Ive lost all my mates to cocaine

Now if only all the young people would read this thread and accually think about it before they start off busting lines every night. No one accually listens until its happening or happened to them. thats the prob. live life.

^^ you need to be Respect'd if u want to deal with cocain.... !!

If not, you will be so fuck'd ^^ hahahah...... and if u are not respected as a buyer dont even try.... ^^
thanks all,
it friday and be meeting all the buds ill see what there gona be on,
Im gona be on the green as always and nothing else
this hole thread is an ebonic mess... i have very little idea what the hell most of you are saying...

but yes... coke is one of the worst... terrible karma and allways fucks people over... plus it isn't even that great... there are 1000 drugs i'd rather do...
coke is just an ego trip, they say things like 'I don't do cheap drugs', and there is NO decent art or music thats come out of coke. Only the true green legends live on, like Bob, Bob, Jimmy and Jim
Yeah tabs of E and little packages of MDMA are sooo bad for me because one night I'll do soooooo fucking much mdma. Then the next day I wont feel like shit so I'll do tabs get fucked up either from the traces of meth/heroin or whatever the fuck else is in those dirty things. The next day I feel like I'm going through withdrawal then here comes some MDMA and I'm back in the game. Shits not good at all once I found Ketamine there's no looking back. Besides MDMA isn't even that great I just want more when I do it because it doesn't fuck you up like tabs of E.
first thing you do is lose those friends,,,,sorry man but if you don't wanna go down with them,,and you will if you try to remain buddies with them,,then lose them,,all your time will be wasted trying to save them,,a person will only,,and I mean ONLY quit if they really want to),and they might say that a million times,,so be ready for it,,trust me,,,if you don't wanna fall into it,,stay away from it,,it will grab onto you,,and suck you dry(and not in the pleasurable way):cry:

Keep on Growin

Special K sukks.. Totally Stupid
You're talking Horse Tranquilizers..
Nothing great about it, 'cept for a quick "Ahhhhhhh dumbfuckkkkk moment"

Good Coke is awesome, if you can limit yourself to 4-5 lines per YEAR, and save it for great moments..

I never had a problem w/ coke, becuz' I can't afford it, and am hardly ever around it.. (rarely, its a f* felony)
But once in awhile its nice to get your throat numb on a good rail.

per year? how about per 30 minutes?

I'd say not good.
I've seen Scarface a few times!! :twisted:

I've only tried it a few times spread out over a couple years.. never got me addicted, but I know it is, and can be.
Thats why I don't pursue it. Plus I've lived in Venezuela where its grown and shipped from Colombia through...

I stick to Suds and Buds!! thats it! maybe something extra once in a full moon...
Seriously Coke was a waste good for the expierence but would I do it again? Maybe with some Xanax haha but I don't see myself going out and buying that shit over and over fuck instead of paying 30 for a half gram of cleaning products and a bit of actual coke just buy Mushrooms I get my shrooms usually for 10 grams for 40 or 8 grams for 40 depends on the mood my dealer is in haha
I Dont Do Any Man Made Drugs, Not Even Headace/pain Pills Inless Im Dying,
End Of The Day Ive Got My Life And Im Gona Get On With It, Mates Can Go Rot There Inside All The Like, And I Will Do All I Can To Blaze It Up Hopefuly Grow It 1day
Thanks For All Ur Comments But We Dont Need To Know About What Other Drug We Can Use Instead,.
Cannabis Only