January 6th hearings on Trump's failed insurrection.


Well-Known Member
mitch stifled so much of obama's policies and obama still comes out as one of our top 15 poti potuses of all time
The democrats will win the long game, if they and the country can survive the short one. The next couple of elections are critical, if the republicans are rewarded for this shit, it will get a lot worse before it gets better, if it gets better. There must be a political cost for this shit and the republicans need to pay it badly. Most of these idiots who vote for them have a fuzzyheaded greater cause that drives them crazy and causes them to fuck themselves.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
why would people allow themselves to be recorded saying shit that incriminates them in major crimes? how many documentary crews were embedded into the whitehouse and the proudboys and just fucking everything they were doing?
the first rule of fight club is you don't fucking talk about fight club...second rule? no documentary crews while planning a coup.
third rule? delete all power point presentations with "how to steal an election" in their titles....


Well-Known Member
why would people allow themselves to be recorded saying shit that incriminates them in major crimes? how many documentary crews were embedded into the whitehouse and the proudboys and just fucking everything they were doing?
the first rule of fight club is you don't fucking talk about fight club...second rule? no documentary crews while planning a coup.
third rule? delete all power point presentations with "how to steal an election" in their titles....
The fun begins for Stevo on Monday morning he has a date with a judge and no legal defense, so the trial won't be long at all. Steve in in the barrel now and while he's in the crowbar hotel we will see what he did to earn is pardon for his previous scam. Steve could end up on trial for conspiracy while he's doing his time for contempt of congress and may never see the light of day after he is sentenced for contempt of congress. I wonder if he will show up for his sentencing all hammered up, cause it's gonna be a long dry spell after he is.


Well-Known Member
It looks like the points of contact between Trump and the oath keepers/proud boys were Flynn, Stone and Bannon, the crowd at the Willard including Rudy who was in on the plan. I can see all three of these clowns rolling over on Trump, Stone and Bannon for sure, but the DOJ probably doesn't need them. When people start getting indicted and heading for prison a lot of these assholes will panic. Alex Jones, Bannon and a few others in treason media are nervous too, or should be, they had foreknowledge, how did they know?

This is just the beginning, there are more crimes here than can be counted and plenty of criminal blame to go around, to lot's of people. Even some congress people appear to be at risk, those who wanted pardons for attending the meeting in the WH and who took action as in furtherance of the criminal conspiracy on Jan 6th. Who among them will rat the others out? ALL of them would cut their own mother's throats to avoid prison.


Well-Known Member
Just go for the low hanging fruit, it's plenty enough to put Donald away for good. Once you have him nailed, then go for seditious conspiracy or even treason, if desired, after he is put way for the rest of his miserable existence on easily proved charges.

Trump Coup Nightmare: Case For 'Two Serious Crimes' Outlined By Top Prosecutor
21,553 views Jul 12, 2022 Damning, new evidence unveiled by the Jan. 6 committee reveals Donald Trump knew about and planned the march on the Capitol that led to the insurrection. MSNBC’s Chief Legal Correspondent Ari Melber is joined by former SDNY Chief David Kelley to discuss the significance of this new evidence and the potential charges Trump faces.


Well-Known Member

Legal Bombshell: Trump Planned March, ‘Random Riot’ Defense Crumbles
77,486 views Jul 12, 2022 Explosive new evidence reveals Donald Trump planned to lead the march to the Capitol on Jan. 6 in advance, undercutting his defense the chaos that occurred was merely a rally that got out of hand. Meanwhile, some of Trump’s own convicted supporters are now turning on the former president and speaking out against him. MSNBC’s Chief Legal Correspondent Ari Melber breaks down all the bombshell, new evidence against Trump.


Well-Known Member
Glenn should know the real reasons for the delay in justice, winning in November and saving the country from fascism is more important than Trump's ass, for now. It would be a short time between beginning an investigation and indicting him and then he would be muzzled by a judge. It would also fuck up the J6 panel investigations and they are putting the facts before the public and giving Garland plenty of political cover. All the traitors in congress have fallen silent, except for the profoundly stupid like MTG and Mitch wants trump's ass too, but it will cost him the senate, if they have to carry the big lie into the election along with Donald. Trump is not running and can be indicted the week before the election, or a week after, if they want.

