What people forget most about the Steele Dossier is that it didn't even begin with him at all. It began with George Papadopolous back in 2016. Here's an excerpt of how it all really got going:

The FBI’s investigation originated with George Papadopoulos, not Christopher Steele
We’ve known since December 2017 that the FBI’s counterintelligence investigation of the Trump campaign began in July 2016 — months before the FBI was even alerted to the existence of the Steele dossier.

The inciting incident, according to Sharon LaFraniere, Mark Mazzetti, and Matt Apuzzo at the New York Times, had to do with WikiLeaks, which published hacked emails from the Democratic National Committee (DNC) in July 2016. Those emails prompted Australia’s top diplomat in Britain to inform his American counterparts about a conversation he had two months earlier with George Papadopoulos, a foreign policy adviser to the Trump campaign.

During a night of heavy drinking in London, Papadopoulos bragged to the Australian about his knowledge that Russia had political dirt on Hillary Clinton in the form of “thousands of emails that would embarrass Mrs. Clinton, apparently stolen in an effort to try to damage her campaign,” as the Times put it. Papadopoulos has since agreed to cooperate with the Mueller investigation and was sentenced to just 14 days in jail, even though Mueller’s team in a court filing said he “did not provide ‘substantial assistance.’”

You don’t have to take the Times’s word for it. Even the so-called “Nunes memo,” prepared by then-House Intelligence Committee chair and staunch Trump ally Devin Nunes (R-CA) and released about a year ago, acknowledges that the FBI’s investigation of the Trump campaign was “triggered” by evidence presented to American officials about Papadopoulos having secretive contacts with Kremlin agents when it was released about a year ago.
So, even Nunes, the most GOP of GOP'ers, knows for a fact that all of it is true.

FISA warrants would never have been allowed if they didn't lie. The investigation is different from the FISA warrants. The warrants were from unelected hacks that thought they could take down the President. The investigation was the "Insurance Policy". They will get theirs.
I don't speak for either of those people and don't know the answer nor whether either of those things are true. Just to clarify, both those are accusations and nothing more correct? That is what they said he lied about? Why did the FBI use such force to capture Stone? Public Optics and perception of course.

You'd have to see the redacted pages. Probably because he worked directly with Russians.
I don't speak for either of those people and don't know the answer nor whether either of those things are true. Just to clarify, both those are accusations and nothing more correct? That is what they said he lied about? Why did the FBI use such force to capture Stone? Public Optics and perception of course.
Is sharing internal polling data with Russian spies an act of collusion?
You literally have spent years on this site wasting your life away trying to gain a feeling of importance. Again, when have you ever thought critically and deviated from anything the left media tells you? Give me a stance you take that "They" object with. The elites rule you sister. Get over it.
It is true that I don't deviate from known facts. Unlike you, I don't consider the lack of evidence proof of anything.

So, about that Steele Dossier.

Referring to an excellent summary from Mother Jones of how well it has held up to date:

What about these claims:

15a (CIR 095, no date). Well-developed “conspiracy” of cooperation between Trump campaign and Russian leadership to defeat Clinton. Paul Manafort and Carter Page, others, are intermediaries.

15b (CIR 095, no date). Russian regime behind leaks of DNC emails to Wikileaks for plausible deniability.

15c (CIR 095, no date). In return, Trump campaign agreed to sideline Russian intervention in Ukraine as campaign issue and raise NATO/US defense commitments in Baltics/Europe to deflect attention from Ukraine.

The first two of these are now well established. The indictment of 12 officers of the Russian Main Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff (GRU) corroborates these allegations from Steele’s sources. Trump advisor Roger Stone publicly acknowledged that he had communicated with Guccifer 2.0 and was likely the unnamed individual to whom the indictment refers. The draft statement of offense for Jerome Corsi provides more information. Details are given in the Lawfare article.

Emails between Donald Trump Jr. and Rob Goldstone, a British-born former tabloid reporter and entertainment publicist suggest connections between the Trump campaign and Russia.

Trump people intervened to make the Republican platform milder toward Russia. Carter Page called it “excellent work” in an email to Trump campaigners. No causal connection between that and the leaks of DNC emails has been established.

Unlike you and your slavish following of everything right wing propagandists tell you, I'm not saying these prove Trump is guilty. However, the above statements are borne out to be true based upon verified facts that were MADE PUBLIC and publicly acknowledged as true by the perpetrators. Using your earlier posts about Clinton and Uranium One as a standard of guilt, from the above statements regarding conspiracy with Russia to affect our election, Donald Trump should be in jail already.
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It is true that I don't deviate from known facts. Unlike you, I don't consider the lack of evidence proof of anything.


Unlike you and your slavish following of everything right wing propagandists tell you, I'm not saying these prove Trump is guilty. However, the above statements are borne out to be true based upon verified facts that were MADE PUBLIC and publicly acknowledged as true by the perpetrators. Using your earlier statements about Clinton and Uranium One as a standard of guilt, Donald Trump should be in jail already.

Several of you have made excellent points, but alas, you're wasting your time. He obviously will never understand. That's why I said he is too stupid to pay attention. :lol:

He mostly responds with juvenile deflections, and logical fallacies.

