It's the end of the world! now what?!


New Member
6-6-06 was my wedding anniversary, I was married 19 years on that date. Too cool, 6-6-6 he he he..........

I never thought the world was going to end on that date, this is the first I've heard of it. It was a good day for me...... :-P

People thought the world was going to end in 06/06/2006.


Well-Known Member
Yup, there was this huge lawsuit that ended up in Federal Court that has been going on for the past year and a half.

However we can not prove the accuser guilty.
o Let me know how it works out? Have you grown that tain before?
BTW took 37 DP clones last night(fingers crossed) I'm hoping to get 24-32 out of them..That'll fill the tote nicely>