Good luck everyone with paper stocks
Lol! So what, do you think today is the day that the markets crash and paper money becomes worthless because Japan's market dipped a bit? Good luck with that theory. When I wake up at noon pacific time, the us market will be fine, chicken little.
Lol! So what, do you think today is the day that the markets crash and paper money becomes worthless because Japan's market dipped a bit? Good luck with that theory. When I wake up at noon pacific time, the us market will be fine, chicken little.
7 percent in one day is outstanding. It is probably a good sign right?
Healthy markets do not sell off like that. Today isn't the day, but a foreshadow of what is to come.
Healthy markets go up and down all the time.
1200-1500 points you are lying to yourself
So when gold drops $300 an ounce, it's an unhealthy market?
Sell offs occur because of fear. No one wants to be the one last one out. But money can be made on the way down just like the way up.
Sometimes that fear is totally irrational and expectations quickly adjust. Any one event is not necessarily an indicator of anything.
Sometimes that fear is totally irrational and expectations quickly adjust. Any one event is not necessarily an indicator of anything.
You know what worries me is the Federal Reserve is using the same fiscal policies as the Japanese are.
Which is to print money and buy back bonds from the market. This is a joke.
The only reason the bond market is floating is because the Federal Reserve is buying 85 billion dollars worth of bonds a month.