January 6th hearings on Trump's failed insurrection.

With the GOP House caucus going full bore after Hunter Biden will help the Dems in 2024. It will show that the GOP is unable to lead but just waste time and $$$$ to feed their illiterate cult followers. The average American would rather see them try to get something done constructive. Now we have Bengahzi 2.0. When Trump gets indicted his cult people will cry foul. Hopefully they put him in a cell with a few of his J6 criminals. They can have a prison love fest with their Cult leader.
Looks like Jack's people are gonna be busy with this stuff, though they probably know a lot already, but this might fill in some blanks. Meanwhile when they are chewing through that mountain, the "A" team will be nailing Donald's ass for the much simpler and easier top-secret documents and obstruction. By the time they start trying his cronies Donald will already be in prison, or the next best thing Uncle Sam can arrange. When his cronies arrive in prison over J6 Donald can show them the ropes. With the Kingpin gone for good, the only ones for Donald's cronies and minions to sell out for a deal are republican politicans in congress.

I don't think Jack is gonna stop at Donald and his cronies though, he will go for congressional conspirators too, Jack could end up giving the democrats the majority in the house by taking out a few assholes over J6, or at least make them sweat fucking bullets for 2 years, they know what they did. When they see Donald go down it will get them thinking and the more who go down when Jack gets rolling, the more they will think twice. It's not like there wasn't a lot of crime by a lot of republicans and we only know the tip of the iceberg, Jack will know much more when they start squealing for deals.

Jan. 6 Committee Will Release “All The Evidence” Before GOP Takes Control of House

Washington — Democratic Rep. Zoe Lofgren, a member of the House select committee investigating the Jan. 6, 2021, assault on the U.S. Capitol, said Sunday that the panel will release "all the evidence" it has collected over the course of its probe "within a month," before Republicans take control of the House.

In an interview with "Face the Nation," Lofgren stressed that the House select committee is conducting its own investigation and not sharing information with the Justice Department. But, with the committee set to dissolve at the end of this Congress, the California Democrat said the panel will make public all evidence it assembled along with a report of its findings.

"Within a month, the public will have everything that we've found, all the evidence. For good or ill," Lofgren told "Face the Nation." "And I think we've, as we've shown in our hearings, made a compelling presentation that the former president was at the center of the effort to overturn a duly elected election, assembled the mob, sent it over to Congress to try and interfere with the peaceful transfer of power. It's pretty shocking."

This is great news and will likely accomplish two things: First, it will lay out all of TFG’s crimes to the public, preparing one and all for his coming indictment(s). Second, it will allow Special Prosecutor Jack Smith to take the ball and run with it, so to speak. House GOPosaurs will probably shut down the Jan. 6 Committee, but with this comprehensive evidence dump, it won’t matter — their work will live on.

TFG is screwed. Please let’s arrest him ASAP.
Before the republicans take over congress, they are gonna face a shit storm. Donald's indictment over the documents and obstruction and his call to arms for the magats in congress. Then there is the coming HUGE public evidence drop, that Jack will lap up. Then while they are sitting in the new congress, many might be called before grand juries or have FBI interviews. Then there is Georgia and Donald's TV trial there with republican witnesses and Lindsey vulnerable to indictment there too. The news will be busy leading up to the holidays and Donald could have a "Jack in the box" as an early Christmas present! He might not be alone either, there are minions and lawyers involved too over the documents case, all who will squeal for deals, but they might not be required, since it's open and shut.

That's why I don't think Jack will take long indicting Donald, maybe he will wait until after the Georgia run off. The homework has been done and it is a simple cut and dried case, both for the documents and obstruction, open and shut, slam dunk. The trial should not take long, and I figure the judge will set aside a week or two for it after reviewing the evidence and the possible defenses. The verdict won't take long, and the cuffs will go on upon conviction. I hope he freaks out when they try to put the bracelets on him, and they have to wrestle the fucker to the floor thrashing and screaming. They are unlikely to be gold plated cuffs either.
I hope he freaks out when they try to put the bracelets on him, and they have to wrestle the fucker to the floor thrashing and screaming. They are unlikely to be gold plated cuffs either.
he's a fat 78 year old fuck whose only exercise is waddling around a golf course getting on and off a cart....i doubt they'll have to wrestle him to the floor...but it would be ok with me if they did it anyway.
he's a fat 78 year old fuck whose only exercise is waddling around a golf course getting on and off a cart....i doubt they'll have to wrestle him to the floor...but it would be ok with me if they did it anyway.
The judge will look him in the eye and say, you have been tried fairly and treated no differently than any other defendant before this court. That includes cuffing upon conviction, it is standard operating procedure for someone facing decades in federal prison because many do freak out upon conviction, they already know the sentence range and for Trump it will be very high over the documents and obstruction cases. You have not seen freaking out yet and once indicted the DC judge will own his ass and muzzle him, he could end up in jail before his trial.
The judge will look him in the eye and say, you have been tried fairly and treated no differently than any other defendant before this court. That includes cuffing upon conviction, it is standard operating procedure for someone facing decades in federal prison because many do freak out upon conviction, they already know the sentence range and for Trump it will be very high over the documents and obstruction cases. You have not seen freaking out yet and once indicted the DC judge will own his ass and muzzle him, he could end up in jail before his trial.
Witch hunt! Horribly partisan! Unprecedented miscarriage of justice! Weaponized judge of The Godless Left! You don’t have a country any more!!1! Donate at mylegaldefense dot com!
Witch hunt! Horribly partisan! Unprecedented miscarriage of justice! Weaponized judge of The Godless Left! You don’t have a country any more!!1! Donate at mylegaldefense dot com!
Muzzled by order of the court, present your evidence or STFU, remanded until sentencing to the DC jail, living at Mar a largo he is used to cockroaches and bedbugs, or so I have read.