Jack's Classic vs Advanced vs Fox Farm Nutes

Looking at the pdf from Jack's Professional they make a 5-12-26 Hydroponic. I'm not really happy with the NPK ratio of it and there's no label info on the exact makeup. Here's the description.

"THE fertilizer to use for hydroponic plant production. It is easily modified to fit specific crop needs and individual water qualities. Supplies magnesium and sulfur with 100% nitrate nitrogen."

I'm sure if you bought enough they would modify the NPK ratio.
Looking at the pdf from Jack's Professional they make a 5-12-26 Hydroponic. I'm not really happy with the NPK ratio of it and there's no label info on the exact makeup. Here's the description.

"THE fertilizer to use for hydroponic plant production. It is easily modified to fit specific crop needs and individual water qualities. Supplies magnesium and sulfur with 100% nitrate nitrogen."

I'm sure if you bought enough they would modify the NPK ratio.
Yeah I'm not so sure I'd go out of my way to buy it either. I can get any one of about 150 different fertilizers at local grow shops and nursuries. That K value is way high! :confused:
When you use JR Peters Jack's Pro Hydroponic 5-12-26 you need CalciNit to go with it to add calcium and more nitrate nitrogen.

You can order online from the source for cheap.

"Follow these steps to obtain a precipitate free solution
1. Dissolve 130 ounces of 5-12-26 Hydroponic in 1000 gallons of final feed solution. You will obtain the
following elemental PPM concentrations:
Element N P K Mg SO4 Fe Mn Zn Cu B Mo
PPM 50 52 215 63 246 3 .50 .15 .15 .50 .10
2. Dissolve any additional Epsom Salts desired into the above 1000 gallon solution before proceeding. For
most crops 50 PPM Magnesium is an adequate level in solution. To increase your Magnesium levels
dissolve 10 ounces of Epsom Salts in 1000 gallons of final feed solution to obtain 7.5 PPM additional
3. Dissolve 86 ounces of Calcium Nitrate into the above 1000 gallon solution to obtain a total nutrient
concentration of 150 PPM Nitrogen and 116 PPM Calcium.
E.C at 100 ppm N = 2.10 Limit of Solubility= 3 lb/gal."
Looking at the pdf from Jack's Professional they make a 5-12-26 Hydroponic. I'm not really happy with the NPK ratio of it and there's no label info on the exact makeup. Here's the description.

"THE fertilizer to use for hydroponic plant production. It is easily modified to fit specific crop needs and individual water qualities. Supplies magnesium and sulfur with 100% nitrate nitrogen."

I'm sure if you bought enough they would modify the NPK ratio.

It also contain no calcium at all. Think of this as one part of a two part nute. The other part is calcium nitrate. It is meant to be mixed with this cal nit... They don't sell it mixed because the chemicals would have a reaction and form substances that would not dissolve in water.
I use the Jacks Orchid (30/10/10) for veg and Jacks Bloom 10/30/20. It has a good assortment of micro nutes too. For ten bucks tolal, you get just about everything you need for you grow in two containers. This is my first grow and can say I am very happy with the results so far. The other two nutes you mentioned are designed to get a person to buy 6 to 10 diff nutes and spend 200 bucks on it. Advanced is the worst. They sell blackstap molassis as their Carbo Load brand. Carbo Load cost twenty dollars, blackstrap cost two bucks. I think your on the right track of thinking my friend. You can see pics of my plants at my grow below.
Yeah I'm not so sure I'd go out of my way to buy it either. I can get any one of about 150 different fertilizers at local grow shops and nursuries. That K value is way high! :confused:

When mixed properly it is close to 3-1-2.5, it is assumed that calcium nitrate will be added by you
I'm just now learning that this is common when dealing with the greenhouse industry
i've used both jack's and ff (liquid trio, no solubles), and the results were very similar but the jack's plants were a cut above. the leaves stayed greener for longer, probably due to the higher n amount in the jack's bloom formula, and this led to slightly better buds. add that to the cost difference and the choice for me hands down is the jack's. on my current crop i'm messing with dyna gro since it's more complete than both ff and jack's, but for the price, jack's is really phenomenal stuff.
Well i just got excited about Jacks and now i have realized that i cant get it in Canada :( Is there any nutes that you cna suggest that will delivery or are available in Canada. Thanks
Veg+Bloom is definitely our new Veg nute. Taking the place of Dry MaxiGro. It doesn't need Cal Mag or Silica so thats big for us. Plus its an easy mix powder.

Jeez zzz dont know where some people get there info from, I dont know how long they have been making ferts ,but they are like a stones throw from me, and the family has been ther for as long as I remember ,its a family bus. Bob is the father of Jack , I know the old man Bob use to help a lot of famers in the area back in the day with there ferts, all the famers had lots of respect for him. I dont know if they were bought out ,but I would not think soo being . Peters selling out would be like Martin Guitar, leaving or selling out ,same area same type of family,
That combination you indicated would be for Veg, right?
What about the bloom cycle? What would you suggest from Jack's? any supplements required?
BTW I grow in DWC!
jack's 20-20-20 start to finish, forget the word bloom in your nutes and be much happier
Been usin' Jack's for many a crop now. Dynamic duo is great....I recently started using a relatively new Jacks product....Citrus FeED....transitional nutes....when I flip to 12/12 I use Citrus to prepare the girls for the flowering phase....about 2 weeks....then shift to Blossom Booster....Keeps 'em nice and green...


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