January 6th, 2021

42 GOP lawmakers press for fencing around Capitol to be removed
Forty-two Republican House members sent a letter to Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) Friday, urging her to allow security fencing around the Capitol to be taken down.

“We write with concerns about the security measures and enhanced fencing around the U.S. Capitol even though high profile events like the inauguration are over. In particular, we are concerned with recent reports that the fencing surrounding the Capitol may become permanent,” they wrote. “We are willing to have an honest debate about providing Capitol Hill Police with the resources they need to be better prepared without turning the Capitol into a permanent fortress. To that end, we urge you to remove the barbed wire fencing surrounding the Capitol and send the National Guard troops home to their families. It’s time. It’s time for healing and it's time for the removal of the fencing so the nation may move forward.”

So please, erase our shame before Trump's trial.
Now Roger might be an interesting witness to call at the impeachment, worth an FBI interview for sure.
Video surfaces showing Trump ally Roger Stone flanked by Oath Keepers on morning of Jan. 6 - ABC News

Video surfaces showing Trump ally Roger Stone flanked by Oath Keepers on morning of Jan. 6
Some Oath Keepers were later involved in the riot at the U.S. Capitol.

A new video has surfaced showing former President Donald Trump's longtime adviser Roger Stone in Washington, D.C., on the morning of Jan. 6, flanked by members of the Oath Keepers militia group just hours before the deadly insurrection at the U.S. Capitol building.

In the video, which was obtained and reviewed by ABC News, Stone takes pictures and mingles with supporters outside a D.C. hotel as Oath Keepers hover around him, one wearing a baseball hat and military-style vest branded with the militia group's logo.

"So, hopefully we have this today, right?" one supporter asks Stone in the video, which was posted just after 10 a.m. on the morning of the rally. "We shall see," Stone replies.

It is not known to what they were referring.

Stone has maintained that he played "no role whatsoever in the Jan. 6 events" and has repeatedly said that he "never left the site of my hotel until leaving for Dulles Airport" that afternoon. He has also decried attempts to ascribe to him the motives of the people around him.

MORE: Congressional investigators probe videos of Trump associates' actions ahead of Capitol riot
"I had no advance knowledge of the riot at the Capitol," Stone on Friday told ABC News about the video. "I could not even tell you the names of those who volunteered to provide security for me, required because of the many threats against me and my family."

PHOTO: In a video frame grab, longtime Donald Trump adviser Roger Stone is seen outside a Washington, D.C., hotel with members of the Oath Keepers on the morning of Jan. 6, 2021.

The Black Conservative Preacher
The Black Conservative Preacher
In a video frame grab, longtime Donald Trump adviser Roger Stone is seen outside a Washington...Read More

In recent weeks, photos have surfaced online showing several people involved in the assault on the Capitol posing at various events with Stone. At least two of those arrested after the melee posted photos on social media late last year showing themselves with the longtime Trump associate. Stone, long a provocative strategist in Republican circles, attained an added degree of celebrity after being convicted in connection with the investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election, and later being pardoned by President Trump.
Good luck getting organic food in the big house, unless ya consider a cock meat sandwich organic.
‘QAnon Shaman’ unrecognizable in mugshot from Virginia jail (nypost.com)

‘QAnon Shaman’ unrecognizable in mugshot from Virginia jail

The accused Capitol rioter dubbed the QAnon Shaman is sporting a new look — sans horns — in this newly released mugshot.

The notorious shaman, whose real name is Jacob Chansley, is virtually unrecognizable without the furry headdress, horns and face paint in the jailhouse photo released by officials in Alexandria, Va.

Mugshots of federal inmates are difficult to obtain, according to Law and Crime, which published the photo.

In 2016, the 6th Circuit Court of Appeals held that suspects can assert privacy interests in booking photos. The majority of judges in that case ruled that mugshots “convey guilt” and “haunt the depicted individual for decades,” the outlet reported.

However, as in Chansley’s case, federal inmates are sometimes housed by state or local law enforcement agencies, which may release the images pursuant to underlying state law.

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Jacob Chansley is virtually unrecognizable without the furry headdress, horns and face paint in a jailhouse photo released by officials in Alexandria, Va.AP; Reuters
On Thursday, Chansley was moved to a jail in Virginia after a federal judge ordered authorities to provide him with organic food while he’s in custody.

