Poor Democrats!
You guys lost the house by 10 points just 5 months ago

People hate you

Americans hate you
i've quoted so many FACTS to trumptards that they ignore, i just thought it would be fair to ignore some of their propaganda in return...

Facts to the left? I would love to see them hold water and count how many holes are in it. Who fact checks the lefts fact checkers let alone the lefts media? The left only survives by keeping the masses ignorant of history, economics, current events, warfare and government. The pawns on the left are clueless which is why your side is obsessed with skin color and identity politics. The elites know they have no real policies. Very few on the left know how anything works, they only see part of the scene and think that must be all there is to it and that they too are an expert. Dependent consumers unable to critically think and unable to see beyond the cave walls and the projections that the elites feed you so you can continue to push their narrative and get them the power they lust for.
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Facts to the left? I would love to see them hold water and count how many holes are in it. Who fact checks the lefts fact checkers let alone the lefts media? The left only survives by keeping the masses ignorant of history, economics, current events, warfare and government. The pawns on the left are clueless which is why your side is obsessed with skin color and identity politics. The elites know they have no real policies. Very few on the left know how anything works, they only see part of the scene and think that must be all there is to it and that they too are an expert. Dependent consumers unable to critically think and unable to see beyond the cave walls and the projections that the elites feed you so you can continue to push their narrative and get them the power they lust for.
Says the cult of personality defender LOL
@NaturalFarmer you have to keep in mind that Mueller is a Republican, but first and foremost he's an honorable law man.

Time will tell but judging by team, I wouldn't hold my breath he is a real Republican but certainly someone who wants to protect the integrity of the corrupt FBI. He was leader of the FBI during its most shady time period. Clapper saved him from having to lie under oath about spying on Congress. Again time will tell but he has seemingly turned a blind eye to real corruption and collusion.....wonder why?

Ask Rick Gates, Paul Manafort, George Papadopoulus, Michael Flynn, Richard Pinedo, Alex van der Zwann, Michael Cohen and Roger Stone. I'm sure they'll be able to tell you exactly how many holes AREN'T in it.

Anything to do with collusion to sway the 2016 election? Didn't think so.
Time will tell but judging by team, I wouldn't hold my breath he is a real Republican but certainly someone who wants to protect the integrity of the corrupt FBI. He was leader of the FBI during its most shady time period. Clapper saved him from having to lie under oath about spying on Congress. Again time will tell but he has seemingly turned a blind eye to real corruption and collusion.....wonder why?

Anything to do with collusion to sway the 2016 election? Didn't think so.
The fbi is corrupt.. Not the guy whose gone bankrupt, been sued a billion times, paid off a porn star, lies every single time he opens his mouth.

You tell em natural farmer! Its a witch hunt!
For the last two years: Russia Russia Russia! Mueller will send Trump and family to prison, impeachment, etc. Just wait!
Now: Mueller report is not important, just the beginning, SDNY!

Ha ha ha, so funny. I hope dems double down on all this and go even nuttier, makes for great belly laughs.