Japanese Beetles


Well-Known Member
Hey RIU,
I had one of those copper coloured japanese beetles land on my Bakerstreet today. I scared it off in the process of trying to kill it. Anyone else had these? Any experience or advice would be welcome.


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Easiest way to treat them is simply picking them off and drowning them in soapy water. Thankfully they don’t touch my cannabis very much. But they’re all over my Cana and dahlias. I simply walk the garden/yard with a lil bucket of soap water and pluck them off the plants, tossing em in the water. They also sell traps you can set up, but it was thought that the pheromones from the other beetles would attract more bugs, adding to the problem. That train of thought has changed somewhat the last couple years with the horticulture and agriculture department now ok’ing the traps.
Just found out that these bastards lay their eggs in lawns, the grubs overwinter and leave big brown spots all over. If you've got those spots and they're not nutrient burn, you should seed your lawn with nematodes. They'll kill the larvae/grubs. Unfortunately mine are coming from my neighbour's yard. She's neglected it for years.