ITS TIME!!! grapefruit, bubblegum, widow haze, trainwreck!!!


Active Member

ok so i'm havin some purple stems and the main bud sites at the tops are looking a little yellow in the centers...any cures out there?
With the feeding, ive gone both ways, feeding every time to every other time. I make batches of nutes in a 5 gallon bucket and just take from there every watering now. I also start at 1/4 or 1/2 strength nutes.. and when to feed them, i look at the feeding charts for the nutes and go from there, switching it up if need be. i find less is much more rewarding, you can always add more if you need it but once you over feed theres not much you can do.


Active Member
i think wut i'm gonna do is give em a boost of some liquid karma, molasses, and some PBProGrow to give em what they haven't gotten enough of this next watering. and then after that i'm gonna give them a feeding of Liquid Karma, Cal/Mag+, PBProBloom, and then give them straight water and then give em what they need every other watering after that...i guess i'm kinda makin up for loss of not knowing what to do in my first actual feeding


make sure you check the active ingredients to make sure you are doubling up on some things without knowing it.

It usually takes a few days to notice a difference after making a change to the plants environment. At least that's what I have been told by pretty much every single article. In practice I have only seen somewhat immediate differences in growth after watering but thats just cuz I let the plants get thirsty before I give em drink (Makes the roots grow faster or some shit). Anyways I jumped on the bubble bucket wagon a couple days ago. Can't wait to see what happens with yours.


Active Member
been a little while since an update...

well i'm into my 11th day of flowering. tiny little buds are forming EVERYWHERE!! it really is a beautiful sight and this is my favorite part of growing is to watch something so complex happen right in front of me. i love it. and it loves me. :leaf:

the last 2 waterings i've fed them 50% PBProbloom soil and 50% PBPgro and about 3 mL of Cal Mag + per gal and 5 mL of Liquid Karma...everythings lookin good right now!!! next watering i will give em just water, 1/4 strength karma...and their weekly dosage of Grandma's Molasses...things are good!!!

my clones however, are not doing so well...lookin really weak...lost 4 of em 8 (kinda) left....i think its due to sprayin em too much and not letting em do their thing...i have a lot to learn in this department...

also check out the pic of the 2 leaves...what do ya'll think it is? i'm thinkin its a calcium i gave it that little boost of calmag...

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leave some love and advice please!!!


Active Member

week 4 of flowering!!! having some small issues that could possibly become larger issues...and i don't really know how to handle them...

so the actual budding sites look great! dense and green and white and started showing trichomes about 3 weeks they smell fruity!!

but on the fan leaves and not so close to the centers...i'm having some yellowing/spotting/curling up/ browning and crispy leaves on all the plants...mostly the larger fanleaves on the grapefruits...but now its on the trainwreck and widow haze a little bit...

i think its a potassium i gave it a boost of PBpro soil and i gave them their molasses last watering will be just water...first time since flowering...maybe i'm having some nute lock out??

also having a problem with Powdery Mildew....i don't know how to (easily) get rid of it this late into flowering. i was told that you can't treat it easily after the 3rd week of budding...and i can't do any sulfur stuff cuz i can't stink up this not the only res.

plants are reaching up clones aren't doin so good...looks like i'll be doing it again next week!! hahaha any advice on that shit? i'd easily go get an aero cloner but i don't have the money and i think i'd screw something up with a DIY...

leave some love!!!


Well-Known Member
powdery mildew is a bitch. Once you have it, it never really leaves.

Here's what you can do:

- make the plants less crowded.
- use a dehumidifier during light's out.
- add more small fans all of your room to increase air circulation.
- Buy some skimmed milk (the less fat the better), make a 1:10 solution of milk and tap water, and mist your plants right before light out. Mold can't live in alkaline environments.

The yellow spots look like some kind of micronutrient deficiency; possibly due to a pH lockout.


Well-Known Member
yeah but your humidity levels during dark hours raise significantly as your plants are respiring rather than photosynthesizing.

Increasing air circulation and reducing humidity is essential.

you can also use neem oil as long as the light's not too close/hot. In fact you can use neem oil up until 2 weeks before harvest.


