I've been smoking so much


Well-Known Member
yeah i pretty much smoke everyday too. I dont do it till i get home at night though. I just hate that my high isnt like it use to be.. does everyone run into this problem? i still love it, dont get me wrong. its just the laughing high was some really good times
lol i kno right? my laughing stoppes the second time i got high i remember the first timei got into the houswe and just started laughing and then was just washed over by the sensations lol
ut jokes r funnier when ur high lol

Deviant Motion

Active Member
I did the laughing phase then I got where I just got high then the anti social phase then paranoid then i smoked through that and now i just get high again. The laughing high is gone and I still think the paranoid high is why I don't like people when I'm stoned