January 6th hearings on Trump's failed insurrection.

After 40-50 years of brainwashing, of being told (among other shit) that THEY are not just the TRUE Americans, but that they’re 65-80% of the voting population - that ‘the rest’ of us are just the fleas on the dog, and ought to have no more say over the course of the nation than the fleas ought to have over the path the dog takes….

This is the smudge that grew into the “take back OUR country” shibboleth the so-called ‘right’ waves with such glee. I. They were fools to believe it, of course, but it wasn’t just them: it was workplace pressure, Fox & Limbaugh instead of music in the office, expectations and political “jokes” from management; it was religious pressure, as preachers stopped teaching about Jesus, turned him into the brand on the box, and started answering the question “what would Jesus do?” with fundamental mischaracterizations of what the red-letter Jesus might actually do - mischaracterizations that have their roots in white folk’s refusal to see anything wrong with what THEY’ve inherited, or the cost extracted from the servant population that’s always been our national dirty secret; it was family pressure from respected elders, brothers, lifetime friendships with others under the same pressures; It was economic pressure from a society in which prices and costs endlessly rise while wages evaporate, in which “anything for a buck” starts to sound almost honorable - even biblical.

Stir in a few pounds of resentment (they’re taking YOUR MONEY!) and as much misinformation as you can lay hands on, add some unexamined sense that there really IS something off around here, then into the pressure cooker for 4/5/6 years in accordan email with the directions provided by paid agents of the overthrow, as filtered through favorite relatives a mentor, and the same news “everybody else“ watches.

When the timer dings, it’s 01/06/21

What it was NOT was principled, the product of a “deeply-held religious conviction”, in line with the teachings of Christianity (or Judaism)…nor was it what Jesus might in fact do his own self.

NOT “legitimate political discourse”…by any imaginable definition…unless you want to adopt the standards of Hitler, Rohm, and the SA …in which case, I take exception: not in my country, and whatever it takes to stop it EVERY BIT as legitimate as the traitors who want to kill the USA and dance around in its skin.

Fortunately, the hoodwinked ‘real American patriots’ who’d rather trust *private* government than the system we have have no such majority. In their total numbers they sound like a lot…but the GOP has slipped badly since the Reagan days - which were themselves a catastrophic fall from the conservatives of the Eisenhower era.

The actual number of die-hard, yellow-dog MAGA devotees both old enough and eligible to vote has been hovering around 30% for a decade, and as more and more of the venal, racist anti-American core of “modern conservatism” is exposed, the smaller that number gets. McConnell’ declaration of war against the insurrectionist wing yesterday ensures that turnout in November will be depressed and deeply divided. After Watergate, the Republican base STAYED HOME. Now, in the wake of Trump’s confession, the mountain of misdeeds, the mountains of evidence and testimony and the hours of video footage that testify to their innumerable broken laws & deliberate destruction, and the utter lack of ANY PROOF FOR ANY OF THEIR BULLSHIT, I’m going out on a limb, to say I think this is the end of the GOP.

As a whole, the nation is still largely caught up in shock and disbelief, literally not knowing what to think or what to believe…but over the next 10 months, it’s going to sink in just how cold-blooded and calculated it all has been, just how thoroughly manipulated, misled and straight-up lied to we have been - how complicit American Christianity has been in our near-destruction. By November, every genuine Christian, every actual conservative, every true patriot will understand that the Republican Party is an existential threat to the nation and its people, and for the sake of our survival, it must be removed from our political life.

I believe this will happen in the most natural and most American way possible: their candidates will not be able to win, because too many will refuse to vote for them and/or will vote against them.

Either way, they’re cooked…or something worse will intervene.

Sure, I could be wrong - and sure, I hope I’m not. I find the emotions I feel regarding the nation and our circumstance to be essentially parental: I want it to stand up straight, look the world in the eye with a smile, not be a bully, not be a thief, not be a menace. I want it to stay out of the dirt, show respect, be fair, be honest, do it’s best.

I want it to grow up to be a force for good in the world, to get along with the other countries; to grow into a nation to be proud of - not afraid of; to show the qualities as a nation that I would respect and admire in a person.

I don't know if I can agree, man.

Can't you sense the desperation?