He was transferred to the Alexandria Detention Center after his lawyer argued that his client had gone nine days without eating because organic food wasn’t served at the jail in DC.

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Jacob Chansley was indicted on civil disorder, obstruction, disorderly conduct and other charges for his role in the Jan. 6 riots at the US Capitol.Manuel Balce Ceneta/AP
Ya know what I don't get about this person, it's that he's stated/acknowledged that he became "enlightened" after doing Peyote
To follow/adhere to Trump?
What the fuck?
I did a decent amount of peyote/acid/schrooms in my lifetime, but they fucking never, ever made me into a Madman
Or, did they?
Sometimes I wonder :)
Peace out & stay safe :)
Good luck getting organic food in the big house, unless ya consider a cock meat sandwich organic.
‘QAnon Shaman’ unrecognizable in mugshot from Virginia jail (nypost.com)

‘QAnon Shaman’ unrecognizable in mugshot from Virginia jail

The accused Capitol rioter dubbed the QAnon Shaman is sporting a new look — sans horns — in this newly released mugshot.

The notorious shaman, whose real name is Jacob Chansley, is virtually unrecognizable without the furry headdress, horns and face paint in the jailhouse photo released by officials in Alexandria, Va.

Mugshots of federal inmates are difficult to obtain, according to Law and Crime, which published the photo.

In 2016, the 6th Circuit Court of Appeals held that suspects can assert privacy interests in booking photos. The majority of judges in that case ruled that mugshots “convey guilt” and “haunt the depicted individual for decades,” the outlet reported.

However, as in Chansley’s case, federal inmates are sometimes housed by state or local law enforcement agencies, which may release the images pursuant to underlying state law.

View attachment 4817215
Jacob Chansley is virtually unrecognizable without the furry headdress, horns and face paint in a jailhouse photo released by officials in Alexandria, Va.AP; Reuters
On Thursday, Chansley was moved to a jail in Virginia after a federal judge ordered authorities to provide him with organic food while he’s in custody.

He was transferred to the Alexandria Detention Center after his lawyer argued that his client had gone nine days without eating because organic food wasn’t served at the jail in DC.

View attachment 4817216
Jacob Chansley was indicted on civil disorder, obstruction, disorderly conduct and other charges for his role in the Jan. 6 riots at the US Capitol.Manuel Balce Ceneta/AP
Lol, what a loser. Reminds me of Damien in the Bride of Chucky.
Fox News Media cancels Lou Dobbs's show
Fox News Media announced Friday that it has canceled Lou Dobbs's show on Fox Business, ending the highest-rated program on the business network.

The announcement comes a day after Dobbs was named, along with other Fox hosts and pro-Trump attorneys, in a $2.7 billion lawsuit from voting technology company Smartmatic. The complaint specifically cited a groundless claim made on Dobbs’s show that Hugo Chavez, the Venezuelan strongman who died in 2013, had a hand in tampering with Smartmatic devices to manipulate the vote in last year's U.S. presidential election.

“As we said in October, FOX News Media regularly considers programming changes and plans have been in place to launch new formats as appropriate post-election, including on FOX Business – this is part of those planned changes. A new 5PM program will be announced in the near future,” the spokesperson said.

I think thousands entered the capital building, looking at the crowd, how many do you think were smart enough to not take their phone. The capital buildings have their own cell network with logs, if you enter the building with a phone they know who you are and were you go in the buildings.
I think there was a big network of people, people on the inside also, who organized the event. It was all planned. There is a greater plan. That was just to test the faithful, to weed out the chaff from the wheat. The true believer will be in place, the oppressors taken down. Trump, rising like a phoenix once the final vote is cast.

And the bright light of a new day will reflect off his highness's orange skin, hair, just perfect.

OK guys, I can't keep this up forever.
They can still create a terrorist watch list of individuals, not organizations, it would require legislation, but it should pass constitutional muster and would be based on individual behavior.
Let's talk about the First Amendment and Canada's designations....
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Trump/McConnell Judge Trevor McFadden Lets Insurrectionist Jenny Cudd Vacation in Mexico

Insurrectionist Jenny Cudd, who once ran for Mayor of Midland Texas, bragged about how she violently broke into the US Capitol, violently broke down Nancy Pelosi's office door and how people stole things from the Speaker's office. Even after having two days to reflect on what she had done, she proudly declared, I would absolutely do I again.

