January 6th, 2021

"The world is watching and wondering whether we are who we say we are," Rep. Castro says
"For America's adversaries, there was no greater proof of the fallibility of Western democracy than the site of the US Capitol shrouded in smoke and besieged by a mob whipped up by their unwillingly outgoing president," Castro read from a news headline.

"Following the insurrection on January 6th, even our allies are speaking up," said Castro, pointing to our neighbors to the north.

"Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said, 'what we witnessed was an assault on democracy by violent rioters incited by the current president and other politicians,'" read Castro, continuing Trudeau's statement: "'As shocking, deeply disturbing, and frankly saddening as that event remains, we have also seen this week that democracy is resilient in America, our closest ally and neighbor.'"
A 3rd impeachment would be a really really bad idea. For one thing, he is no longer in office. The reason this one is constitutional is because he was impeached while he was still in office. If the GOP do take over the house at any time President Joe Rob is still in office, they will impeach him. And just like with Clinton, it will hurt them.

Yes, the GOP will be smaller. In national races they could really be in for a long dry spell. But they will still win in the red states and districts.

It's still up in the air about if Joe Rob will defeat covid. It's still at a crazy high rate, and with new variants popping up, it will still be around in '22. Thus the economy could still suck the big one. It is rare for the President's party to pick up seat in the midterms. I will be happy if we hold our own in the house and pick up a seat or two in the senate.
A 3rd impeachment is a possibility and a potential threat to use against the republicans, after a criminal conviction by the courts for inciting an insurrection it would even be appropriate. Trump is headed for prison and we are all waiting for the state and federal indictments to drop, in the meantime he's more motivation for the dems and a problem for the republicans. The big money is being cut off from the crazy wing of the GOP and HR-1 will limit dark money, that is their major concern.

I'm hoping for a secret senate ballot at Trump's trial, if Chuck wants it they can do it and I figure Mitch wouldn't mind either! Make it a surprise for Donald, he will soon have bigger concerns, like staying out of prison and keeping what money he has, shit from what I've seen he's having trouble finding a legal place to live.

As for covid, the variants are a concern, but soon you will feel the full force and power of the American government under professional management, you will have leadership. Variants are one of the reasons mRNA vaccine technology is so important, this technology can rapidly respond to them by modifying the mRNA strand. Covid might be with us for a while, it's endemic now. Science has had a year to respond to this disaster and the results have been spectacular and progress will continue moving forward, there are other therapeutics in the pipeline and antivirals too.
For the Archive of this Hippy/Head/Growing site
Fucking really sad, right?
At least in my mind it is
I think I might have to leave/stop posting on RIU politics
It depresses me too much to read my threads/comments/reply's anymore
I don't think I can stand it anymore.
It makes me too fucking sad/angry
Stay safe & strong/peace out/your loved by me :)
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For the Archive

These days you can document history with YouTube, stuff from the legal news sources and it will probably remain online as long as RIU. Not much video stuff from years ago, before things went digital, resolution was poor and analog magnetically recorded images grew fuzzy over time. These days news sites post significant video of events on YouTube and it will remain crisp and clear as the day it was digitally recorded and available for all to see and link to. False narratives aside, it is more difficult to hide from the past now and a lot of republicans will want to hide theirs! These threads record history now, not just people's reaction to it, there is context for the viewer and even historian in the distant future.

This battle for the soul of the nation is one of hearts and minds, then ultimately votes, attacking the congress and sacking the capital got the Trumpers off to a very bad start! Even if Trump is acquitted by the senate he won't be by the courts, the case there will be even more compelling with witnesses and evidence along with the impeachment managers arguments. The senate is the jury, but so is the public, though another TV viewer should not be overlooked, Merrick Garland is watching and Trump committed crimes proved by the house managers before his eyes too!
I'm talking about what they will do, not what they should do. Some have already said they will use the firing of the Ukrainian prosecutor as grounds. Which will be even less of a reason than their last impeachment, a hummer from a chubby aid.
I agree that Republicans have left the US base and moved to Bizarro world, where competence is grounds for impeachment.

As you indicate, they have gone off the rails and are no longer constrained by the constitution or rule of law. Just look at them. They know what Trump did and don't care. After this, it doesn't really matter what Democrats do and what Republicans threaten to do in response. At this time, if Republicans take control of the Senate and presidency again, our democratic republic is finished.
I agree that Republicans have left the US base and moved to Bizarro world, where competence is grounds for impeachment.