It comes from own goals, like gazpacho police and "it was legitimate political discourse", they are so wound up they can't even think straight. Desperation leads to bad choices and they are making many.

It comes from the many trolls who come here. Really, a political forum on a pot board? How many trolls are out there that they find the time to come here? They are all dumb as a rock and that's an insult to rocks.

The desperation oozes from Trump, who brags about his huge rallies when we can all see the venue has a few hundred paid attendants. Also, look at how they pack the background behind Trump with Black people wearing "The Black for Trump", in stark contrast to pictures of people in the building are all old whites.

It comes from the outrage expressed by perma-Trumpers jumping all over their one powerful Congressman, Moscow Mitch who is refuting the "legitimate discourse" line with an obvious description of Jan 6 as violent act of sedition.

And now they are trying to take down the automotive industry. Whatever happened to the "bring back jobs" slogans?

So, it seems to me that it took less than a year and the foundations are falling apart.

It's not over. I hope nobody thinks I'm wishing for it but the violence we will see this summer is going to be epic. Mostly from white terrorists who refuse to accept majority rule. The next four years will be more of the same.

Yet, I'm beginning to feel optimistic that we will get out of this with a better future and a multicultural social democracy on the horizon.
Trump’s gonna completely lose his shit once public hearings start.
We ain’t seen nothin’ yet…but from this point, he can only lose harder: the GOP/MAGA split will get deeper and wider - and the invective will involve gesticulations, insane playground insults, snot, and bloody spittle in ever increasing extremes from MAGA, Ted Cruz rolling around on stage speaking in tongues, and Choker Quarrelsome will strangle on his own black bile, on-air. The effect will be to engage the natural instinct of all humans to move away from the obviously crazy/dangerous ones; MAGA could come out of Election Day with only 20-25% of votes cast…and only a toehold on power.
When do the public hearings start? This month, right?
When do the public hearings start? This month, right?
They were suppose to start soon, but I think as they rolled over Trump's many rocks, new slimy things emerged that require more grilling of the underlings to get the facts and documents first. The DOJ better start coming through soon with some support on congressional subpoenas, they appear to be in no rush with any of this stuff. Where are the wire taps and bugs? I guess they don't need such stuff when they confess on TV and there are literally tons of documents. The legal fruit is hanging so low it's rotting on the ground FFS!
They shouldn't be too hard to reconstruct Donald calls, they have a pretty good idea who he was calling, there is a limited list and other ways of getting the information on who and when. I'm sure they destroyed evidence too.
Jan. 6 Committee Finds Gaps In Trump Call Logs From Day Of Capitol Riot

The January 6 select committee has found gaps in the call logs of former President Trump on the day of the Capitol riot in records obtained by the White House. NBC's Leigh Ann Caldwell, Garrett Haake and the New York Times' Luke Broadwater have details.
What We Know About Trump's Missing Phone Call Logs

White House records obtained by the January 6 committee don't show any phone calls to or from then-President Donald Trump, including some the panel knows he made with Republican lawmakers.
Flush Away The Evidence?: The Trump Toilet Obsession Takes A Crooked Turn

Chris Hayes: “We learned about another way the ex-President was apparently destroying documents. And it actually might answer one of the long-standing mysteries of the Trump administration.”
Another sign of Donald's coming demise? The case in Georgia is pretty cut and dried, it shouldn't take the grand jury too long to recommend charges. So there could be bigly trouble in Georgia for the GOP a real internal civil war, with Kempt running for office against Stacy Abrams for Gov and Warnock for senate. Donald will be freaking out on the party in Georgia this spring and summer. Kempt and other GOP officials will have to testify at Trump's trial, then there's that recording of Trump, it's basically a slam dunk and will most likely be on TV as a bonus!

Looks like the long knives are out for Donald in the GOP establishment and they know something. Jesus what a shit show his trial in Fulton Co Georgia will be, he could cause the republicans to lose the state and fuck himself out of a pardon when the time comes to send him up the river!
Let's talk about the Republican Govs' strange move in Georgia....
Another sign of Donald's coming demise? The case in Georgia is pretty cut and dried, it shouldn't take the grand jury too long to recommend charges. So there could be bigly trouble in Georgia for the GOP a real internal civil war, with Kempt running for office against Stacy Abrams for Gov and Warnock for senate. Donald will be freaking out on the party in Georgia this spring and summer. Kempt and other GOP officials will have to testify at Trump's trial, then there's that recording of Trump, it's basically a slam dunk and will most likely be on TV as a bonus!

