It's Valentine's and I'm not getting laid

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Well-Known Member
Dude Im tellin ya that spam musubi is the shit...even though spam is disgusting they keep it hella fancy with their spam...hahaha.


Well-Known Member
this thread is an all in one!!!

valentines to fuck valentines to stopsnitchin whiny ass to spam and spam burgers to spam musubi and im sure i missed some other shit!


Well-Known Member
I want some fried spam on toast with some cheddar cheese melted on top with some lettus and tomato and mayo... some salt and vinigar chips on the side...


Well-Known Member
Lol i spent my vday with my girl

then afterwards chilled with a really close freind of mine

it was his first dvay in ten years without someone damn he was depressed

so i guess i got best of both worlds ^^


Well-Known Member
lol you ass hole....

just kidding, i think we are over the V-day blues... WE'RE TALKING ABOUT SPAM NOW!!!




Well-Known Member
i love you zeke if he got laid 27 times he would be like fuck you guys i got it and thats all i care about.................... you guys know he is probably cryin in a corner by the sounds......fuck you flamers:(


Well-Known Member
Translation: I masturbated three times and then passed out:hump:[/quote]


i bet he checks in today to see we are still ripping on his silly ass for lying through his


Well-Known Member
lol i could believe 8 times a day... but not 2 days in a row... i'd say i set my own record at 5 times in a day (with a 6th that never finished do to exaustion)...


Well-Known Member
lol 15 men... wtf is wrong with some people... how do you fuck so many people in such a small period of time and not get aids or herps or sifilous!?!?!?!
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