Cudd was arrested and released. She then told Federal Judge Trevor McFadden, that she wanted to travel to Mexico, while pending trial, to enjoy a lovely "work retreat/bonding experience."

Judge McFadden, a long-time Federalist Society member, was appointed by Donald Trump and confirmed my Mitch McConnell's Senate. Judge McFadden said he didn't want Cudd to suffer the loss of her prepaid vacation and didn't want to interfer with her work-bonding retreat. He then said she she is not a danger to the community, despite the fact that just weeks earlier she participated in an attempt to violently overthrow our government. And she said she would "absolutely do it again."

If Jenny Cudd were a person of color, would she be enjoying a trip to Mexico after trying to violently overthrow our democracy?
I would love to see the Democrats take a small sample of these rioters and do a presentation of how they were radicalized online over the last decade using their social media posts in a analysis of what is going on with this social media attack that has been allowed to be conducted on us all.

There is a direct line between June 6 2021 and whatever site they were posting on and got sucked into the trolling/clickbait/youtube cycle of propaganda.


They should call this guy in as a expert witness to explain what it is that they really don't have a clue about.

And/Or this speaker:
Trump could dodge accountability in Senate impeachment trial and courts (usatoday.com)

Impeachment trial: The Senate is unlikely to convict Trump. Can we count on the courts?
The Justice Department may decide to prosecute Trump, but it's a tough call. Whatever the evidence, one Trump fan on a jury could prevent a conviction.

Ask any diehard Democrat their most vivid political fantasy and, if they’re honest, they will describe former President Donald Trump in an orange jumpsuit with his hands clenched around two jail cell bars. That image is not the equivalent of the “I’d like a date with Jennifer Aniston” dream because, well, Trump spent four years exploding the heads of prosecutors, ethicists and decent human beings with an unbroken chain of corruption that would make imprisonment a near-certainty for most ordinary people.

But if 2020’s lesson in criminal justice was the deadly disparity between the system’s treatment of Black and white Americans, 2021 is going to be all about the disparity between the powerful and everyone else. And nothing will illustrate that bitter pill better than the events about to unfold around Trump’s role in the Jan. 6, 2021 attack on the Capitol.

There are a panoply of federal laws that make it illegal for someone to “incite…any rebellion or insurrection against the authority of the United States;” or agree with others to use force “to prevent, hinder, or delay the execution of any law of the United States;” or “impede any official proceeding” before Congress; or intentionally disrupt “the orderly conduct of Government business” by engaging in “disruptive conduct” near a restricted building.

A mob 'provoked' by the president'
Others have effectively detailed how Trump fraudulently attempted to convince his supporters that the presidential election was stolen; how he leveraged congressional surrogates to amplify an illicit scheme to maintain presidential power; and how he doused rhetorical hot sauce on an angry mob that converged on Washington to do whatever was necessary to stop the final electoral count that would declare Joe Biden the president-elect.

Trump’s culpability for an insurrection that breached the heart of American democracy was aptly summarized by Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell, a longtime Trump ally: “The mob was fed lies. They were provoked by the president …” McConnell’s “provoked,” and the federal insurrection statute’s “incited,” sound an awful lot like one another.

And to those who think that Trump is in the clear because he did not march with the mob to the Capitol, like he promised, there is a federal law that says someone who “counsels, commands, [or] induces” others to commit a crime is just as guilty as the people who physically commit the crime.

Constitutional:Of course the Senate can hold a Trump impeachment trial. There's no serious argument against it.

America’s first crack at holding Trump accountable will start Monday, when the Senate opens a trial based on the House-approved article of impeachment that charged Trump with “incitement of insurrection.” But the writing is already on the wall, since 45 Republican senators recently voted to hold no impeachment trial at all, based on the unsupported position that a former president cannot be impeached. This all but ensures that Democrats will fail to get the 17 GOP votes needed to secure the constitutional remedy of disqualifying Trump from holding an elected public position again.

Once Trump’s senate fraternity brothers and sorority sisters give him a pass, the real question is whether the Department of Justice will make good on its name by conducting a full investigation into the many activities of Trump that appear criminal. There is plenty to investigate, from the campaign finance fraud payoff of Stormy Daniels, to the extortion of Ukraine’s president that tied American financial aid to manufactured political dirt on Biden, to the breach of the Capitol that ended in the death of five people.