Looks like the long knives are out for Donald in the GOP establishment and they know something. Jesus what a shit show his trial in Fulton Co Georgia will be, he could cause the republicans to lose the state and fuck himself out of a pardon when the time comes to send him up the river!
Let's talk about the Republican Govs' strange move in Georgia....

Some day, maybe soon, Georgia will be unKempt.
Some day, maybe soon, Georgia will be unKempt.
If Donald is indicted, Kempt and other GOP officials will testify against him while running for office against Stacy Abrams, what do you think Donald will do? He will turn on the republican party in 2022, not just in Georgia either and screw them and himself in the process. With Donald revenge and retribution come before common sense and reason. If the democrats can win in 2022, they can fix the system and level the playing field enough to keep the GOP out of power in 2024.

Donald destroyed everything he ever had power over, the more complete his control, the more thorough the destruction. He only controlled part of the American government, but he has complete control over the republicans.
Why Are There No Timely DOJ/Federal Indictments of Trump & Company: An Insider's Perspective

Donald Trump and many of his corrupt associates have committed crimes in plan sight. Yet there has not been a single federal indictment. There are a number of institutional reasons that the Department of Justice often takes longer than is optimal to indict cases.

This video discusses the differences between state criminal investigations (which are generally "reactive") and federal investigations (which are generally "proactive"). It also addresses how most crimes that violate federal law also violate state law, giving the feds the opportunity to decline to take jurisdiction over the case and leave the work to the states. Finally, this video takes on the three ways federal grand jury investigations generally conclude, and why the fact that federal prosecutors almost never lose a case is not necessarily a good thing. All these observations come from the perspective of someone who spent nearly a quarter-century at the Department of Justice.
Rudy is broke and desperate, he needs a deal and doing Donald is the price, Trump threw him under the bus and Rudy can't afford the legal help he needs, besides, he knows he's fucked. Dunno if congress will give him immunity, they should require mitigation of his crimes, a public confession of the big lie and make the fucker do PSA about it too. Rudy is is in a lot of deep shit, not just with 1/6 either.
Trump memo drafter claims executive privilege over 11,000 documents sought by Jan. 6 panel
The drafter of two memos to the Trump campaign outlining a strategy for denying President Biden’s election victory is seeking to withhold more than 11,000 pages of his emails from the House committee investigating the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol.

John Eastman, a Chapman University professor who was subpoenaed by the panel in November, said in a Sunday filing he completed a court-ordered review of roughly half his email trove, some 46,000 pages, and found those emails should be covered by attorney-client privilege.
Eastman advised the Trump campaign both to use invented vice presidential authority to push back on election results and to get state legislatures to reject electors from certain states in order to deny President Biden a majority of the Electoral College vote.

Those memos became a blueprint for the Trump team in eyeing Congress and the states as avenues for unwinding the election, likely igniting Trump’s focus on having former Vice President Mike Pence buck the ceremonial duty of certifying the 2020 election results.
A judge ordered Eastman to review 1,500 pages of his emails per day after Eastman sued the committee in an effort to broadly block its access to his communications, which include more than 94,000 emails.

The filing, first reported by Politico, says Eastman has turned over 8,000 pages of documents to the committee, while his attorneys and the committee agreed to exclude 26,000 emails coming from a lengthy list of Republican listservs for various campaigns and from politicians and Trump associates.
While Eastman is thus far hoping to shield more than 11,000 pages of his emails, that figure will likely grow as he proceeds to review the remaining nearly 48,000 emails.

The committee has previously complained that Eastman “has not provided sufficient information to determine the validity of Plaintiff’s privilege assertions,” its lawyer wrote in a Friday filing.
Eastman is one of several attorneys that has sought to defy the committee with attorney-client privilege claims.
But the privilege does not cover all communications with clients, particularly any legal advice given in the process of committing or with the intention of committing a crime or fraudulent act.