James Bond Style


Well-Known Member
I have a technology fetish I will fully admit. In my situation I love nothing better than a legitimate excuse to stock up on some cool high tech gadgets. So far I have a handheld rugged waterproof GPS handheld and a pair of night vision goggles. I've seen the never get raided preview and had a lot of ideas. My ultimate goal is 100-125 plants total, I've never done outdoor and don't know if that would be realistic. Each "patch" will have 5-7 plants camoflaged amongst the immediate surroundings. I'm thinking I want to look for small clearings which I could place several plants with a southern exposure. There will be no real rhyme or reason to the spacing, most untrained people probably wouldn't even recognize them if they say them in passing. There is no way a helicopter would recognize a single plant int he woods, for gods sake's its a plant and they tend to blend into a forest. So with a 100 plant goal that will mean there will be many patches. This I believe will help ensure I don't come up totally empty handed as well as decrease chances of being detected significantly. With the GPS I will be able to take a different route each and every time I travel to said patch. This will help not to leave a trail and leave me the opportunity to enter from any bearing. Night vision will be totally fucking badass as well as help me significantly. I'm working with a partner who is supplying the seeds. With a GPS and evac on standby I'm feeling pretty good. Multiple extraction points with code names can give me a quick escape. Depending on my position I can call out for a location and have evac there to pick me up. No parked car will also decrease any suspicion. We have multiple strains going at the moment in germination. No real point to plant them outside just yet. They're still babies and we have all the stuff to help them along until they can get big and are ready for the real world. Our mother died unfortunately so we had to start from seed. I'm hoping to get at least a pound per plant, is this unrealistic? My friend has done indoor quite a bit but this is my first grow and his first outdoor so we're both in new territory. Either way though I'm so fucking pumped, I get to feel like James Bond and play with some bad ass high tech gadgets. Also, these patches will be placed in approx. 20 sq. mi of woods. Any advice will be greatly appreciated.


Active Member
You are fuck'n stoned man :D Build traps from branches and other shit, if somebody walking on your territory or find your place, this traps will show you the evidences of the incursion.Use barricade to lock the ways of the spots.


Well-Known Member
I see what the guy is saying. I assume that when you say "traps" you really mean very passive and simple security precautions. I've heard of people leaving .50 cent pieces behind or a compass on a string hanging from a branch. The theory behind this is that a potential thief would take it and let you know someone's been there. All the other "traps" would be useless because there would be no way of telling if it had been an animal. The only other method I could think of would be motion activated security cameras. You would have a lot of footage to go through but it would work.


Active Member
how are you planning on watering them cause 17 spots with 7 plants each would be a full time job..good luck ne way