He doesn't understand what those are either. :roll:

It is true that I don't deviate from known facts. Unlike you, I don't consider the lack of evidence proof of anything.

So, about that Steele Dossier.

Referring to an excellent summary from Mother Jones of how well it has held up to date:

What about these claims:

15a (CIR 095, no date). Well-developed “conspiracy” of cooperation between Trump campaign and Russian leadership to defeat Clinton. Paul Manafort and Carter Page, others, are intermediaries.

15b (CIR 095, no date). Russian regime behind leaks of DNC emails to Wikileaks for plausible deniability.

15c (CIR 095, no date). In return, Trump campaign agreed to sideline Russian intervention in Ukraine as campaign issue and raise NATO/US defense commitments in Baltics/Europe to deflect attention from Ukraine.

The first two of these are now well established. The indictment of 12 officers of the Russian Main Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff (GRU) corroborates these allegations from Steele’s sources. Trump advisor Roger Stone publicly acknowledged that he had communicated with Guccifer 2.0 and was likely the unnamed individual to whom the indictment refers. The draft statement of offense for Jerome Corsi provides more information. Details are given in the Lawfare article.

Emails between Donald Trump Jr. and Rob Goldstone, a British-born former tabloid reporter and entertainment publicist suggest connections between the Trump campaign and Russia.

Trump people intervened to make the Republican platform milder toward Russia. Carter Page called it “excellent work” in an email to Trump campaigners. No causal connection between that and the leaks of DNC emails has been established.

Unlike you and your slavish following of everything right wing propagandists tell you, I'm not saying these prove Trump is guilty. However, the above statements are borne out to be true based upon verified facts that were MADE PUBLIC and publicly acknowledged as true by the perpetrators. Using your earlier posts about Clinton and Uranium One as a standard of guilt, from the above statements regarding conspiracy with Russia to affect our election, Donald Trump should be in jail already.

You must sound so fucking brilliant to these fucking losers. You are such a dip shit. How much coin you owe uncle sam? You got hosed if its above 5k
You must sound so fucking brilliant to these fucking losers. You are such a dip shit. How much coin you owe uncle sam?

so, it was proven in a court of law beyond any reasonable doubt that manafort lied about sharing internal polling data with konstant kilimnik and roger tone coordinated the release, tming and promotion of stolen american materials with wikileaks. wikileaks also asked don junior to have his dad mention wikileaks and 10 minutes later he did.

again, all proven in a court of law beyond any reasonable doubt.

are these acts of collusion?
You made points? Clearly not sharp ones. Remind me
why did you lie about the steele dossier not once, but twice?

you said there was false information in the steele dossier. but nto one thing in the steele dossier has been falsified.

you said the steele dossier was unverifiable, but several things in the steele dossier have been proven true.

were you trying to draw attention to the fact that the steele dossier has been partially verified?

and why are you so steadfastly refusing to acknowledge the facts about trump's already proven collusion with russia?
Several of you have made excellent points, but alas, you're wasting your time. He obviously will never understand. That's why I said he is too stupid to pay attention. :lol:

He mostly responds with juvenile deflections, and logical fallacies.

He doesn't understand what those are either. :roll:


Do you really have hair like that dude? Donate that shit to some cancer patient man and stop honking yourself by looking like Henrietta down at the Clinque counter. Damn son! I'm not into bullying man, but in case nobody told you. REO speedwagon ain't in town anymore. I'm looking out for you. Its a better life with less hair. I don't care

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You must sound so fucking brilliant to these fucking losers. You are such a dip shit. How much coin you owe uncle sam? You got hosed if its above 5k
LOL, keep up with the ad hominem attacks. Because I'm sure you are thinking I'm talking about hominids, I'll post the definition:

ad ho·mi·nem
/ˌad ˈhämənəm/

  1. 1.
    (of an argument or reaction) directed against a person rather than the position they are maintaining.
    "vicious ad hominem attacks"
  1. 1.
    in a way that is directed against a person rather than the position they are maintaining.
    "these points come from some of our best information sources, who realize they'll be attacked ad hominem"
  2. 2.
    in a way that relates to or is associated with a particular person.
    "the office was created ad hominem for Fenton"

So, about those illegal campaign contributions Trump made to his campaign and did not report. This is undeniable fact.

Yeah, illegal campaign contributions are nothing to worry about. Trump will just pardon himself. The Senate will not remove Trump from office. You right wing nuts only care if Democrats did it so your faith in your own and Trump's righteousness is unshakable.
No collusion, no collaboration by Trump campaign. Shocking. No conclusion on obstruction one way or the other. So what's all the fuss been about?
So, about those illegal campaign contributions Trump made to his campaign and did not report. This is undeniable fact.

Yeah, illegal campaign contributions are nothing to worry about. Trump will just pardon himself.

I have yet to see any illegal campaign contributions. I assume you are talking about Stormy BS? Linking that as a campaign contribution is ridiculous and would NEVER hold up in court. Some shady plea deal with a liar protecting his wife and family? SOunds legit

Having a Obama appointed DA from NY say it is doesn't make that so.