Jack Herer & Thai Stick - First Grow


Active Member
Hey Guys & Gals, I've been reading and reading and reading so much great information on rollitup.org that I figured I'd add my own little contribution with my very first grow!

I placed my seed order a few weeks ago with a reputable seed bank and received my seeds via a nice stealthy package and right on time! I ordered 10 Jack Herer Feminized seeds and received an extra 5 free Thai Stick seeds.

As for equipment this is what I have collected so far.

1) 600 Watt HPS with a digital ballast and a air coolable reflector. I plan on using this for flowering.
2) 6 CFL Fixtures that are 4x2 T8 Florescent light fixtures with 6 bulbs each, I have 6500K bulbs for these and I plan to veg with these and start my seedlings/clones. I have a bunch of these so I may add some to the flowering room for supplemental side lighting...
3) A portable AC/DE Humidifer unit to maintain the room temperature and humidity level.
4)A Waterproof Digital pH Tester
5)FoxFarm Complete Recipe Kit for Soil

I also have ordered a 400watt MH light to add to the veg room, but I haven't received it yet, the CFL's will do for now.

My grow room consists of a 5’x15’ room in my basement. I am building two 5’x3’ rooms within this room. One for Veg, One for flowering. The rest of the room with be for storing equipment etc..

I just started the germination process for the seeds so in a few days I hope to get them into the dirt!

Stay Tuned!



Well-Known Member
I will be watching. Give me updates as much as you can man. Just by your post I can tell your very intelligent and devoted to this.

I will post in my 2cents throughout your grow just to give you some differing opinions!


Active Member
Day 3
The 5 Jack Herer Seeds cracked and grew nice little roots so they went into the soil. No nutes were added but the new soil was watered at 6.5 PH.
The Thai Stick seeds have not cracked yet??
One slight problem that I encountered is my 600watt light would not fire up… No worries though it’s being sent back and the 400watt light that I had on order is being canceled and I have opted for just one 1000Watt HPS to do the flowering work. I will do the vegetative stages under my florescent lights (current plants and future clones)



Active Member
Day 4

When I woke up this morning all 5 of the Thai Stick seeds had cracked and sprouted half inch roots. I transplanted them into to my soil just like the 5 Jack Herer Seeds.

All 10 pots were labeled and placed under the florescent fixture.
I had to add an extra heater to the room to raise the temp a little (its in my basement and I’m in frigid Canada) But all it well it’s floating between 75-80degs with 45-50% humidity.

Attached are a few pics, you can see the section where I will be hanging a light proof tarp to separate the room (where the 2x4’s are along the wall) This area will receive my 1000watt HPS for flowering it measures 5’4 x 4’

Hopefully in a few days they will pop out!



Active Member
Day 5

Exciting day today!!! Jack Herer # 1,2 & 5 all showed themselves!!!!

All the others are still under the dirt :-(

Room Temp - 80degs
RH - 50%
Soil – Does not require any water as per my moisture meter.



Active Member
Day 6

All 10 plants have sprouted as of today!

Things are looking good!

Room Temp - 78degs
RH - 50%
Soil – Does not require any water as per my moisture meter.
Nutes - None Yet



im watching a couple different jack herer grow journals and so far this is my favorite. nice work man!!! you have a pretty nice grow room.. if possible could you elaborate with the specs of your room?? im looking to grow some jack herer for my second grow similar to yours so your feedback will help me tremendously!!

happy growing!


Active Member
Just a note , I've been growing Jack for a couple of years , one thing not to do is over veg them Get them up to about 8 inches tall then throw under the big lights. If you wait to long like my friend did you will have 7 foot plants. From rooted clone I trigger mine at 11 days.