OP here. First off let me say I haven't actually been following this thread because despite the fact that this is my first grow (AND it turned out to be a male) I'm actually newer to posting on message boards than I am on growing weed.
So I did a little research and came across this taken from
THE MARIJUANA GROWER'S GUIDE by Mel Frank and Ed Rosenthal
"Male plants usually do not have the dramatic increase in potency during flowering that the females do. Male flowers take about two weeks to mature, from the time they are first visible as tiny knob-like buds. New flowers continue to appear for several weeks.
When male flowers open and are about to release pollen, they reach their maximum potency. Since all flowers do not mature at the same time, for maximum potency the plants should be harvested after the first few flowers have opened. "
Similar statements were made about smoking leaves.
Copy/Paste link if you want a first hand look at what was for a long time considered almost a bible on the subject.
THE MARIJUANA GROWER'S Mel Frank & Ed Rosenthal
So yes, I am going to smoke the plant. According to what I've read both in this thread and in many other places since, I should be thinking about cutting things up next weekend, letting it dry a bit and smoking it by the end of the month. I will check back to see if the thread is still going and if it is I'll post it here. If it's not then I'll start a new one.
I guess before that point I would point out that I'm not operating a "grow room" I'm not trying to make money or be a scientist. I'm simply a guy who used to smoke pot basically everyday to the tune of 15 - 30 bong hits a day for 10 years. Now I get down about once every three or four months and have to score from strangers in the park. I'd rather be growing my own and if what I happen to grow turns out to me male then that's what I'm smoking until lady luck srongs up. Then I'll need a lesson in cloneing.
Glad to spark a heathly (cough, cough) debate.