The saddest thing is that all those inbreed scums are in denial..
How much can you hate some One??
But again all of them are product of incest so...

Your favorite Russian Bot
Smrt fasizmu sloboda narodu!
i can hate them enough to hope they, and EVERY SINGLE idiot who ever supported them, gets genital cancer, and dies quickly, but in excruciating pain....which is what they deserve. they bring nothing but pain, misery, hate, and fear...fuck them, and anyone who even says they aren't so bad....they are fucking exactly that bad
So no collusion or conspiracy with Russians but maybe there was some obstruction of justice in the search for an underlying crime that was not committed. Not sure I’d hang my hat on that political strategy but maybe the only choice given the state of denial the left is in today. Hard to imagine Barr is lying about a report that is going to be either released or leaked.

Meanwhile, the republicans will press for investigations into deep state actions that brought about this embarrassment of a special council. IG report expected in a few months will be telling on whether a second special council is appointed.
So no collusion or conspiracy with Russians but maybe there was some obstruction of justice in the search for a crime that was not committed. Not sure I’d hang my hat on that political strategy but maybe the only choice given the state of denial the left is in today. Hard to imagine Barr is lying about a report that is going to be either released or leaked.

Meanwhile, the republicans will press for investigations into deep state actions that brought about this embarrassment of a special council. IG report expected in a few months will be telling on whether a second special council is appointed.
Why would Barr have any say in a nonpolitical investigation
Just doesn't pass the smell test for Americans
TBF I am glad that your President didn't get caught colluding with Putin
So no collusion or conspiracy with Russians but maybe there was some obstruction of justice in the search for a crime that was not committed. Not sure I’d hang my hat on that political strategy but maybe the only choice given the state of denial the left is in today. Hard to imagine Barr is lying about a report that is going to be either released or leaked.

Meanwhile, the republicans will press for investigations into deep state actions that brought about this embarrassment of a special council. IG report expected in a few months will be telling on whether a second special council is appointed.
the deep state...that doesn't fucking's a stupid thing for a stupid man to blame for being stupid...and stupid people believe him...
it doesn't matter to me if trump colluded with the russians or not...he's done more than enough that is a FACT to be kicked out of washington so fucking hard he won't even have a fucking ass left to land on. he's a filthy fucking low life piece of shit, and no report will ever change that. ever. he lies through his teeth. he lies out of his fucking ears when his mouth is shut...and you believe it...
Why would Barr have any say in a nonpolitical investigation
Just doesn't pass the smell test for Americans
TBF I am glad that your President didn't get caught colluding with Putin
It was a highy political investigation. Barr is AG so he has the responsibilities of the office. This isn’t that hard.
the deep state...that doesn't fucking's a stupid thing for a stupid man to blame for being stupid...and stupid people believe him...
it doesn't matter to me if trump colluded with the russians or not...he's done more than enough that is a FACT to be kicked out of washington so fucking hard he won't even have a fucking ass left to land on. he's a filthy fucking low life piece of shit, and no report will ever change that. ever. he lies through his teeth. he lies out of his fucking ears when his mouth is shut...and you believe it...
It is healthy for you to experience anger as you cope, however misdirected.
It is healthy for you to experience anger as you cope, however misdirected.
it's not misdirected at all...i know exactly who the evil motherfucking piece of shit fucking my country over is, no confusion in the matter at all...and i know who defends the evil piece of shit...and i remember...just like pepperidge farms...and when they need help later, they can get fucked and die
it's not misdirected at all...i know exactly who the evil motherfucking piece of shit fucking my country over is, no confusion in the matter at all...and i know who defends the evil piece of shit...and i remember...just like pepperidge farms...and when they need help later, they can get fucked and die
Sounds good :bigjoint:
Sounds good :bigjoint:
of course it does, you're too fucking ignorant to realize what a fucking moron trump is, and what a fucking asshole you are for supporting anything sounds good..."lets start a charity then steal from it" "i'm going to go fuck a porno star in a hotel room with no protection, lie to my wife about it, then pay her to keep quiet about it" "i'm going to build a monument to myself in the desert to keep people that scare me out of MY country, even though it's a stupid idea and won't stop one person or one drug shipment, ever" "i'm going to defund the arts and public radio and television, to give my rich friends huge tax cuts. i'll tell the stupid middle class they're getting a tax cut, but it's really for all my rich friends" .....and at least 100 more even more outrageous, outlandish, unbelievable statements...but you can believe the foul fuck said it, and believes it...
at what point does the messenger deserve to get killed? i say it's when he starts smirking about the messages he's carrying...especially when he's carrying evil, foul messages, and taking joy in it
I know, Man. Like I've said, this is the most attention he ever receives.

this is how i see bug and trump....a blind fool and a simpering sycophant...while you want to pity both, you know it would be better for everyone if you just put them out of the misery of the world
of course it does, you're too fucking ignorant to realize what a fucking moron trump is, and what a fucking asshole you are for supporting anything sounds good..."lets start a charity then steal from it" "i'm going to go fuck a porno star in a hotel room with no protection, lie to my wife about it, then pay her to keep quiet about it" "i'm going to build a monument to myself in the desert to keep people that scare me out of MY country, even though it's a stupid idea and won't stop one person or one drug shipment, ever" "i'm going to defund the arts and public radio and television, to give my rich friends huge tax cuts. i'll tell the stupid middle class they're getting a tax cut, but it's really for all my rich friends" .....and at least 100 more even more outrageous, outlandish, unbelievable statements...but you can believe the foul fuck said it, and believes it...
My vote did not go to the con man. But nice rant Roger. Let it out, you'll feel better.