January 6th, 2021


Well-Known Member
A hell of a lot more know they voted for Teump than know they voted for Biden.
you guys parrot the mainstream media and never do any critical thinking yourselves....

Example, all of you brainiacs attempting to lambast the GOP for the stimulus?
Do any of you know that there is $5,000 per man/woman/child and only $1400 going out to taxpayers? For thise who are math impared that’s about a third of the man/woman/ child count.
So you will see how much the Libs care, they added in wording OUTLAWING the sale of Hemp products and tobacco products via mail.
You guys are the best argument for a mandatory draft I have ever seen. You whine like children and take no responsibility. Fix the problems if you are so smart, or shut up and let the grown-ups fix it.
who told you that?


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Deep Dive into Judge Lamberth's Order Jailing Insurrectionist "Q Shaman" Chansley Pending Trial

One of the leaders of the January 6 attack on the US Capitol, Jacob "Q Shaman" Chansley, filed a motion seeking release pending trial. In the event there's any doubt that the courts are taking these criminal cases against the Trump supporters who attacked the US Capitol seriously, Judge Lamberth's 32-page order denying Chansely's request to be released from jail pending trial should lay those doubts to rest. Judge Lamberth's order is must reading for those who feel frustrated and disheartened at the way justice seems to have ben elusive in recent years. Here is a deep dive review of how the judiciary is viewing the severity of the attack on our Capitol and our democracy.


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DOJ Builds Evidence Against Organizers Of Capitol Riot: State Attorney

The Justice Department has charged a member of the Proud Boys who allegedly used pepper spray against police officers during the Capitol attacks, according to court records. Dave Aronberg, State Attorney for Palm Beach County, joins Morning Joe along with Tom Rogers to discuss.


Well-Known Member
Another case of "the Donald made me do it"!
Two Men Arrested For Assaulting Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick

NBC's Ken Dilanian has details on a Washington Post report on the arrest of two men for assaulting Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick during the riot on January 6.


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Two Insurrectionists Arrested for Assaulting USCP Officer Sicknick BUT No Murder Charge - Here's Why

The FBI just arrested Julian Khater and George Tanios for participating in the January 6 attack on the US Capitol. These two insurrectionists were charged with nine counts, including assaulting the late US Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick, as well as assaulting two other police officers. However, court documents reveal that they have not been charged with the homicide of Officer Sicknick.

As a career DC homicide prosecutor and former Chief of Homicide at the DC US Attorney's Office, this charging decision is entirely consistent with the way we generally investigate and charge large conspiracy cases that involve potential homicide offenses. Here's why . . .


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Closing In?: Trump Caught On Tape Calling January 6 'Important Date'

Donald Trump’s former acting defense secretary bluntly stated in a Vice interview that Trump is to blame for the insurrection at the Capitol on Jan. 6. This comes as new audio evidence relating to his criminal probe in Georgia has come to light. MSNBC’s Chief Legal Correspondent Ari Melber is joined by The New York Times’s Emily Bazelon to report on the developments.
He's going to fucking jail
Very fucking cool, indeed :)


Well-Known Member
He always leaves himself an out, just like how the white supremacists say, "what, it's just the "okay" symbol", when we all know the deal, just can't exactly "prove" it. So all he'll say with it being an important date will refer to the EC vote, because he, like most republicans, are too chicken shit to own anything.


Well-Known Member
He's going to fucking jail
Very fucking cool, indeed :)
You are beginning to see some accountability, but it hasn't yet really begun, except for those dumb cunts at the capital. From what I've seen Joe has hit the ground running as I figured he would and should have the country vaccinated (those who want it) by summer and perhaps the kids in the fall start of the school year. I figure you and your wife should be getting the jab pretty soon and Joe made Uncle Sam put some bucks in yer bank account, your wife and kid's too. Elections have consequences and results too!

There is cause for optimism, the republicans fucked themselves with Trump and it will soon show in the polls. I expect the elephant to thrash around for a spell and go mad as it is poisoned to death by racism, hate and stupidity. The nice old white guy is appealing to many who might vote for Trump, he is not seen as a visceral threat like Obama. Policy doesn't matter much to these folks and they've shown it with Trump, they only see in black and white, people that is.


Well-Known Member
Bet the odds are pretty good that 21 yo gunman in Georgia who executed those poor Asian women in the happy ending parlors was another Donald inspired kook,WHEN WILL THIS SHIT END!!! ccguns


Well-Known Member
He always leaves himself an out, just like how the white supremacists say, "what, it's just the "okay" symbol", when we all know the deal, just can't exactly "prove" it. So all he'll say with it being an important date will refer to the EC vote, because he, like most republicans, are too chicken shit to own anything.
Absolutely, he'll wiggle out of it in the typical MAGAT tradition.ccguns


Well-Known Member
You are beginning to see some accountability, but it hasn't yet really begun, except for those dumb cunts at the capital. From what I've seen Joe has hit the ground running as I figured he would and should have the country vaccinated (those who want it) by summer and perhaps the kids in the fall start of the school year. I figure you and your wife should be getting the jab pretty soon and Joe made Uncle Sam put some bucks in yer bank account, your wife and kid's too. Elections have consequences and results too!

