I've got my new bulb. raft/hijack journal


can someone tell me what a screen is and what it does, also what is scrog? thnx
a screen is a, erm, uh, mmm... screen...?
ScrOG = Screen Of Green

where you train mj into a screen so that it creates more of an even plain for better light coverage.... blah blah blah

grow faq will teach ya some more about it...


Well-Known Member
did a little work on the room today. took everything out and put on a solid roof. i'm looking at the inside of my hood and it is very discolored. looks blue and yellow and white around the bulb area. like chrome tailpipes look after they've been heated. i think i may need a new hood.


Well-Known Member
yes, dish soap and oil do not mix; the soap will bond to the oil and it will fallout....

think about sweat and the soap you use when you bath.... and soap scum
it says right on the bottle of neem oil to mix equal parts dish soap. i think this is to break the oil up.