Jack Herer Autoflower issues


Well-Known Member
It doesn't. Better grow next time. Really? Suggested the steps to correct your issue. Not a transplant. My grows are based on experience. Not years of reading and quoting. The internet has seriously deceived many people with info to grow plants. Just not well. Hard knocks and hands on is more beneficial to grow to their potential.
Btw I’m not the OP


Well-Known Member
I know. The "you" was habit. But FF is the most confused medium I have ever read about across the net.
Because 99% are first time growers. The medium is fine. I never ph’d in FFOF for a month and didn’t have any issues. I don’t ph while vegging in soils like FFOF or Roots organic


Well-Known Member
Because 99% are first time growers. The medium is fine. I never ph’d in FFOF for a month and didn’t have any issues. I don’t ph while vegging in soils like FFOF or Roots organic
I didn't either. Then I doubled my growth after a couple of grows experimenting. And FF is more and more inconsistent. They established their cult and are milking the followers. It's made by the makers of MG. All my excess is growing petunias and marigolds. And only marginally at that without help. Peace.
Thanks for all the input!! This is indeed my first grow and I have a couple plants in the flower tent looking very good in FFOF. I didn't PH my water at first either because I didn't own a digital PH pen and the strips I had were clumsy to read at best. I've been paying much closer attention to the PH in the last couple weeks since I have a PH pen - when this issue came up with these 2 plants. As I said, this strain may be pickier and both plants are doing the SAME thing even though one plant is in the correct PH and the other not. Curiously, the one that is out of whack PH is larger. Both have the same spots. I added CALMAG to the smaller one with water only PH'd at 5.6 today. (This is the one that has correct PH).

Jacey lady

Active Member
I used ffof for the first time in my last grow with super soil on bottom half. Did better than my previous grows but I did get issues by flower time. I flushed with higher ph thinking if my ph runoff was low, higher would bring it up. It all worked out. What soil would be best if not ffof?
I think it was a combination of low PH and not enough nutrients. I top dressed with some dolomite lime, watered with some higher PH and fed higher level nutrients as well as adding CALMAG. I hadn't thought I needed it since I was using tap water. My tap is 118 PPM, which I guess is pretty low.

The plant looks very nice now and has a week or two to finish. Next run with these seeds, I will try to work up to 100% suggested nutes after about 3 or 4 weeks.