jack's northen light LST grow


Well-Known Member
i like the simplicity and efficency of your grow. im always worried about bugs so i throw my soil away(sunshine4). i just put one of my leds on a mover and cleaned the room last night, so ill put pics in my journal. im using cutting edge 3 part.
cheers I do like to keep my grows simple and keep the running cost low :)
if you have no bugs on the plants in the time they where in flower, the soil is clean and free from bugs
but a new fresh bag of soil could have some bugs in, so using 50% new soil keep the cost down and there less soil to get rid of (hate getting rid of the old soil)

using some new and old soil will give the plant every thing it needs for 2-3 weeks and less food helps the roots grow faster

also you can use some of the old soil through a garden sieve as its great for small plants and seedling (as they don't like a hot soil mix)


Well-Known Member
hi all thanks for stopping by and having a read
all comments welcome

day 12 in veg and I am going to top the 4 tallest plants tomorrow :)


and I can't forget to put some pictures up of my plants in flower
31 days in flower 12/12





Active Member
Great shit man . They look lovely. I took your advice and used 50% old soil in my pots. I got my grow through grids today. The plant under the netting is 6 days into 12/12. I don't mean to intrude on your journal but I thought I'd share some pics with you. Again your garden is looking great



Well-Known Member
Great shit man . They look lovely. I took your advice and used 50% old soil in my pots. I got my grow through grids today. The plant under the netting is 6 days into 12/12. I don't mean to intrude on your journal but I thought I'd share some pics with you. Again your garden is looking great
cheers fellow

no problem about the pic's mate its good to see your plants as I was wondering what they looked like and they look great, love the purple light


Active Member
Hey man just checking in with you. The plant (qrazy train) under the 3x3 scrog is filling in nicely. It's been 3 weeks now. How are your ladies looking? I've been thinking about switching to a soil less mix so that I can feed/water them more often. Any thoughts?



Well-Known Member
Impressive grow. I can only aspire to get the same yields one day :D

Also, what are you using to grab ya pics? Usb scope or digi slr?