As you indicate, they have gone off the rails and are no longer constrained by the constitution or rule of law. Just look at them. They know what Trump did and don't care. After this, it doesn't really matter what Democrats do and what Republicans threaten to do in response. At this time, if Republicans take control of the Senate and presidency again, our democratic republic is finished.
I told my buddy in 2016 that Trump could be the next Hitler. Over the years he finally has been understanding my concern. He said Trump will do some good, crashing and burning with the American people realizing the mistake they made. My thinking was he would make his vission of America mainstream. And since he had his followers do not care if he breaks laws, trashes the Constitution. Only as long as they get their narrow vision come to life. And this is what Hitler sold. People knew he was wrong. But the ones that did not like it otherwise they might get a visit late at night from some patriots.

Sound familiar?
I like to think enough people still realize that in 2022 to prevent that from happening regardless of how good or bad Biden does. And if Trump runs in 2024, that by itself will be a good motivator to go out and vote against him.
Sometimes I have to accept losses like we had in 2016. I don't think there will be another chance if I have to accept another like it. But the way to beat them every time is also clear. Large voter turnout. Not only do I have to vote myself but I need to actively work with others to get as many others to vote as possible.

Biden has to deliver too. The coronavirus relief bill is one example of that. At the end of his term, practically everything will hinge on how Biden handles the epidemic this year and the economy thereafter. We want people to vote FOR Democrats, not just against Republicans.
Sometimes I have to accept losses like we had in 2016. I don't think there will be another chance if I have to accept another like it. But the way to beat them every time is also clear. Large voter turnout. Not only do I have to vote myself but I need to actively work with others to get as many others to vote as possible.

Biden has to deliver too. The coronavirus relief bill is one example of that. At the end of his term, practically everything will hinge on how Biden handles the epidemic this year and the economy thereafter. We want people to vote FOR Democrats, not just against Republicans.
Yes. We need to remember quite a few GOP held their nose and voted for Joe Rob because of Trumpf. Next time they won't do that, assuming they don't have a crazy one win the primaries.
I forgot who it was that posted this link:

But it had a really crazy meme that was spread around.

Screen Shot 2021-02-12 at 5.59.44 AM.png
OathKeepers & Proud Boys to the South East, Portland prayer boys to west, and Massholes and NY/NJ nazi's to the North East.

Basically surrounding the capital building based on the organized regional crazies.

They really seemed to have actually timed this well. With the right wing gang members pushing the cops back into the capital timed with Trump shutting down the speeches after him and talking until they were ready so he could send thousands of brainwashed people as cover for the actual violent people who were looking to murder our politicians.

I really hope that the Democrats are not done. And that this was truly just a opening statement and they brute force the complicit Republicans into a shameful silence. Then do a blind vote when they finally do relent.
New details emerge in McCarthy's call with Trump on January 6

In an expletive-laced phone call with House Republican leader Kevin McCarthy while the Capitol was under attack, then-President Donald Trump said the rioters cared more about the election results than McCarthy did. CNN Special Correspondent Jamie Gangel reports
Trump Refused To Call Off Rioters During Kevin McCarthy Phone Call On Jan. 6

“It undermines the entire defense that the President’s lawyers have put on," says Sen. Van Hollen discussing the new reporting on Kevin McCarthy's phone call with Trump in which he refused to call off rioters.
I have a feeling that when the congress is done with Donald the courts will begin, both state and federal, we'll see if Donald has a pocket pardon for himself and others soon enough. Meanwhile Joe is plenty busy doing president stuff, undoing Donald's damage, purging incompetent assholes and refilling the government with some talent, repairing relationships etc. Merrick Garland is watching all this shit at home on TV and the heat will be on the new AG to indict Donald for these crimes against congress at least. The house managers pretty much made the criminal case against Trump and witnesses are plentiful as is video evidence.
How do people start believing in conspiracy? No idea.
Since the sacking of the Capital there seems to be a bit of "buyer's remorse" lately, perhaps the magnitude of what they did is starting to sink in. It's a bitch slap back to reality for some of them, everybody on the grounds will be indicted and anybody who was inside the building is screwed. Donald took himself, the republicans and the most fanatical of his lunatic base down with him on the way out the door. The racist right is screwed in America now and are on the wrong side of the the national security community, they will be monitored, infiltrated and perhaps put on a domestic terrorist watch list. The republican party is split or will and hundreds of thousands have walked away since the capital sacking, they've shrunk even more. Ultimately this is a battle for hearts and minds, votes, and the republicans are off to a flying start for the future, what a "brand" they are creating!
How do people start believing in conspiracy? No idea.
The try to find new information about how to grow a plant and end up here.

A troll hijacks them and nudges them over a site with more trolls and then they are a hop skip from the real crazy (Stormfront/Religious/gun/etc) forums that get them to believe anything on some crazy index and move them up to the next rung of the ladder of radicalization.

Apply enough repetitive troll/conspiracies with false stimulus (data driven located stimulus) and the human brain can be tricked into all kinds of crazy shit.

Then it is just sorting out the people who become believers and even if they just find 1% of people that is 3 million crazy believers.