i've been on 12/12 for a week now....

shouldnt i be seeing some kind of results..they look like they are still just veggin and i am getting frustrated with trying to sex them..please help :-?


Well-Known Member
don't rush it give it 3 weeks there will still be growth in flowering stage but let them tell you there sex don't try and guess you'll wind up making a mistake. and remember just cause you see female sex organs does not mean it wont still become a hermy keep a close eye on your bitches! happy growing


Active Member
Mine have taken a week and they are under perfect conditions so be patient. The only thing you can do to help is give them some flowering nutrients. Bud blood will give them the right amount of phosphorus and Potassium to switch them over to flowering. You can use other products too, but Bud Blood has been good to me