I've been told I'll be banned here!!


Ok, so on another message board I won't mention the name of so not to break any rules, I'll post my original response to a question someone had about image hosting for weed forums.

Nothing against ##FORUMNAME##, but imageshack seems to be pretty anonymous imo. I don't know the owners of ##FORUMNAME##. For all I know, they're feeding the feds info as we speak. You never know who's on the other end. Although it's unlikely they are, there is always a possibility and again, I may just be another paranoid stoner lol.

Imageshack's TOS says that they can release personal info if it's subpoenaed but that's only if shows you breaking U.S. laws in the photo. I think that could be won in court though if they really wanted to fuck with you. It's on them to prove that the plants in question were yours #1, and #2 that they were growing on your property. I guess they could get you for not reporting it but that's kind of a stretch.

Best policy is not to post pics...not to post...not be online, but I can't do it. Just seems like a message board with my real email and other real stats on me, that I'm sure feds atleast browse on occassion would be a less safe place to post pot pics and have them stored in ##FORUMNAME## database but who really knows? Again, this is all my personal preference.

Ok, so a mod said, go post that shit about the owners of RIU and see how long you last there...so...me being the general asshole I am...hi.

So, is it possible or not possible, in a theoretical scenario, that the owners of a message board who I have NEVER met, and who I have NO INFORMATION on their dealings behind closed doors could POSSIBLY have been busted, given money, whatever, and been forced into giving information, EVEN AGAINST THEIR WILL, to a police agency?

Is it paranoid? Sure I guess.

Then another poster wanted to argue that weed is, infact legal in Amsterdam, to which I replied it is not legal but it's tolerated. Again...I was wrong according to them.

Now, I beg a mod, please respond to this post. I also went on countless times to explain that I was never saying anything derogatory against the owners of the site. Just simply stating that you don't actually know what the owners do with your information unless YOU'RE the owner lol. That goes for ANY website on the flipping internet FFS. Amirong?
Also, I'll give the mod the benefit of the doubt, he didn't ban me although apparently free speech and personal preferences aren't high up on his list of stuff he digs.:wall:
Here's the original post that brought up RIU in the first place:

All due respect, ##FORUMNAME## is a little under 9K in alexa. Penthouse is around 3K. Adult.com is around 2K. I think I know a little about gigantic amounts of web traffic, huge bandwidth bills and conservation, but hey, I'm sure the owners of ##FORUMNAME## would much rather have their bandwidth bill eaten up by user attachments than imageshack. Hell, bandwidth these days is dirt ass cheap. Slow forums however...mmmm...that's another story all together eh? Maybe Rollitup won't mind gaining a few users once people get sick of waiting for threads to load.
Original quote that referenced RIU:

All due respect, FORUMNAME is a little under 9K in alexa. websitenamehere is around 3K. websitenamehere is around 2K. I think I know a little about gigantic amounts of web traffic, huge bandwidth bills and conservation, but hey, I'm sure the owners of FORUMNAME would much rather have their bandwidth bill eaten up by user attachments than imageshack. Hell, bandwidth these days is dirt ass cheap. Slow forums however...mmmm...that's another story all together eh? Maybe Rollitup won't mind gaining a few users once people get sick of waiting for threads to load.
Ok, I guess I didn't phrase it right.

Here goes:

Without knowing the owners of RollItUp.org, I cannot say one way or another if they are giving IP addresses, usernames, email addresses or anything else to police agencies. Although, I will say, that it is unlikely. I also have to say that while it is unlikely, it's also a possiblity so it is my personal preference to use image shack as opposed to uploading images to the RollItUp.org databases. This will also save on forum loading times by not bogging down the database with huge image files. That is all.

