i've been a dick lately


Well-Known Member
Yes, the monkeys just cant help it. :joint:.

Ya I think it was kinda like what pink said on that thread it was kinda a hurt feeling like my dad was yellin at me... if that makes any sense. Anyway old news, I just had to get it all off my chest.

and another thing.....................................

i was sad when i thought you didn't like me. :cry:


Well-Known Member
dad huh? put you over my knee i will.

hahahhaha, just kidding. i had to say that just to see what it fells like.
maybe we can meet in the middle somewhere. :hump:

lololololol :blsmoke:bongsmilie:bigjoint:
Hahaha.... lmao... well I dunno maybe dad isnt the right word... but somewhat of a fatherly figure.

Yes we can.:joint:.

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
Its all my fault... Im sorry FDD that thread was sick.... lol.... but I have cut back my sexin talk by like 95% with you in mind... FYI.
You are still the best despite me thinking you were a jerk for a few weeks.

please pm me the additional 95% you are withholding...


i love you...