Jack Flash SoG Journal

Old Frog

Well-Known Member
Hey all,

After years of growing in soil or soil agg., I decided to celebrate the 2009 new year with a new science project to keep me entertained.

What we have here is as follows:

-Jack Flash clones**

-Two 8'x4' ebb and flow trays

-One 70 gal. reservoir

-Six 600w HPS with Hortilux bulbs

-Dutchmaster Gold A&B nutrients, along with Max and Zone

-Dutchmaster Foliar Feeding Liquid Light and Penetrator

Pics of the progression to follow:

Initial setup.

First week.

**I am a caretaker for medical marijuana patients.

Old Frog

Well-Known Member
Updated pics: (apologies for the crappy cam-phone pics. Will upgrade when I stay sober long enough to remember the nice camera before going downstairs...)

Operating at about 3/4 strength of the recommended 3/4 strength Dutchmaster nutrient calculator, bringing the 2nd week's ppm level to 705. Ph is a constant 6.2, with water hovering around 20c in temperature. Foliar fed the liquid light and penetrator for the first time yesterday.

Old Frog

Well-Known Member
Changed all the bulbs to the warmer Hortilux spectrum this evening. You can even tell from the crappy phone pics how much more orange and red are in the room.

Finally flipped yesterday and added the fifth and sixth 600w over the trays. The girls are too frickin' big, and will have to be dealt with under the trellis system this evening.

12" tall skyscrapers. Hopefully the trellis can mitigate the height problem...



Well-Known Member
Wow nice man im glad youre doing a journal cuzz ive got 6 feminized jack flash from sensi seeds that i just put in my system...how many days from sprouting out of the ground are your girls? I wish you had some pictures from their seedling stage so I could compare

Old Frog

Well-Known Member
Got the new HEPA filter with Max Fan 8" today in the mail. This is a serious air moving/purification combo for the intake. It pipes air directly from the outdoors into the room. You can see it in the lower right hand corner of the pic below. Drool time.

Added the vertical supports for the trellis tonight. Going with an all PVC framework, both trellis and tray-frame, so finding all the fittings was kind of a pain in the ass. Worth it in the end though; this thing looks and feels really tight now.

As recommended by bleezyg420 I went and got 150 lbs of hydroton this afternoon, rinsed it thoroughly until the water runoff was clean, and then lined the trays. This will help with a few minor problems I'd been having, mainly the roots coming out of the bottom of the rockwool cubes. The other thing it's done is weigh the trays down so they seat properly on the PVC frames. The two trays we got were slightly warped, so it's nice to take care of that. The third thing is the algae that could've formed on the roots or the bottom of the rockwool cubes. Rock the pony.


Old Frog

Well-Known Member
Wow nice man im glad youre doing a journal cuzz ive got 6 feminized jack flash from sensi seeds that i just put in my system...how many days from sprouting out of the ground are your girls? I wish you had some pictures from their seedling stage so I could compare
This crop is all clones from four Jack Flash mothers (about 15 per mom). They were cut and rooted in late January, so maybe a month old total.


Well-Known Member
ok good to know man...yea im growing in hydroton as well good call i think...im on my first grow right now so your progress should help me out...my girls are 17 days out of the ground...ive got my ppm at 150 think the jacks can handle a little more at this stage?

are you going to top your clones? Im growing 3 arjans ultra haze #1's seperate from my JF's and they were getting tall to fast so i topped them and it was the best newb gamble ive made so far...theyve got 4 main stems now instead of one and are growing much bushier now

Old Frog

Well-Known Member
.ive got my ppm at 150 think the jacks can handle a little more at this stage?

are you going to top your clones?
1) What nutes are you using? I wouldn't go much past 300ppm at that young age.

2) I don't think I'm gonna super crop or top any this time around. 30 per tray is a pretty good load already at that rockwool cube size.

Xan2, MrPookie, and Pennywise 619: Thank you! Will keep updating as I go on...


Well-Known Member
Yea that makes sense I have limited ceiling room so topping was a must for me. You are gunna get a pretty massive yield regardless..

Im using Advanced Nutrients...the sensi 2 part base nute, voodoo juice, fulvic acid, humic acid, Jumpstart, and B-52...ive got some other stuff ill add later as well. Im running a waterfarm 8 bucket recirculating system..the AUH and JF's are all on the same 160 ppm solution i just mentioned, so i want to get the ppm as high as possible without hurting the Jacks because the Haze are 2 weeks older and are screamin for more food i think...They arent nearly as beautiful as the JFs youve got(theyre a lighter shade of green)...ive got pics on my thread im getting help from if u wana c them https://www.rollitup.org/marijuana-plant-problems/159409-help-plz-seedling-leaves-drying-6.html

Oh yea and assuming youve had a Jack Flash harvest before...what was the average dry weight you got per plant? and about how tall do these badboys get if you dont top em?

Thanks Old Frog!!

Old Frog

Well-Known Member
Oh yea and assuming youve had a Jack Flash harvest before...what was the average dry weight you got per plant? and about how tall do these badboys get if you dont top em?
JF in soil yields a consistent 140-170 grams of dry weight per plant in 3 gallon buckets for me. About .56-.68 grams per watt of HPS, or 20-27 grams per square foot. I use Botanicare Pureblend Pro (15-20ml/gal) with Green Fuse Bloom Stim. (8ml/gal), Cal-Mag (8ml/gal), and Hygrozyme (8ml/gal), ph adjusted to 6.1 and never exceeding 1500ppm, flushing for two weeks straight before harvest for taste.

They can hit 4.5' tall if left uncropped. I super-crop in soil so none ever get past 3' tall (closer to 4' from the floor).

Hope that helps!


Well-Known Member
JF in soil yields a consistent 140-170 grams of dry weight per plant in 3 gallon buckets for me. About .56-.68 grams per watt of HPS, or 20-27 grams per square foot. I use Botanicare Pureblend Pro (15-20ml/gal) with Green Fuse Bloom Stim. (8ml/gal), Cal-Mag (8ml/gal), and Hygrozyme (8ml/gal), ph adjusted to 6.1 and never exceeding 1500ppm, flushing for two weeks straight before harvest for taste.

They can hit 4.5' tall if left uncropped. I super-crop in soil so none ever get past 3' tall (closer to 4' from the floor).

Hope that helps!
man yea thanks for the stats...thats some good stuff to know...4.5 feet is very managable..im still thinking of topping them though cuzz ive read it increases yeild because the buds recieve more light when they have a broder canopy in the end...i might even expiriment and only top half of them.. ill let ya know

Thanks again old frog.

Old Frog

Well-Known Member
Starting to get bushy...

Another 3 days = another 3 inches all around.

Upping the ppm to 1200 tonight. Doubling foliar feeding to twice a week as well beginning tomorrow night.

Old Frog

Well-Known Member

Can't even see the trellis now...

Very healthy looking girls! :lol: Will flush the reservoir and up the ppm to 1250-1300 tonight. Little downturn on some of the bigger fan leaves tells me to maybe back off on the liquid light and penetrator foliar feeding regimen. No burnt tips though, so things are still fine. The nodal separation on the plants is great.



Well-Known Member
lol finally some legit pictures...lookin damn good man...my jacks are lookin like what u see in my avatar picture...how long have urs been buding for?