*Awaiting Banhammer*
Their are several ppl on here that use imageshack. Never heard of it being a problem.
Sorry, you guys don't really have a point of reference I guess. Basically, a thread was started on another message board where someone wanted information on how to discreetly post photos. Another poster replied and said "Why not just upload them to FORUMNAME" to which I replied with the first quoted post from the top. The mod said go post the same thing about the ROI owners, so I did. Is it unlikely that the owners of ROI.org are giving information to police agencies? Yes. Is it possible? I'm not the owner, so I have to say, yes, it's possible.
well i doubt the dea or other agencies will mess with anyone on this site. considering most people grow just a few plants and have a license of some sort. the other thing is as long as your not posting pics of open feilds of mj the dea would not waste the resources of busting you for a few plants. now if they have reason to beleive your part of a drug cartel and the pics of feilds of marijuana producing a ton of pot then they might check into you to see if it is what it is. there are too many weed forums and you would have read online somewhere already about someone getting busted at a forum. not to mention they are international forums so its a long shot for even a federal agent with federal jurisdiction to waste his time on these sites. not when you got osama bin laden and all those other people running around with guns and dynamite
well i doubt the dea or other agencies will mess with anyone on this site. considering most people grow just a few plants and have a license of some sort. the other thing is as long as your not posting pics of open feilds of mj the dea would not waste the resources of busting you for a few plants. now if they have reason to beleive your part of a drug cartel and the pics of feilds of marijuana producing a ton of pot then they might check into you to see if it is what it is. there are too many weed forums and you would have read online somewhere already about someone getting busted at a forum. not to mention they are international forums so its a long shot for even a federal agent with federal jurisdiction to waste his time on these sites. not when you got osama bin laden and all those other people running around with guns and dynamite

Right, and I agree with that, and that's what I have been trying to tell them over at that other board lol. Is the message board owner giving out your information to the feds? No, probably not. But he asked about posting images discreetly and I posted the thing about using imageshack and the fact that it is entirely possible, although improbable, that the owners of that board could have been busted, given money, who knows what, to talk to cops. Basically, the mod wanted to turn it into an arguement that I had stated as fact that the owners were giving out information when in actuality, I was just saying that anything is possible.
Sorry, you guys don't really have a point of reference I guess. Basically, a thread was started on another message board where someone wanted information on how to discreetly post photos. Another poster replied and said "Why not just upload them to FORUMNAME" to which I replied with the first quoted post from the top. The mod said go post the same thing about the ROI owners, so I did. Is it unlikely that the owners of ROI.org are giving information to police agencies? Yes. Is it possible? I'm not the owner, so I have to say, yes, it's possible.
Do you really think LE gives a flying fuck about us?Don't forget this site is worldwide,cops don't have time or the money to go and bust every little growers on this site.I have to add that big time growers don't have time to post anything on the site,and this guys are most likely to be a point of interest for LE.Let's just stop all the paranoia,no one really cares about all the little ops and pictures you see on the site,except for the ones who want to learn.I have a few friends who grow,one of them is 44 years old,he's been doing it for 20+ years,never been caught, just keep your mouth shut and your ears open...:weed:
Yes, it's entirely possible that the owners, mods or even members could he police affiliated, but why? I think Feds have better things to do. Sorry that forum is so touchy. I used to run a forum and I can honestly say I don't think that's ban worthy. Of course, I'm a big advocate of freedom of speech no matter what (to the point where I didn't personally ban members who called me a communist cocksucker), so I may just have been a lax admin. Regardless, why would you want to be a contributing part of a community that censors just because you inadvertently insulted them?
Right, and I agree with that, and that's what I have been trying to tell them over at that other board lol. Is the message board owner giving out your information to the feds? No, probably not. But he asked about posting images discreetly and I posted the thing about using imageshack and the fact that it is entirely possible, although improbable, that the owners of that board could have been busted, given money, who knows what, to talk to cops. Basically, the mod wanted to turn it into an arguement that I had stated as fact that the owners were giving out information when in actuality, I was just saying that anything is possible.

hello and welcome to rollitup. :weed:
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Ditto what most everyone said. Theoretically, it is possible for Rollitup to give your info to law enforcement. Realistically, it would never happen. Cops have neither the inclination nor the manpower to spend countless hours online trying to bust some guy growing a few plants. I've never heard of a single case of a large grower/dealer that got busted solely because of what he/she posted on some random blog. Cops usually get the internet evidence after they have made the arrest, and they have enough evidence to convince a Judge to give them a court order compelling Rollitup to cough up the info.

Then again, they could be out to get you :)