It's the end of the world! now what?!


Well-Known Member

i'm sure everyone is aware that the end of the world is approaching. we got a few years to make the most of it.

i think it's December 21st 2012.

even if you don't believe it is the end, what if it is?

should everyone in the world just stop doing their everyday thing and dedicate the day to do what they want?

what would you do?

who can say it wont be the end for certain? they know as much as anyone else.


Well-Known Member
1 thing for sure the world will end at some point in the future but the world ending and the end of people are two different things. this world is going to wipe us out for what we have done to it and then carry on like we never existed. i would want to spend my final day with the people i love.


Well-Known Member

i don't want to sound depressing or anything but i can't wait for the human race to be finished. we've done nothing but damage everything we have.


Well-Known Member
yep we really are a pile of shit, kill kill kill thats us alright, im in my 40s so so least ive had a bit of life if its time to check out, lets hope its quick.


Well-Known Member
I believe time is endless. Therefore, the end of times for the earth will only come when it succumbs a supernova that will eventually happen when our sun dies.

But that won´t happen for millions of years so you have nothing to worry about :p


New Member
That 2012 thing is ridiculous, all it probably means is that we'll reach the "end of an age" and then continue on killing and maiming everyone for centuries to come!


Well-Known Member
i thought the world ended when we switched to 2000?

why the hell did i stock up on batteries, distilled water, and spam...meh, i guess you can never have enough Kools
This is a little off topic but, last night I was watchin a show about gravity and its effects on the oceans and such. Also some space stuff. We always see pics of the earth as a round, mostly blue planet. I was imagining what the earth would look like if all of the oceans were empty. A far away shot from space. Probably would look more like a big ass rock that's been had large chunks torn from it. I don't know, just thought it would look kinda funky instead of the beautiful round blue planet we always see pics of.


New Member
The world itself won't end, just most of the human race, which is fitting. We lived for only a millasecond of the earths life, but have managed to cause damage that will take millions of years to recover from.

I think it's kind of exciting, getting a free front row seat to the end. I want to be a survivor and create a new society, and we all know that marijuana plays a part in that. We really have a duty to try to replenish the marijuana on the earth. Maybe those who rise from our ashes might need it, it's not fair for our society to wipe it out.


Well-Known Member
Well I wouldn't be saying that it's ridiculous just yet. there have been many prophets that have picked that date. I dont' recall any saying that the world will end, but will change. The Mayan believed that the world as they lnew it would end, then become something else. Personally me and mine are going to prepare..including an undergroung garden..there are just some things that will not be done without!