As soon as Donald is indicted the judge owns his ass and will slap a gag order on him as a condition of bail or release. He will go silent and his revenge tour and big lie would die, his revenge on Georgia with Herschel is not nearly enough, he wants to humiliate Kempt and the rest too and will keep his base home to do it. If he is indicted in Georgia though, he will be muzzled there too until trial. The DOJ could spend a lot of time investigating this huge conspiracy and they haven't really even begun, but will probably charge Donald with easily proven things to insure a conviction. Garland would like to wait for Georgia to indict and try Trump first, but the heat is getting pretty intense.

J6 hearing: more evidence of Trump's crimes AND more evidence of persistent unfairness & injustice
44,193 views Jul 12, 2022 The most recent January 6 committee public hearing reinforced the number and nature of Donald Trump's crimes designed to overturn the election results and unconstitutionally retain the power of the presidency. But with testimony from Steven Ayers - one of the people Trump lied to, duped, deceived and inspired to attack the Capitol on January 6 - a deep and abiding unfairness and injustice was also on full display during the hearing. Hundreds and hundreds of Trump's supporters have been prosecuted, convicted and imprisoned, while the crimes of Donald Trump and Mark Meadows have gone entirely unaddressed. Here's why this unfairness - this disparate treatment of Americans - must be addressed by the Department of Justice. Before it's too late.
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Well-Known Member
The policy decision has been made, it's just a matter of timing now. Preventing the election of his supporters in November is the priority, because if they take control it will be game over for America.

Let's talk about the institution of the Presidency and policy decisions....
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Well-Known Member

Joe: Cheney Said Trump Isn't A Toddler — But That Doesn't Mean He Didn't Behave Like One
29,197 views Jul 13, 2022 During the 7th public hearing of January 6 committee, Liz Cheney pointed out that "Trump is 'a 76-year-old man," not "an impressionable child." Joe Scarborough and George Conway discuss these comments, and compare them to Trump's actions.


Well-Known Member

Lawrence On The ‘Unhinged’ Meeting Leading To January 6th Riot
284,709 views Jul 13, 2022 MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell explains what we learned from the seventh public hearing held by the January 6th Committee which revealed new details about an Oval Office showdown that preceded the Capitol riot.


Well-Known Member
I wonder who the witness Trump tried to call is, since they have yet to testify?
Rings hands :twisted:
I was wondering about that myself, it must be someone Trump dealt with personally and how did he get wind of it?
Did they change lawyers from his to their own?
How many are dropping or have dropped their Trump paid lawyers since the public hearings began?
Are his lawyers a party to witness intimidation and violation their lawyer client privilege for Trump?
Is it in their contracts that they have to inform him of all developments?
Or just the fact that they fired them for an obvious reason, they were not acting in their client's best interest, but in Trump's. This is unethical and probably illegal or should be, a suspect like Trump should not be allowed to pay the legal bills of witnesses.

We could hear direct testimony from someone in the room and they will name who else was present too. Trump knows them personally, he ignores the little people, they don't exist for him, they are just furniture, but this furniture can talk!


Well-Known Member

'Idiots, Whackos, Lunatics': Joe Marvels At Trump's Ability To Find Morally 'Debased' Staff
77,550 views Jul 13, 2022 Joe Scarborough, Willie Geist and Ben Collins discuss the team former President Donald Trump built around him. "It's hard finding these crackpots that were so desperate to be around a president that they were willing to overthrow the United States government," Scarborough says. "But he found them."

Herb & Suds

Well-Known Member

'Idiots, Whackos, Lunatics': Joe Marvels At Trump's Ability To Find Morally 'Debased' Staff
77,550 views Jul 13, 2022 Joe Scarborough, Willie Geist and Ben Collins discuss the team former President Donald Trump built around him. "It's hard finding these crackpots that were so desperate to be around a president that they were willing to overthrow the United States government," Scarborough says. "But he found them."
Birds of a feather…

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member