Its time for Biden to shut NATOs doors

borscht poop

good morning men and holy shit cops are on high alert big time here. had to go to the hospital for wireup and dang! 5-6 cruisers SUVs that had someone cornered in the parking lot drawn down. have to look in the paper to see what that was.

it's getting scary + the outsiders are here in full force.
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Imagine if Biden went on TV and told all us Americans we have permission to go nuts on attacking Russia/Putin online.
I've said before that the solution to these hacks is for the CIA to put together a clandestine network of very talented American computer hackers, fund them, and let them have at it, then we can claim that their a criminal group and "we're doing everything we can" . We then have deniability and are inflicting pain on our cyber adversaries. Only this kind of tit for tat, making these countries,Russia, China, etc. feel the same level of pain and frustration will yield results.As it stands now they have the best of both worlds, they are inflicting pain on our economy and have deniability that these are not state actors at the same time and if our govt. cyber agencies respond they'll call foul. Only an American civilian cyber group can hack and do damage to their networks in kind with built in deniability for our govt. to will spur these govts. to shut this BS down, and that's only happening if we wise up and respond in kind. I can picture it now, Russia's heavy industry factory's computers go awry, Putin's mad as hell,Joe Biden is doing all he can to lock these criminals up. WHEN IN ROME,you know what I mean.ccguns
Yup, imagine Putin and the oligarchs losing Gazprom revenue for a month. The biggest problem is in demanding revenue to restore service. That does make us the same level as them. Not that i necessarily have a problem with that, but things

always come out. Always.
aren't we allowed to do that already?- this is America 1A.
I assume that if Americans started to data mine actual Russian civilians (using any and every tool we can think of to get that information) in order to figure out a way to leverage them into doing what we want them to do while cat fishing as other Russian's there would be some American laws being broken. Im also betting that if we did that to every one of their citizens there would be a knock at the door at the very least.
Yup, imagine Putin and the oligarchs losing Gazprom revenue for a month. The biggest problem is in demanding revenue to restore service. That does make us the same level as them. Not that i necessarily have a problem with that, but things

always come out. Always.
You are right about that, but I'm convinced this is the only way we can respond to this shit and get results, I sure don't like the precedent this shit sets but they've already crossed the line first,and by their thinking it's perfect, our economy and private businesses are compromised and incur losses and t.hey get to deny state involvement, this has to be nipped immediately or it will continue to get worse as success in these operations w/no US response will inevitably make these hackers ballsier and aspire to bigger targets, POWERGRID Ivan?ccguns
I forgot to add any revenue obtained could be donated to the WHO to procure Covid vaccines for the world or another humanitarian cause with international benefit as this American group could have the stated goal of refraining from all hacking as soon as attacks upon the US cease and desist.ccguns
I assume that if Americans started to data mine actual Russian civilians (using any and every tool we can think of to get that information) in order to figure out a way to leverage them into doing what we want them to do while cat fishing as other Russian's there would be some American laws being broken. Im also betting that if we did that to every one of their citizens there would be a knock at the door at the very least.

kinda. Biden was just talking about handing over known Russian hackers for American Hackers..seems the Putin wants his people back to do something with.

'a sign of progress' -Biden