Jack & Bubba

Welcome, guys! This is my first grow ever, not really looking to grow dank (or expect to), just really interested in how the plant grows and see if I'm good at it. So far it's been really easy. If you have any suggestions or questions, PLEASE comment! I'm as interested in your questions as your criticisms. Any information is helpful for all of us, right? Here're the specs:

1. Jack Herer in a ~3 gallon bucket.
I know it's a bit small, but I'm worried about transplanting him to a bigger bucket. Suggestions? He is looking healthy, though, so maybe soon? He started 1/24/10.

2. 707 Bubba in a 5 gallon bucket. I heard these are a bit susceptible to mold? He's looking a little droopy/shocked today, but I just planted him yesterday. He was put in 1/27/10.

Lights: Currently I have three 26-watt CFLs in little grip lights I picked up at Home Depot. Whole set was <$30, seems like I might be getting better for my money than buying a $500+ light system, right? Currently I'm vegging them with the lights on for 24 hours a day. I guess I'll keep doing this til I flower or until someone tells me I'm doing everything wrong, lol, which ever comes first.

Ventilation: It's a closet grow, so it's not gonna be the best. But, my roommates are cool so the door can stay open with the fan for about 12+ hours a day. I think the stems will be pretty strong because of this, right?

Water: I make sure I only water when the dirt is almost completely dry. About 1 time every two or three days?

Nutrients: Brand X miracle grow stuff. I put a very little bit on the jack and he seemed to respond well. I'll wait a couple days before I add any more to him, if the bubba looks less droopy tomorrow I'll add in a little bit. Any suggestions for PROVEN BUDGET fertilizers? Hydro stores seem to be ripoffs or not what i'm trying to do.

Goal: To keep my plants healthy and ALIVE. All help is welcome. :-)

1. The grow.
2. Overhead of the 707 Bubba
3. The 707 Bubba
5. The Jack Herer.

1. Little yellow discolorations on the Jack Herer leaves? I think it's from heat stress, so I'll move him away a bit til somebody tells me otherwise.
2. Cycles: Is opening/closing the door and turning the vent fan on/off disrupting any cycles of the plants? As I see it, no since they're vegging under 24/7 light anyway, but I'm not an expert lol.

Hope you guys enjoy the journal, looking forward to growing this together! Peace.


First update: I'm almost certain the Jack's yellow discolorations comes from a combination of SLIGHTLY too close light and possibly those nutes I gave it a couple days ago. The lights have all been moved up about 5", and one of the brite white cfl's was replaced with an older, more yellow one. I thought mixing up the light spectrum would help, any clues?


Active Member
im new to this too but i think your white paint is probably better then tin foil also for nutes you can check out riddleme hes got a thread for cheap nutes + a noob advice thread that helped me out alot along with anything by Uncle Ben especialy his plant moisture stress thread
they look pretty good tho other then the 2 white spots on pic three on the middle top leaf near the tip and pic four the back right leaf thats darker lookslike a few blotchy white spots cant tell from the pix but if you got clones from a club it could have come with powdery mildew
pic four the back right leaf thats darker lookslike a few blotchy white spots cant tell from the pix but if you got clones from a club it could have come with powdery mildew
Thanks a lot for the advice. I literally just got finished moving my shit around so that the fan is in the back corner blowing air out of the closet.

You're absolutely right, i'm pretty sure that these clones from the collective came with powdery mildew. Besides increasing the ventilation, is there any way to get rid of this without buying some solution? (neem oil, etc?) Or will it go away with the increased ventilation?


Active Member
its herpes for your plants if you can identify it as powdery mildew id start over iv read some things will kill the powdery mildew inside the plant but then you cant smoke that plant i guess it would be to save genetics then take clones later you can control the outbreaks with sprays but they are only band aids and i used a sulphur dust and was good for 6 weeks till i saw more signs after all that rain in cali there are many sprays you can use i think baking soda and water was one but all it does is kill the spores on the outside and change the ph level so it cant grow but doesnt last long and its still in your plant if you use a spray to kill the spores on the outside increase ventilation and air flow along with lower humidity you could make it all the way through w/o a problem im kinda at a loss of what to do i was 4 weeks in veg on 2 chemdawgs and 2.5 weeks in veg on my bubbas so when i found the powdery mildew i just flipped them to flower and its been a huge battle im 7 weeks into flower and i dont know if im gonna be able to smoke my crop i have learned alot from this grow so its not a total waste or but dont know what im gonna do for next batch if the clones i get are infected i suggest reading what you can on it to make 100% sure its powdery mildew before you start over or do anything to it seems like a pretty common thing and alot of people deal with it but if you just started clones id save the head ache also the spores are probably everywhere now gonna have to surgically clean my grow space before i start my next batch its pretty fucking weak that they would sell shit thats infected for medicine but im guessing they dont know and the clones look good until i gave them the right conditions for it to grow when i got them home i might have a decent harvest and i might have to toss it all if i had to do it over again id of tossed them at first sign when they were small and first showed signs but im only on my 2nd grow maybe someone with more experince can help you better i know id want more opinions before i did anything drastic