January 6th, 2021


Well-Known Member
You do make it hard not to like your posts man. I apologize for being so critical of the Hill, but they pumped out nonstop Left trolling videos on youtube and buried the Butina stuff when I last checked.
Oh, was that you, forgot all about it. I never really read the opinion pieces there, the thing I do like about them is they are pretty quick to get a story out and the news stories are generally unbiased. Mind you, you would not hear a Trump supporter say that. I first came across The Hill after finding Politico. Politico is much better for going in depth but there is no escaping their left leaning slant. Like Vox also for a longer read but they are more limited. Just heard of these people today, will have to check it out.



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Trump Warns 35 'Wayward' Republicans After Vote for Jan. 6 Commission
Former President Donald Trump is warning the 35 House Republicans who voted for a measure to establish a commission to investigate the Jan. 6 incidents at the Capitol that there may be "consequences" coming from voters who understand the lawmakers are "being ineffective and weak."

"See, 35 wayward Republicans — they just can’t help themselves," Trump posted on his website Thursday, the day after the House voted 252-175 to create the commission. "We have much better policy and are much better for the Country, but the Democrats stick together, the Republicans don’t."

He added that Democrats don't have people like his critics Sens. Mitt Romney, R-Utah, and Ben Sasse, R-Neb., or like Rep. Liz Cheney, R-Wyo., but "unfortunately, we do. Sometimes there are consequences to being ineffective and weak. The voters understand!"

Trump also released a statement before the vote to urge lawmakers to reject the commission and called the bipartisan deal reached between House Committee on Homeland Security Chairman Bennie Thompson, D-Miss., and ranking member John Katko, R-N.Y., "more partisan unfairness."

"Unless the murders, riots, and fire bombings in Portland, Minneapolis, Seattle, Chicago, and New York are also going to be studied, this discussion should be ended immediately," he said. "Republicans must get much tougher and much smarter, and stop being used by the Radical Left. Hopefully, Mitch McConnell and Kevin McCarthy are listening!"

It is good to see there are people taking the Trumpards to task. I did while Trump was in office with a few others. Glad to see more of them doing it there now.

The commission is needed in order to probe how much members of trumps political orbit knew about the intent of the mobsters and examine whether the trump whitehouse made any effort to defend the capital while it was under attack.
This would be embarrassing for trump & co, so no wonder they don't want it.
Its going to happen whether they want it or not, though it will be a partisan instead of bipartisan effort, similar to repubs partisan commission investigating H. Clinton on Benghazi.
So the party that went nuts thinking that a twitter ban constituted a violation of free speech is now dropping the hammer on 35 people who dared to have a differing opinion.
If this was a TV show you would turn the station because it seemed so absurd.
Gotta believe the GOP is hoping Trump has a massive stroke one of these days soon. It must be so difficult to operate knowing their fickle, weak minded base will do and think whatever Trump tells them to.
Donald John Trump. The REAL President of the United States.
You guys keep comparing apples and turnips. Benghazi and Watergate are in no way similar. The riot on Jan. 6th was committed by the public. It was not politicians or on foreign soil. This event is already being investigated by law enforcement. There is ZERO chance that Congress would do a better or more thorough job. It would be political and serve to further divide our country.
Acts committed by the public, incited by a politician(s), so very much like WG and Benghazi due to politician involvement.
The commission will probe how much members of trumps political orbit knew about the intent of the mobsters and examine whether the trump whitehouse made any effort to defend the capital while it was under attack.
Trumps defenders in congress have benefited from the fact that many of the investigations you reference have moved slowly and largely out of view, allowing them to obscure the truth about the events of that day and the dangers that the former presidents supporters posed to lawmakers.
It is always hilarious to hear Trumpers concerned about dividing America.


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Whatever Trump has control over he destroys, luckily he only had control of part of the US government for 4 years, but it was enough to murder 600,000 Americans and almost destroy America's foreign policy and alliances.

Next up for destruction, the Trump organization and the republican party, he has full control of both and they are both going down the tubes. If almost half the country weren't racist assholes, he and the republican party would have been flushed down the toilet of history long ago. Instead, Trump, the republican party and their racist base remain not just a real and present danger, but an existential threat.


Well-Known Member
Just amazed that we can"t even muster a bi-partisan committee to investigate that shameful day of national disgrace. Thre Reps agreed to it,then pissed their pants(as usual) when Cheeto spoke out. I remember a time when it was political suicide to be totally exposed as a liar, they would wiggle like worms.Now you've got Graham,Cruz,McCarthy,McConnell and so many more,some have just been re-elected,completely undressed as pathological liars and nutless subserviants, walking around proud as a peacock w/no care in the world totally without conscience and oblivious to their party over country seditious ways.Whatever happened to our country that these chretins have no price to pay for these deeds and moreover are rewarded w/re-election in some cases.ASTONISHING and FRIGHTENING for the futurew/the precedent it has set.ccguns


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https://www.rawstory.com/stephen-calk/Screen Shot 2021-05-22 at 1.40.59 PM.png
Federal authorities seized $90,000 from a Utah man accused of participating in the U.S. Capitol riot who sold footage he shot at the incident to news outlets, which included the fatal police shooting of fellow rioter Ashli Babbitt.

Prosecutors also filed additional criminal charges against John Earle Sullivan, a self-described political activist accused of illegally entering the Capitol and participating in the riot, according to Reuters.

"Sullivan recorded video of the confrontation between rioters and police just outside the U.S. House of Representatives chamber that included the shooting of protester Ashli Babbitt and, according to court filings, boasted to an unnamed witness that 'my footage is worth like a million of dollars, millions of dollars,'" Reuters reported. "Sullivan sold that footage to several news outlets for a total of $90,000, according to a seizure warrant. The news outlets were redacted from the warrant."

He now faces eight criminal counts, including weapons charges, related to the deadly insurrection.

Babbitt, an Air Force veteran, was fatally shot by Capitol police as she tried to crawl through the broken window of a barricaded door.

She has become a cause célèbre of far-right activists, some of whom have even compared her death to the recent police killings of Black men, although the officer who shot her has been cleared of wrongdoing.