J walk


Global Moderator
Staff member
Only shallow persons denigrate others with out knowing the facts (or even caring to learn them).
So what did you have for dinner? I ate moose & crab I caught/killed/processed/packaged/prepared myself, and I take personal responsibility for the majority of the protein I consume - you?
Hunting might not be your cup of tea and so be it, but just because you didn't see that bucket of KFC chicken die dosn't mean it didn't happen after having a horrible penned up life - all thanks to the commercial consumer.
That would be you.


Active Member
Only fags denigrate others with out knowing the facts.
So what did you have for dinner? I ate moose & crab I caught/killed/processed/packaged/prepared myself, and I take personal responsibility for the majority of the protein I consume - you?
Sport hunting might not be your cup of tea and so be it, but just because you didn't see that bucket of KFC chicken die dosn't mean it didn't after having a horrible penned up life - thanks to the commercial consumer.
That would be you.
Hahahaha count it!
I agree with whoever eat's what they hunt, but those fucking sports hunters fuck me off for sure!

I saw a video the other day of a hunter shooting at a lion or some big cat (can't remember) anyway, the lion got a quick one on the hunter and ripped his body up pretty bad, needless to say the lion was then killed by all the other hunters watching, pretty sad really. But it was good to see that fucker get what was coming to him.

I worked on farm's and ate and hunted wild animal's, but we ate everything we hunted.

Back to the thread topic, I wish I could smoke outside in the snow right now, that would be freakin' surreal!
I like to do what I call J-riding! I used to smoke up on the way up the mountain on the chairlift and then feel fucing amazing come down on my snowboard. Coolest thing to do ever! Man I miss home!


Well-Known Member
Only shallow persons denigrate others with out knowing the facts (or even caring to learn them).
So what did you have for dinner? I ate moose & crab I caught/killed/processed/packaged/prepared myself, and I take personal responsibility for the majority of the protein I consume - you?
Hunting might not be your cup of tea and so be it, but just because you didn't see that bucket of KFC chicken die dosn't mean it didn't happen after having a horrible penned up life - all thanks to the commercial consumer.
That would be you.

Good man!!! I can't even remember the last time I bought meat.

FYI, hunting Bear is a tradition in some cultures.

Steve French

Well-Known Member
Only shallow persons denigrate others with out knowing the facts (or even caring to learn them).
So what did you have for dinner? I ate moose & crab I caught/killed/processed/packaged/prepared myself, and I take personal responsibility for the majority of the protein I consume - you?
Hunting might not be your cup of tea and so be it, but just because you didn't see that bucket of KFC chicken die dosn't mean it didn't happen after having a horrible penned up life - all thanks to the commercial consumer.
That would be you.
I thought this looked familiar.


Active Member
Good man!!! I can't even remember the last time I bought meat.

FYI, hunting Bear is a tradition in some cultures.
Ha! I wish it were the same today! I haven't eaten wild meat in a while now unfortunately, or even organic (if legitimate organic's even exist anymore)

I don't really notice it so much with beef, but that fucking mass slaughtered mass produced chicken is starting to get pretty nasty, not to mention it gives you man tit's because of all the growth hormones they inject into the poor bastards.

I didn't know that hunting bear was a tradition in some cultures, but I'd imagine that this would be done without a firearm? I mean, I guess it depends on which cuture's but there once was a time we didn't have gun's.

I'm a huge fan of pork though, every xmas I would go to my uncles farm and we'd slaughter the pig from the previous year and cook up some fresh ham and ham steaks! Fucking delicious. He alway's had 2 or 3 big ass pig's every single year.