James bean company

I put my cash in a security envelope, wrapped in a piece of paper with my order info. It's creepy to think a USPS employee opened my letter and took out the cash and trashed the letter... Do they just open every envelope they can't see through. Lol? Or did my cash and envelope just get tossed on the floor in some huge USPS sorting facility to never see the light of day again... I am feeling like electronic payment may be the route for me going forward. Even if I had a tracking number I would not care for the inconvenience of dealing with the USPS when trying to turn in a claim for cash their employees stole or lost... And I feel like they would just tell me to wait 30 days to see if it turns up or some other frustrating big government corporate answer. Lol
That sucks!
I sent cash certified mail, and got a tracking number. People that work at post offices look for plain envelopes with cash to steal.
I do not believe jb took your money. They are good people. Try again, get a tracking number. Good luck!
I don't think Jb took my money either. He emailed me back quickly when I inquired if my payment had made it to him etc. I should have sent it priority with tracking in a box to reduce chances of it getting lost or very likely stolen by USPS. Or perhaps used electronic payment so the dirty unreliable USPS can be cut out of equation all together. Lol
OK, so little update. I am an idiot. My payment/letter made it to JB yesterday. He just emailed me today. He said he has seen letters take 10 plus days to make it to him, and had even had the priority packages he sent out take 10 days, despite the 2-3 day guarantee... Anyways, James bean patiently put up with a handful of stressed emails from me, returned every email in a timely fashion, and even emailed me on a Sunday afternoon to tell me he got the letter and payment yesterday evening. So anyways, I am stupid... I shouldn't have acused USPS of stealing.... They are just lazy... Lol. And JB is the man. He knew I assumed an untracked letter with cash was missing, and that I blamed USPS... And he was still honest and let me know when he received my payment. He could easily have just pocketed the cash and let me blame USPS...
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Does it come in the mail usps, ups or fed ex. Do you get an option? I hate my postal service here, they always delivered important mail to another address. I can't risk that with seeds