Active Member
my air circulation is reeeeally good for the size of the could smoke a cigar in there and come back in five minutes and it smells like the cleanest room in the place.

same also works with farting :)

yes i just made a fart joke :) :)


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i kinda figured the buds would be bigger by this point...will they fatten up??

the problems i've been having are starting to clear up with out taking any drastic measures...

i thought i was having a burn and some pH fluctuation or somethin cuz of yellowing...but after further research, i've come to the conclusion that it was a serious def of ca, mg, P, and K...not a good def to have in flowering...i flushed one just to see what it would do but i'm not noticing any difference...its the last picture. so last night i foliar fed them a half strength dosage of PB bloom and a tad bit of liquid karma. today i fed the soil with molasses, PB bloom, and liquid karma, and calmag+ with a ppm of about 950 and a pH of 6.5. my runoff was 6.0 which is good...right? hope im doin things right.

also working on the can go as low as 23% when the lights are on and goin up to about 45 when off. some PM has spread around a little bit...but that foliar feed did a hella lot with killin most of it off (looks like) and if it gets worse then ima have to use some organic skim milk and try that. sulfur burner smell is way too smelly...

been thinkin bout gettin a small humidifier to have on a couple hours when the lights are on to bring up that humidity a little bit...i'd like to be at a constant 45%. temps are 74-82. i'll prob do another foliar feed in a few dude says they are hungry and all the yellowin and spotting has been the plant tellin me "hey dude, my buds are gonna eat all the food your gonna give me, so just do away with these big, space occupying fan leaves and make room for the bud!!!

whatchall think?


Active Member
just took new pictures. got a lot of shit to learn about organics.


yes i know the PM looks bad but it is going away...i just gotta keep at it...

PM aside...i think my biggest problem has been some Nute lockout...i flushed 2 grapefruits (last 2 grapefruit pics) and both of them have bulked up a little...the last GF picture looks COVERED in THC.

I also flushed my Widow it was lookin like it wasn't doin anything...s

i think the bubblegums are able to take the abuse...stronger plant...cuz i haven't had to flush them at all and they are gettin bulkier by the day.

i'm not too certain on how to exactly flush...but what i did on the Grapefruit that really beefed up was flushed it about 5 gal every 10 minutes...and then gave it a foliar feeding the next night of mild LK and Bloom solution. then gave it a tiny soil feeding of molasses and calmag and bloom at about 900 ppm...i haven't done these steps yet with the others that i flushed...should i? how does it sound to yall?

also, my Trainwreck mother is starting to have twisted weird looking new growth...any input?? i can't find much on google.

much love...i just hope i can get better at this cuz i thought they would be bigger colas at this point...end of week 4.


Well-Known Member
Don't worry week 4 is still pretty early. They'll have time to fill out!

Growth appears to happen in bursts. Like one day they suddenly look bigger then the next few days things are stagnant.

How are you taking care of the PM? it's not gonna go on its own, and if untreated can lead to other fungal infections like bud rot. Just ask my AK-47 from two grows ago...


Active Member
well sulfur burner is out of the i been giving light foliar feedings every 3rd day...right after the lights shut off...and it seems to be going away...what are my other options in week 4? (actually week 5 starting in a few hours


Active Member
i just wish i could be cool like sandmonkey....european metal head that grows really great dope :) lol

i'm assuming ur into metal?? i'm sorry if i'm stereotyping...your in the netherlands correct??


Well-Known Member
nah I'm in Switzerland. And as my name implies I'm not European ;)

I'm actually more into underground Hip-Hop, though I do like some metal (old school black and death metal).

And trust me, neem oil works on PM. You can use it up until 2 weeks before harvest. Just make sure the foliar solution is really diluted.


Active Member
wow my stereotyping totally backfired...what kinda underground hip hop u in to? lemme kno some groups i should check out!

as far as the neem oil goes...what brand and how do i use it?


Active Member
i'm gonna hit the ladies with a diluted solution of dyna-gro neem oil and coco wetting agent. i'll do it as soon as the lights turn off here in about 30 minutes. i'm gonna try and hit the leaves with the PM on them and try to avoid hitting the buds cuz i don't like the idea of a wetting agent stuck on the nugs (which are growing!!!) cuz it just doesn't sound good overall...

i flushed all of them except for 2, cuz i would like to see what happens, it could be my answer to whether or not it was a burn, pH fluctuation, or defficiency...i'm thinkin it was a mixture of the latter 2.

hopefully all goes well through the night...i'll post pictures tomorrow!!