“Ye monsters of the bubbling deep,
Your Maker's praises spout;
Up from the sands ye codlings peep,
And wag your tails about”
― Cotton Mather
i'll give even odds that the word trump will not appear anywhere in the mueller report.
I'll take that bet.
At least his son's are going to be indicted for meeting with a Foreign Agent designed to affect the outcome of an American Presidential Election.
No way out on that one, and all that has to happen now is prove the fact that Donny Boy knew about it.
Ha Ha, he's fucked, I'll bet on that :)
“Ye monsters of the bubbling deep,
Your Maker's praises spout;
Up from the sands ye codlings peep,
And wag your tails about”
― Cotton Mather

Not teasing, done deal.
One way or the other, justice will be served.
I believe in fate, "what you sow, you shall reap"
Actually, that is a fact.
All despots eventfully fail, sometimes they bring Empires down to their feet, other times, the Nations survive their actions.
I think this is one of those times.
We shall see,
Confident as fuck. I can respect that.
Switching back and forth between CNN and MSNBC I'm basking in the glorious meltdown.

Its actually better than election night.

Splodey heads popping off all over the place especially Chris Matthews.

Trump Jr will be indicted by this weekend----- John Brennan on MSNBC.
Confident as fuck. I can respect that.
I'm almost drunk as fuck ( :) ), so that might have a bearing on my logic, but all I know that in my lifetime I have seen criminals, thieves and murderers all eventually pay for their crimes (Well almost all, Kissinger and Cheney are still breathing)
Trump has/had gotten away with shit all his life, but now me thinks his luck has run out.
But, maybe, just maybe, for the greater good of the country, he might get a pass, again.
I mean, will the Congress have the ball's to impeach?
I hope so
Fucking Hang him, I say.

Good movie, makes me think

Switching back and forth between CNN and MSNBC I'm basking in the glorious meltdown.

Its actually better than election night.

Splodey heads popping off all over the place especially Chris Matthews.
Thanks for posting Blaze. I was hoping to have a good laugh at you just this moment. We are mostly here for the laughs. Good laughs that wrack the lungs, teary eyed, have to sit down laughter that only a clown like you can provide.

Don't ever change, Blaze.
Thanks for posting Blaze. I was hoping to have a good laugh at you just this moment. We are mostly here for the laughs. Good laughs that wrack the lungs, teary eyed, have to sit down laughter that only a clown like you can provide.

Don't ever change, Blaze.

Have another good laugh at your Fake Stream media friends!
