is unusual for a departing president to provide security for relatives past their college years.

Federal law mandates Trump, his wife, Melania, and their 14-year-old son, Barron, are entitled to protection. Trump and the former first lady will receive Secret Service protection for the rest of their lives. Barron will receive it until he turns 16.

The law also calls for former Vice President Mike Pence and his wife, Karen, to receive the security for the next six months. A spokesman for Trump and a representative for the Secret Service declined to comment, the Post said. The Secret Service had been instructed to remain professional and nonpartisan in advance of Wednesday’s inauguration. "When carrying out our duties and representing the agency, we are expected to behave in a nonpartisan manner," Secret Service Director James Murray said in an agency-wide memo.
Send Representative James Clyburn a Thank You email because if it wasn't for his endorsement of Joe Biden in South Carolina we likely would be looking at another 4 years of trump. Biden was the only candidate that could defeat trump and without Clyburn's endorsement that kept Biden in the race the Democrats would have nominated a candidate that could never have defeated trump. Sanders would have lost. So Clyburn's endorsement propelled the only viable candidate to the Democratic nomination and the Presidency.
You do realize the Brits have had democracy much longer than you? That yours is built on theirs?
Sure, but we don't allow anyone to call themselves royalty of us.

I am not too sure about being improved. Look what last time got you. The big problem is the primary process, usually a bunch of more diehard voters that tend toward the extremes. So the less normal (why can't we all get along) types get weeded out and polarizing ones get in.
They are in the same boat.

First time they got scammed by the Russian military was with Brexit. Then even after they learned about the attack they still ended up with Boris.

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It sucks our nation's elected officials really abandoned our nations citizens and allies to the attack.

It is very lucky and telling about the strength of our democracy that it took only one election (2016) for us to get it right.

Trump lost the house twice, the senate, and his second chance at the presidency, even with the full power of the Executive branch.
Send Representative James Clyburn a Thank You email because if it wasn't for his endorsement of Joe Biden in South Carolina we likely would be looking at another 4 years of trump. Biden was the only candidate that could defeat trump and without Clyburn's endorsement that kept Biden in the race the Democrats would have nominated a candidate that could never have defeated trump. Sanders would have lost. So Clyburn's endorsement propelled the only viable candidate to the Democratic nomination and the Presidency.
Sanders may still have won the presidency, Trump was that bad.

But he would have not won the senate and house again. That would have been strong wins for the Republicans if Bernie won the nomination.
Sanders may still have won the presidency, Trump was that bad.

But he would have not won the senate and house again. That would have been strong wins for the Republicans if Bernie won the nomination.

I highly doubt that Sanders would have won. It's one thing to profess socialist values in a lily white state like Vermont and become Senator but it's a tougher sell in many other states where people are unemployed and look at the beneficiaries of socialism being immigrants and people of color. But you are correct that Sanders could never have flipped Georgia blue or won Arizona for that matter.

Biden was always the candidate trump didn't want to run against which is why they tried to tarnish the Democratic primary claiming Biden was stealing it from Sanders. They failed, Biden was nominated, and the only goal after that for the Democrats was defeating trump. They all came together and achieved that goal. If Sanders had been the nominee many Democrats would have stayed home or voted for trump. That's how toxic words like socialism can be. The black vote gave Biden wins in many states. Those same voters would not have shown up in the numbers they did if Sanders was running. The black vote was critical in this election and they believed in Biden because Obama selected him as VP.

All that really matters now is that trump and his destruction is gone from the White House.

I don't know about you but when I woke up this morning I felt like I was in a better place than I've been for the last 4 years. America is back. And that's something to be happy about. :peace:
Sanders may still have won the presidency, Trump was that bad.

But he would have not won the senate and house again. That would have been strong wins for the Republicans if Bernie won the nomination.
There was not a better middle of the road candidate in the race There was no way the US was going to elect a small town mayor that swung the other way, not even Harris. Both parties have to learn how to get to the middle if they want to win and move the country forward. The Democrats look like they (the big bad establishment) understand that more. Mind you the Republicans ubderstand that but think they could ride the tiger. That is a dangerous path.
All that really matters now is that trump and his destruction is gone from the White House.

I don't know about you but when I woke up this morning I felt like I was in a better place than I've been for the last 4 years. America is back. And that's something to be happy about. :peace:

I almost did not look at the news, not much bad would come out of the White House as compared to the last four years. But I had to look, wondering how the vanquished side was taking it. Almost feel like sending them a tube of lube.
And just what the hell is wrong with these idiots? They should be celebrating not rioting. It's just fucking stupid the damage these assholes are doing to the City of Portland. trump leaves office in disgrace, Biden is sworn in, and all these morons can do is destroy other people's property. Them and the proud boys need to pack their bags and get the hell out of my city. We're sick of them. Take your shitshow somewhere else.

And just what the hell is wrong with these idiots? They should be celebrating not rioting. It's just fucking stupid the damage these assholes are doing to the City of Portland. trump leaves office in disgrace, Biden is sworn in, and all these morons can do is destroy other people's property. Them and the proud boys need to pack their bags and get the hell out of my city. We're sick of them. Take your shitshow somewhere else.
They don't care about politics, they just want to break stuff.
And just what the hell is wrong with these idiots? They should be celebrating not rioting. It's just fucking stupid the damage these assholes are doing to the City of Portland. trump leaves office in disgrace, Biden is sworn in, and all these morons can do is destroy other people's property. Them and the proud boys need to pack their bags and get the hell out of my city. We're sick of them. Take your shitshow somewhere else.

Fascists still control the Portland Police. It's not just in Portland but we seem to be the only city that is willing to take them on. We can't let them stay in power or the next coup they foment might succeed.