Iv Been Acused Of Photoshopping My Pictures Who Thinks I Have?

who thinks my pictures are fake?

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Well-Known Member
Hey pasta glad to see your back.
Havent seen you for a few days now.
Plants are furring up nicely dude but why is your heat shield on sideways?:confused:


Well-Known Member
cause i raised the light a few inches and i moved it so its gettin more light in there for a photo but then thought fuck it il turn the light off for a bit then dropped em n turned em back day 54 now dude cant wait


Well-Known Member
yeh it is fucking tempting but fortunately for her a branch snapped off and is bein smoked now unflushed but tastes ok not too sgabby cant wait for the finished product il be flushing friday then cutting most of her down the friday after that peace guys happy toking pace


Well-Known Member
why wud crazy mental, the guy whos most helped me,and knows how to grow plants, photo shop hes puicture why wud he do that its stupid top think he wud


Well-Known Member
guilty of cutting my thumbnails too short its all these damn helicopters i live near an airfield its nailbiting shit for a grower lol peace