Its simple to me why prop 19 failed


Well-Known Member
prop 19 is dead and buried, not much interested in prop 19 anymore, it was voted down, it's over
i'm more curious with what will happen with MMJ law in general, we have a shot at MMJ in NY this year
so these big grows are pushing the envelope, who knows what will come from this?
your right growone its over... its just these guys get me excited when they dont know what there talking about...

im currious as to what changes will be made on the 2012 ballot..
hopefully good ones..i would totally follow if the guidnines made us equalls..probably not gonna happen tho..


Well-Known Member
it's going take some time for the prop X(i can't bear to mention it by name anymore) fallout to settle
hopefully, there will be some reconciliation, though i'm sure a few will hold out for quite a while
there will be something in 2012, what ever that may be
but i'm watching these MMJ factories with much interest, i do understand they are not popular in Cali
there has been some talk of a new federal legal case being opened here
people with this kind of money don't toss it down that freely, they have something in mind, but i'm sure they're holding the cards close to the vest


Well-Known Member
you are right grow 1 it is over. The last thing I will say is that when i talked about releasing prisoners I was looking at it on this level. CA paves the way for other states. mmj is proof. Though no law would release those prisoners, the current law is definitely taken into consideration when giving prisoners early release.
We obviously have to work in numbers to stand up to the feds, tho. The raid aspect is part of the reason for the megafarms idea from what I understood (not justifying big business weed, just what I understood from the political explaination.
reggaeircan, I apologize for my earlier comment, it was definitely heat of the moment. This is just a debate, and one everyone obviously has an unswayable view on (I'm realizing my anger is caused by weed prohibition, not people who voted no on prop 19). I do not truly expect you would make a great corporate asshole, as I do not even know you. This one discussion doesnt give me the right to judge you.
no worries man.. passion and the ability to speak and be heard is what makes change...

im an old school cat and i just dont want that change to come from crushing out the litle man..



Well-Known Member
i would be down to vote for some federal law for sure... free paper for schools, clothing for the poor you name it man so much good can be done with the right mindset..

one day brothers it will happen.. but im not one to settle for scrapps...


Active Member
dont want that change to come from crushing out the litle man..
definitely man, and to that extent I totally agree w your view. Some small time guys were just born to help this beautiful plant grow and share it with others. Crushing them out is def not going to help with solving the problem.

Oh and I'm def rooting for you guys in NY to get some decent medical legislature voted on soon, growone. That's gonna be a huge stepping stone for the east coast.



Active Member
Yea it simple cause the most of you that voted no still dont understand what 90% of the bill ment. You bought into BS propaganda and you got suckered into beliveing things the bill never said. You were fooled by the peopel that didnt wantt his to pass and you were to lazy to bother to do the research for yourself to find out what was true and what wasnt. You were typical lazy Amiracans and did what they knew you would do when presented with a choice. 1. Do the research find the facts yourself. 2. Buy the BS the liars were selling. g/j.

What sad is after it failed you all still dont have any clue as to what 90% of this bill really ment. Do everyone a favor and leave proof of what happened here for your kids kids dont piss into the wind when they get the next chance. Cause thanks to your lazyness you just told the U.S. goverment you support prohabition and you want MJ to stay as is. And anytime you wana stand up and dispute it they get throw prop 19 and its failure right in your face saying sorry buddy we put it to the people and you dont want it legal.

Awesome job.



Well-Known Member
Marijuana should be legal for everyone who is 18yr and older. Its no more different than someone taking asprin for a headache or drinking a beer and its a hell of alot safer than either. It is a simple beutiful plant that has so many many uses and completely natural. I will never buy from a big weed factory or anything like it they are just concerned with making money just like any other big buisness and are not there for the people. If you want MJ you should be able to grow it yourself if you want if not then dont. Even having to fight to legalize it is just sad.


Well-Known Member
And what would be wrong with a big company, that promoted small farmers, promoted growing quality plants, and still held cheap prices?
Yea it simple cause the most of you that voted no still dont understand what 90% of the bill ment. You bought into BS propaganda and you got suckered into beliveing things the bill never said. You were fooled by the peopel that didnt wantt his to pass and you were to lazy to bother to do the research for yourself to find out what was true and what wasnt. You were typical lazy Amiracans and did what they knew you would do when presented with a choice. 1. Do the research find the facts yourself. 2. Buy the BS the liars were selling. g/j.

What sad is after it failed you all still dont have any clue as to what 90% of this bill really ment. Do everyone a favor and leave proof of what happened here for your kids kids dont piss into the wind when they get the next chance. Cause thanks to your lazyness you just told the U.S. goverment you support prohabition and you want MJ to stay as is. And anytime you wana stand up and dispute it they get throw prop 19 and its failure right in your face saying sorry buddy we put it to the people and you dont want it legal.

Awesome job.

lol I know a lot of NO's who used to be YES. A LOT! and a lot of yes' who never read the NO side, just the yes. I personally didnt vote, it wouldve been no but i didnt care cuz either way imma still blaze it.


Well-Known Member
you are right grow 1 it is over. The last thing I will say is that when i talked about releasing prisoners I was looking at it on this level. CA paves the way for other states. mmj is proof. Though no law would release those prisoners, the current law is definitely taken into consideration when giving prisoners early release.
Wrong! They could have easily made a provision in this bill to get people out of jail if their crimes fell under the protections offered by said bill but it really would have only helped those with simple possession charges. This bill was so flawed I don't even know where to start. The only people that are for this bill are the uneducated and the idiots who hear legalization and creme their pants and don't care to fully understand what this bill was trying to accomplish even though it's the title of the bill. If you take into account all the restrictions on a personal level, the people were the ones getting the short end of the stick.

The only people who this bill would have helped out are the people getting arrested for simple possession and commercial operations. Since California has already decriminalized simple possession the only people who would have benefited legally would have been the commercial operations. Most of the people who are considered to be criminals would still be considered criminals under prop 19.

Just look at it this way.

Still illegal under prop 19

Possession > 1 oz
growing in a area bigger than your hall closet

How many people do you know in jail for possession of less than an ounce?(I'm not saying it hasn't happened but it won't anymore do to decriminalization.)How many growers do you know that only use a total of 25 sq ft? The truth is most people in jail for marijuana related activities are in jail for cultivation, possession of large quantities, and distribution all of which would still have been illegal under Prop 19. Prop 19 in fact would have done nothing to help keep the average person out of jail.