There is cause for optimism, the republicans fucked themselves with Trump and it will soon show in the polls. I expect the elephant to thrash around for a spell and go mad as it is poisoned to death by racism, hate and stupidity. The nice old white guy is appealing to many who might vote for Trump, he is not seen as a visceral threat like Obama. Policy doesn't matter much to these folks and they've shown it with Trump, they only see in black and white, people that is.
Now after Tuesday night March16 in Georgia , I think they see yellow people to.ccguns


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Roger Stone makes appearances in pair of Oath Keeper court filings - CNNPolitics

Roger Stone makes appearances in pair of Oath Keeper court filings

(CNN)Former President Donald Trump's political confidant Roger Stone made cameos in a pair of court filings on Thursday related to Oath Keepers accused of participating in the Capitol riot.

In one filing, prosecutors included a photo meant to tie two alleged Oath Keepers accused of conspiracy to one another -- and the photo showed them apparently standing next to Stone at an event to promote his books.

In another court filing, two others in the right-wing paramilitary group who are accused of storming the US Capitol discussed via text message being Stone's security in Washington around January 6.

The relationship between Stone and the Oath Keepers -- and that they provided security for Stone's events in DC before the insurrection -- has become a recurring theme in the Capitol riot court cases. Both the court filings mentioning Stone on Thursday came in the most prominent conspiracy case against several Oath Keeper members.

Stone has denied knowing of any plans to storm the Capitol or commit crimes.

The glimmers on Thursday about Stone -- who received a presidential pardon for lying to Congress in part to protect Trump and became a primary pusher of disinformation about the 2016 and 2020 elections to Trump's backers -- add to a growing list of how he has connected in recent years with pro-Trump extremist groups accused of coordinating the January 6 attack.

Oath Keepers members have positioned some of their defense strategy around recasting themselves as peacekeepers aligned with law enforcement before and during the siege, rather than the revolutionary-minded militants that prosecutors have alleged. Watkins, for instance, previously claimed in court that she had been empowered by event organizers to escort VIPs and others to and from the pro-Trump rallies and march to the Capitol, and another alleged Oath Keeper said last week that he had been a driver for Stone the day before the attack.

The defenses of several alleged Capitol rioters have played into questions that members of Congress have raised about the culpability of the then-President and right-wing political personas who spoke to the crowd just before the violent siege.
If Trump's rally "was held to draw persons to DC for the purpose of obstructing the count of the electoral college votes of the states, then one would expect that those prominent national officials would stand charged for their incitement of violence and as leaders and organizers or aiders and abettors in the conspiracy," Oath Keeper defendant Donovan Crowl's defense attorney wrote in a court filing on Thursday. No political officials or speakers at the rally have been charged with crimes.

The disclosures of the text messages and the prosecutors' use of the photo on Thursday come as investigators continue their search for rioters and build their case against the Oath Keepers. Prosecutors allege that a coalition of ex-military and ex-law enforcement Trump supporters prepared and coordinated for the attack, discussing basic training and an arsenal of weapons that could back them up, then executed a military-style formation to cut through the crowd and disrupt Congress' certification of the presidential election.

The investigation is still in its earliest stages, and the court filings come as the defendants make requests to be released from jail as they await trial.

Book signing photo
The photo that prosecutors made public in court on Thursday shows at least two alleged Oath Keepers, Connie Meggs and Graydon Young, along with a man who is wearing the same distinctive style of suit that Stone often wears. The group is posing in front of several books written by Stone, about the Bush family, Richard Nixon and Trump. Prosecutors called the event that Meggs and Young attended a book signing. Young has pleaded not guilty to charges he faces, and Meggs is awaiting proceedings in Washington's federal court.

Prosecutors wrote: "Defendant Meggs obviously was acquainted with other members of the Oath Keepers group who stormed the Capitol with her on January 6; the photo below, which was shared on Facebook on December 15, 2020, shows Defendant Meggs (red oval) posing at a book signing with several other individuals, including co-defendant Graydon Young (green oval)."

The group appears to be posing for the photo inside a replica version of the Oval Office.
Stone declined to comment about the photo when asked by CNN.

Texting about Stone
A separate filing from a defense lawyer said that Oath Keeper conspiracy defendants Jessica Watkins and Donovan Crowl had texted about acting as Stone's security before the insurrection.

Watkins told Crowl on January 1 that they would act as security for Stone "if we end up rolling with the Oathkeepers," then referred to a plan to be "private security details" in Washington, according to the filing from Crowl's lawyer on Thursday.
Crowl repeated the idea to another person via text that he would be protecting Stone in DC, according to his court filing. "Will be in DC Tuesday and Wednesday. Part of Roger Stone's Oathkeeper security detail. Should be fun," Crowl wrote.
Crowl and Watkins are both seeking to be released from jail pending trial. They maintain they were not violent on January 6 and would not be dangerous if released. They have pleaded not guilty.

Also on Thursday, Watkins told the court that she's losing her home and the bar she runs in Ohio.


Well-Known Member
Bingo, there is also a un-indicted co-conspirator with this bunch and it looks like Roger Stone if I had to guess.



Well-Known Member
Bingo, there is also a un-indicted co-conspirator with this bunch and it looks like Roger Stone if I had to guess.

Something I'm really interested in, is when we start to see the sentencing, because most of these crimes are pretty damn serious and, under normal circumstances, would land someone in prison for at least five years.


Well-Known Member
Something I'm really interested in, is when we start to see the sentencing, because most of these crimes are pretty damn serious and, under normal circumstances, would land someone in prison for at least five years.
The most beautiful part of all of this is that they are federal crimes and most are felonies.

That means that each and every one of them will be forbidden to own firearms for the rest of their lives. That will hurt them far more than the few years in prison they'll wind up doing.

What's more, most will lose their ability to vote as well.

It's a win, win, win.