It's time to play!! Sex that plant!!


Active Member
9 days flowering. Hmmmmm. I'd say male. I don't usually check the top of my plants though because sometimes I mistake new growth for balls. Almost tossed a plant one time, but thought I'd wait it out. 3 days later, there was hair. And, to date, she's the most beautiful plant I've had. Of course, it looks like there is some new growth there already, so that's why I'm thinking it's a male. Can you take some pix like a node or 2 further down the stalk?


Well-Known Member
He's been uprooted an he gets to live in the backyard. Maybe the dog will eat him, or piss on him...

Didn't have good luck outta 8 starter plants so far 4 are males for sure, 1 more I think is going to be male so only ending up with 3 ladies.

Will start a new thread in a day or so to have help sexing my superskunk. Which i think is male, but giving it more time to show.