I've been told I'll be banned here!!


New Member
Well, working within the constructs of the hypothesis, I would imagine you would be totally correct if all the ppl on the "OTHER" site were all busted tomorrow...... :lol:

If I were working for the DEA, FEDS, Etc. I'd be busting my weed forum competition..... BAM!!! come to me..... :lol:


Well-Known Member
your def way too paranoid man, light up another joint and relax. like someone said the dea isnt interested in someone growing a few pot plants for personal consumption. they want to find giant grow fields and heroin, crack, ecstasy and cocaine dealers. ill admit i was a bit paranoid my self as to why the servers were down a few hours a few times but i realized they were updating and i had nothing to wory about.

i dont think the admin/mods of RIU will ban you for starting this thread. uness they are insulted that you joined to talk shit about another site i think they can be very fare. i think they really only kick out 16 year olds and hate mongers who bash on people


Well-Known Member
Holy shit you must be stoned off your ass, whats happening here. If somebody wants to be discrete then they shouldnt be showing pics in the first place. Yes site owners could be selling your shit just like your phone could be tapped, computer monitored, house watched, there might be DEA outside your house right now. Its all about the same odds. You have to consider the scale and resources needed. Its the fine line of paranoia that separates people that grow and people that want to grow.


Well-Known Member
RIU doesn't have to. Everything from tier 1 backbones to 'mom and pop' ISPs log all that information and they mostly cooperate willing(without a warrant) with LEOs.

This is a huge business. The US government has over 50 terabytes(admittedly) of information on US(intra, inbound or outbound) data traffic, and they're expanding that rapidly. I'm guessing the real figure is about 10-100x that.

The major problem is the data doesn't do anything without people. Computers aren't yet looking for criminals, that still requires people to dig through the massive amounts of data. And unless they have a reason to monitor your connections, you're likely not in their long-term databases. Most traffic data is purged every 2 weeks to a few months(a year tops). And is mostly used for cyber security, terrorism, etc... not some guy growing a couple plants in his basement.

But who's to say once they'd expanded their 'human filtering' or developed AI to do this for them... anyone breaking *any* law could be a target.


Active Member
let this poor paranoid man or woman be.. they have their right to express themselves on here in any fashion as long as its not insulting to others.. im somewhat paranoid at times but i deal with the shit..he or she dont really make lotz of sinse but oh fucking well deal wit it.. PEACE..


Thank everyone for the replies. I wasn't the OP in that thread over at nameless forum. He was the paranoid one. I was simply stating what was "possible" so yeah I got my answer. Infact, the OP of the other thread eventually came in and said that the info I provided him was exactly what he was looking for and...the next post was the same mod who had argued with me for 3 pages saying "Hrmmph, question has been answered. Thread closed." and closed the thread lmfao. Just about what I suspected though. Forum nazis are cute.:clap:


Active Member
Ok, so on another message board I won't mention the name of so not to break any rules, I'll post my original response to a question someone had about image hosting for weed forums.

Ok, so a mod said, go post that shit about the owners of RIU and see how long you last there...so...me being the general asshole I am...hi.

So, is it possible or not possible, in a theoretical scenario, that the owners of a message board who I have NEVER met, and who I have NO INFORMATION on their dealings behind closed doors could POSSIBLY have been busted, given money, whatever, and been forced into giving information, EVEN AGAINST THEIR WILL, to a police agency?

Is it paranoid? Sure I guess.

Then another poster wanted to argue that weed is, infact legal in Amsterdam, to which I replied it is not legal but it's tolerated. Again...I was wrong according to them.

Now, I beg a mod, please respond to this post. I also went on countless times to explain that I was never saying anything derogatory against the owners of the site. Just simply stating that you don't actually know what the owners do with your information unless YOU'RE the owner lol. That goes for ANY website on the flipping internet FFS. Amirong?
HIGH All, *LOL*....not really a Thread about it is it.

HIGH All, holy shit Evolved...*LOL* your not really thinking like this are you.....Grow to Rollitup and say the same shit you said here over there and see just how long you last.

Fuck I've been here since Day 1....ahhh it's not worth it....see you over at Rollitup
He mentiond RIU and I said ^^^ sorry to Bring this to your Site rollitup. He didn't make a Thread about like he should have...so he makes this instead

Pray tell how you came by the information that the owners of name removed have NOT setup a deal? Ask Marc Emery about jurisdiction and see what he's got to say. How do you know they aren't working with the police right this very instant? Show me your undeniable proof that they haven't "set up a deal" or shut the fuck up. You know this much more about the owners of named removed than I do ----> 0. Go get a napkin. You spilled a little dumb this morning on yourself.:wave:
I was respectful to him and Thank him for his advice.....like I said you should have come in here and made that post Evloved..oh well..again sorry rollitup (The Enforcer)...

the next post was the same mod who had argued with me for 3 pages saying "Hrmmph, question has been answered. Thread closed." and closed the thread lmfao. Just about what I suspected though. Forum nazis are cute.:clap:
I'll open it for you Bro