January 6th, 2021


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Ronan Farrow: Who Were the Rioters on Jan. 6th?

In the Trump impeachment trial, a key element of the prosecution's case is a dramatic video taken at the Capitol during the insurrection. Who were the actual faces in the crowd? Ronan Farrow has profiled three different rioters to learn more about their backgrounds. All three have been arrested and now face criminal charges. One made threats on Farrow's life. Michel Martin speaks with the reporter about his investigation.
I love Ronan..he'll be exposing someone soon, if there is someone to expose and there is. Private jets to the Insurrection? we know which corporate companies support the EC (liberalism) and those who support Trump (fascism)..that's what it has come down to imo.


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NAACP sues Trump and Giuliani after Jan. 6 riots
The lawsuit claims that the former president and his personal lawyer violated the Ku Klux Klan Act by conspiring with white supremacist groups to incite the insurrection.

On the heels of the Senate's acquittal of Donald Trump, the NAACP, Mississippi Rep. Bennie Thompson and civil rights law firm Cohen Milstein Sellers & Toll filed a lawsuit against the former president, Rudy Giuliani and two white supremacist groups, citing their role in the Jan. 6 insurrection.

The lawsuit, filed Tuesday morning in Federal District Court for the District of Columbia, alleges that Trump and Giuliani, in collaboration with the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers, conspired to incite the riots to keep Congress from certifying the results of the 2020 presidential election.


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And after a number of Republicans that have come out and said he was to blame, even some of them that acquitted him. Hard for the courts to say they are just democrat and Fake News, fake news.


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The Donkey kicks back and the elephant is staggering around confused!
Assistant House speaker: Capitol riot commission needed for 'truth and accountability' - POLITICO

Assistant House speaker: Capitol riot commission needed for 'truth and accountability'
Such a commission could could also consider larger issues like domestic terrorism and its link to racism in the United States, Clark said.
Assistant House Speaker Katherine Clark said Tuesday that no option is off the table for further addressing former President Donald Trump's role in last month's Capitol riot — including a 9/11-style commission or invoking a constitutional amendment to block Trump from running again.

Though Trump was ultimately acquitted in his impeachment trial by the Senate, Clark (D-Mass.) said she thought a commission would be important in not only getting granular information about the Jan. 6 riot but also in holding Trump accountable. Such a commission could could also consider larger issues like domestic terrorism and its link to racism in the United States, she said.

“I think there will be bipartisan support [for the commission] because Americans understand what is at stake here, and this is the next step to getting to truth and accountability,” Clark said in a POLITICO Playbook Live interview Tuesday.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has called for a commission similar to the one that probed the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks to investigate the Jan. 6 Capitol riot, which left five people dead. The 9/11 Commission took two years to complete and yielded a 561-page report on the 2001 attacks, their origin and recommendations for the future.

The assistant speaker said a commission could take the conversation around the riot, which occurred after Trump delivered an incendiary speech to supporters who later marched to the Capitol, out of the political realm and into the hands of fact-finding experts who would formulate guidance to avoid future attacks.

“This is far more than about a former president,” Clark said, adding that she believed American democracy was in danger. “It was a message to future presidents about what we consider conduct that is worthy of the office of the president of the United States.”

Asked if Democrats might turn to the Constitution's 14th Amendment — which contains language barring individuals who have "engaged in insurrection or rebellion against" the United States from holding certain offices — to bar Trump from holding office again, Clark said "we haven’t taken any of our tools off the table" but that it was too early to know which processes would be used to pursue accountability.

Whether the 14th Amendment could be used against Trump remains an open constitutional debate. The amendment, adopted in 1868 after the emancipation of enslaved Americans, granted citizenship and equal protection to everyone born or naturalized in the U.S., though such rights would take a century or more to be fully realized. But the amendment also contains language — aimed at the time at former Confederate officials — barring individuals who "engaged in insurrection or rebellion against" the United States specifically from serving as a senator, House member or member of the Electoral College.

The amendment makes no specific mention of the office of the presidency but does bar individuals who engaged in insurrection from holding "any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any state."

As assistant house speaker, Clark said she has worked with freshman lawmakers to work through the insurrection and its aftermath, including helping them find therapists or set up security systems for their houses.

“Three days into their congressional careers, their very lives were threatened,” she said, adding that people of color in that cohort emphasized the themes of racism that were linked to the insurrection.

Rep. Lisa Blunt Rochester (D-Del.), Clark said, was told to take off her pin identifying her as a representative while being evacuated from the Capitol. Rochester was hesitant to take it off, fearing that without that identification, she might not be seen by law enforcement as a person needing protection.

“These are the real issues members of Congress are dealing with and processing,” Clark said.


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Donald and his loonies take down the GOP, where will these losers go when Donald goes to prison? Hundreds of thousands of people left the party since the capital sacking, leaving a residue of hardcore Trump fanatics and many of those are in serious legal trouble. The republican party has shrunk in size in the era of Trump and have gone completely tribal, anything goes, cheating and political violence are not just supported but encouraged. 2022 should see anybody with a brain or guts in the GOP house primaried and the next crop of republican senators will be lunatics and conmen. The party is spiraling around the drain and the big bucks will stay away, outlaw dark money and they will just have their grass roots for support and Donald will be syphoning off a lot of that cash for himself (even if he is in prison).

The republican party is filled with the mentally ill, racists, antisocial assholes, suckers and morons, all are morally flawed, though many are just plain fucking stupid. All of them are enemies of the constitution and the rule of law, either through malice or stupidity.
Republicans Who Voted To Convict Trump Face Backlash Within Their Party | Andrea Mitchell | MSNBC - YouTube
Republicans Who Voted To Convict Trump Face Backlash Within Their Party | Andrea Mitchell

Former White House Deputy Chief of Staff Jim Messina and former U.S. Rep. David Jolly join Andrea Mitchell to talk about the backlash facing GOP senators who voted to convict Donald Trump for inciting an insurrection at the Capitol. "What we are seeing are the opening salvos of the 2024 presidential election," Messina says. Jolly adds, "somehow the litmus test for new Republican leaders is whether or not they put party before country."


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Michael Steele Discusses What's Going On In The GOP

The Republican party is still tearing itself apart over Donald Trump. Punch Bowl News Founder, Anna Palmer and former Republican National Committee Chairman, Michael Steele join Katy Tur for a discussion on what's going on in the GOP.


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Michael Steele Discusses What's Going On In The GOP

The Republican party is still tearing itself apart over Donald Trump. Punch Bowl News Founder, Anna Palmer and former Republican National Committee Chairman, Michael Steele join Katy Tur for a discussion on what's going on in the GOP.
I like the part where Michael said he had been drinking for four years trying to figure out how the fuck the GOP/we got here :)
I can totally relate