Jack's 321 with RO water = 121 > 221 > 321?

I think the strength may need be adjusted if you aren’t running really powerful lights. In my flower room I’m running multiple DE lights so they seemed to consume everything I was giving them. If I was in a tent with lower wattage lights , I’d probably back off to 321 exactly and see how that did.

that quote was @farmerjoe420. yet he says to run full strength no matter what. seems like he's full of shite like i thought.

check and mate, jabroni.

full strength meaning 3.6/2.4/1.2 and backing off to exactly 321 as I suggested this guy do LOL. I see your digging deep now. I just did some digging and I can’t seem to even find a weed picture in your content. Do you even use 321? Your just trying to give theoretical advice
thanks to @Gemtree . the EC of 321 is closer to 1.2 not 2.4 as the OP originally stated. the 2.4 was what i was basing my advice on.

and @TintEastwood , i just failed to look at his spreadsheet. oops
I just mixed a fresh batch and it came out to around 1.8. I'm not sure why Jack's schedule's EC is so high, but that's where I was getting the 2.4.
You should always mix it at full strength and dilute to the EC you need for your plants. Then adjust the feeds based on what your plants are showing you.
What I'm saying is don't dilute. I also believe you can probably lower the 3, but the 2 and 1 need to remain at full strength. That why I brought up how using tap water or adding calmag usually gives a reading around 0.2 to 0.4. I think plants need a minimal of that amount of calmag. (Not that it's entirely calmag when dealing with tap, but it gives enough to not cause deficiencies.)

I was diluting down to between 0.8 and 1.2, which was a time amount of magnesium. I think you're better off lowering the 3 than diluting the entire formula down to that low of EC, was my theory. But since I've learned what I've learned in this thread, I'm just going to run at full strength unless I see signs of burns. I was just trying to explain my thought process.
While I'm waiting for my plants to rebound, do you think I should cut back my lights since the leaves probably aren't functioning properly enough to handle a whole lot of light?