I've been thinking..

A W 0 L

Active Member
I've been around stoners who constantly drive around looking for a 'chill' spot to smoke, or going to someone's house because they have a 'sick bong' or they do other random shenanagens. Anyway, usually just sitting around not doing much at all and using the excuse "I'm too high" in order to get out of doing something.

Anyway I think of myself as a functional stoner, I get my priorities done either before or after I smoke; doesn't matter. I'm able to keep up with everything that's going on around me etc. I guess you could say if you saw me in a group of people I wouldn't look like the stoner out of the bunch. Pretty much weed hasn't changed me nor my life, relationships, or habbits. It just puts me in a good mood.

So I started to think about everyone on rollitup. How has marijuana effected your lifes?


Well-Known Member
Im not sure. This time last year I wasnt smoking, and I was also working... but this year i have enough money to sit on that I dont have to work for xmas break. Does that make me fortunate? Or a lazy stoner?

Before when I didnt smoke, I missed class constantly. Now that I smoke... I still miss class constantly. No better, no worse. About the same. My GPA hasnt changed much either. The main difference i think is money. Money that I would have normally pissed away or sank into my car now goes to marijuana. Which is fine, for now. But eventually Im going to have a new car and will want to sink money into that. I guess thats when Ill find out if smoking has changed me- whether I get a job or not.

Also, I kind of used smoking pot to ease me off of cigarettes. Im not sure if my cigarette addiction has simply transformed into a marijuana addiction yet. It's entirely possible... I crave smoking if I havent all day, yet havent had a cigarette in weeks.


Well-Known Member
Well I've been smoking since I was a H.S. freshman, so thats roughly 7/8 yrs. We change so much in that time anyways so its hard to say. All I can compare is when I smoke compared to days I don't smoke. When I don't smoke Im very aggressive and jump on ppl for little things. Ganja calms me down and makes me wanna talk things out if I have a problem. Oh, and if I smoke before I sleep Im hard to wakeup. Don't smoke, and Im up with the birds. Thats about it!!


Well-Known Member
I'm just a constant stoner. Sometimes it's fun to just sit around all day smoke bud and play video games, but if I'm doing shit too, I'm prolly doing it stoned.

smoke two joints

Well-Known Member
ive been smoking for about 1 and a half - 2 years now and at one point i thought it had fucked me up, but then i found out it was the people who i was smoking it with.

so i do not hang around with those people anymore because they are a bunch of depressive pricks who do not understand the gift of mary j,

i now smoke with my best friends and have never been happier. =]

one point though, i do shake sometimes, like jitters

but that dosent bother me =]

A W 0 L

Active Member
ive been smoking for about 1 and a half - 2 years now and at one point i thought it had fucked me up, but then i found out it was the people who i was smoking it with.

so i do not hang around with those people anymore because they are a bunch of depressive pricks who do not understand the gift of mary j,

i now smoke with my best friends and have never been happier. =]

one point though, i do shake sometimes, like jitters

but that dosent bother me =]

Yea, I get it that's what I'm saying I've sourrounded myself w/ some bad people and I no longer do. I'm a happy stoner now =]