JAMAICA - I'm going there, tell me what I should do!


Well-Known Member
So I will be traveling to the homeland of the great Bob Marley.

Someone I know went a couple years ago and did a tour of his house. They said that the tour was awesome and that they sold cannabis tea and pre-rolled spliffs. The tour guide said Bob's house is the only place where marijuana is actually legal. Anyway, I know I want to do the tour.

I was wondering if anyone has been before and can describe their experience with the people down there as far as weed goes and buying, etc.


Well-Known Member
dont by your bag from the cab driver..wait til you get to your room..someone will help you out...Bring rubbers as well...swingers everywhere


Active Member
dude stay away from tours and all that bullshit. go to the hills and cool out with rastas and eat at local spots. you can walk around and find awesome food for cheap and I've been driving down a road and seen guys standing on the side with bales of ganja and machetes. handful for fucking 20 U.S.


Well-Known Member
First off, what part of the island are you going to? we stayed in Negril. It was awesome. the ppl we went with, apparently were worshiped by all the jamaiicans cause they think we are rich. we give them a 5 dollar tip, and they can feed their family for a week. The dude at our hotel is who hooked us up with pot, is was seriously a wal mart bag full for 50 dollars. and it was all different kinds. there is so much shit to do, it depends on you really. you can go spend the day with a rasta. he will cook you meals, go get the food and bud from his own garden take a dip in the mineral pool, it is the shit!


Well-Known Member
I am staying at Breezes Runaway Bay at Runaway Bay. Runaway Bay is a small bay within the city of St. Anne's Bay which is right across the way from Ocho Rios. It's an all-inclusive resort, so I won't have much reason to leave since everything is already paid for.

Thanks for the input, I just want to know what the demeanor of the people is like down there. Most of the time people are nice, but sometimes people can be jealous/angry towards the white vacationers.


Active Member
excuse me while i smoke my spliff HAAAAA...HAAAAAA...HAAAAAAAAA.funny video.
Sounds like a cool place to visit. i didnt know weed was illegal in Jamaica...who wouldve thought?:cry:


Well-Known Member
dude stay away from tours and all that bullshit. go to the hills and cool out with rastas and eat at local spots. you can walk around and find awesome food for cheap and I've been driving down a road and seen guys standing on the side with bales of ganja and machetes. handful for fucking 20 U.S.
its a little harder to go the unwalked path but you will find it the most rewarding thing you have ever done. i travelled there last year flew into montego bay with no plans and made my own way, ended up negril side of the island living with a rasta in the hills, cant be beat. talk to the locals, explore and have fun.

Al B. Fuct

once had a dog named
Don't get sucked in by street thieves offering to go get you something for money now and goods later. If you can't see it, you can't buy it.

Hire a motorscooter and go check out the island's interior in the hills south of St Anne's. Take some food to share with rastas you meet. KEEP LEFT. Roads are narrow and oncoming buses are often across the centreline. If you approach a blind corner and hear a horn honking, honk back and get to the left.

The advice given about buying from cabbies is spot on. They'll be flogging you "coke or smoke" when you're barely off the plane. Wait til you get to your hotel, go to the beach, someone will find you.

Cannabis is still illegal in Jamaica, but you'd have to do something blindingly stupid to get busted. Moreover, your dealer can also be a cop. It's his part-time gig, not a sting! Cops in Jamaica are more like camp counselors, trying to keep the more aggressive tourist harassers and local thieves from giving the place too bad a name.

Pocket your resort ID, don't wear it on a string around your neck.


Active Member
Man I am Jealous and I don't even know you! Listen when you get back you have to post a thread telling us all about it as soon as I can go I am there and you have to see Bobs house!:joint:


Active Member
*Wow I was stoned and didn't realize this thread was over two years old! haha atleast somebody may search and use it as reference.*

Hey mon, I'm from Iowa too! Went to Jamaica last spring break and it was the best decision I ever made.

I assume you will be flying into Montego Bay. You'll get offered ganja right away even though there are police everywhere. Be cool and buy no more than a joint for your ride to the resort. You can also ask to stop somewhere along the way... the cab drivers are all cool with ganja and will help you out or know who to talk to. Don't buy more than what you can smoke along the way because you will be getting ripped off...still better than Iowa, but trust me it gets way cheaper.

When you get to the resort and want to get some ganja there are a few options...
-Talk to the guys working at the resort. This is your safest option.
-Walk down the beach and many people will offer you ganja. They are annoying, but you will learn how to blow them off. "I'm good mon. Respec"

Some tips when dealing with random salesmen:
*They WILL try to hustle you, especially the guys around the resorts. They are pushy, but really just trying to make a living for their families*
-Always pretend to know exactly what you are talking about.
-Never tell them it is your first time in Jamaica. Act like a veteran and they will RESPECT you more.
-Always haggle them down atleast half the price. In fact when they tell you how much, act like it is outrageous and offer a ridiculously low number. They will either understand you know what you are talking about and cut you a good deal or not. If not go find someone else....there are plenty.
-Try telling them you have a jamaican friend up in the hills with the good stuff waiting for you. You just need enough to make it till then. The real good stuff that the locals smoke is grown up in the mountains. Down by the resorts they may try to sell you schwag. If it doesn't look good, move on but remember this is grown outdoors. Not some hydro weed covered in dense crystals.
-Always ask to see, smell and hold the weed BEFORE you give them any money.
-Don't buy too much. Shop around and try to find some good varieties. Plus you will make friends with the local guys.
-Try the ganja cake...its the best. Super potent.
- If you are into other drugs, they are there. Best coke i ever did. Mushrooms are around too. Just make sure you inspect things first.

Others have suggested going up into the mountains. It was the favorite part of my trip. I was also at an all-inclusive, but it was worth it. We met a guy at a beach bar one night and smoked with him all night. He said our ganja sucked and he'd take us up into the mountains the next day to his house and show us his fields. We took him up on the offer. It was a wild, crazy, scary and exhilarating day. Getting away from the tourists and meeting the real rasta men will give you a totally new view of Jamaica. We went up to this natural spring and swam in it. Our friend showed us all the natural fruits and showed us to a little cave where Bob Marley used to meditate. All the old rasta guys around were once friends of Bob. It was amazing talking to them. You will also find the best and cheapest ganja in the mountains. CAUTION - Be careful when taking trips with strangers.

Have a great trip.
Rastafari :joint: