To each his own, but I have tossed many a pound because of powdery mildew, unless you got a really high end setup none of the techniques described in this thread will properly remove the mold, besides the couple people that said to trash it.
just decarb (bake at 250 degrees for 27 minutes then place in freezer along with a bottle of 91-99% iso alcohol overnight. mix enough chilled alcohol with your chilled herb to just cover it.shake for 2 minutes then strain thru cheese cloth and /or a coffee filter to remove the herb you can rinse with alcohol a second time if you want. place infused alcohol in a Pyrex dish and place on an electric hotplate.outdoors outdoors away from open flame or flammable object and set plate to low until alcohol evaporates. when plate cools to room temperature place in refrigerator to harden extract then scrape extract off plate.use like wax
To each his own, but I have tossed many a pound because of powdery mildew, unless you got a really high end setup none of the techniques described in this thread will properly remove the mold, besides the couple people that said to trash it.
Making iso would 4 sure. Been there, done that. Hasn't killed me or anyone else as of yet. Just sucks that happens after all the work & $ that goes into all of it. Hopefully the op figured something out.